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Cell Membrane Structure and Function

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Membrane Structure and Function"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Membrane Structure and Function

2 Membrane Design fluid-mosaic model a. Fluid = pliable/easily moved
Cell Membrane Animation fluid-mosaic model a. Fluid = pliable/easily moved b. Mosaic = made of many different molecules (lipids, proteins, carbohydrates)

3 Selectively Permeable
Predict the two reasons things can’t directly go through the membrane: Size (duh) Polarity (from last unit)

4 Selectively Permeable
The cell membrane only lets certain substances in and out of the cell

5 Phosopholipid Bi-Layer
-polar heads are hydrophilic “water loving” -tails (fatty acids) are hydrophobic “water fearing” and face inward

6 Cholesterol Type of steroid (lipid) Changes fluidity of cell membrane
Higher temps – stiffens membrane Lower temps – prevents membrane from freezing

7 Proteins Recognition Proteins Receptor Proteins
Proteins that have carbohydrate chains attached Carbohydrate chains aid in cell identification “Name Tags” Example: Red Blood Cells (A, B), Identify Viruses as foreign Receptor Proteins Proteins that receive chemical signals from other cells Such as nervous system cells

8 Proteins Channel Proteins
Proteins that involved in letting certain substances in and out of cells Aquaporins- let water in and out of cells

9 Proteins Integral Peripheral
Proteins that cross both layers of the phosphoplipid bilayer Peripheral proteins that are only on the top half or bottom half of the phospholipid bilayer

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