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Resources Available from Headquarters

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1 Resources Available from Headquarters
MGA staff Cheryl Sinauskas Director Geographic Activities

2 IEEE Member & Geographic Activities
Cheryl Sinauskas, Director Geographic Activities

3 IEEE Organizational Governance
MEMBERS Assembly Board of Directors Publications, Services and Products Board Educational Activities Board Member & Geo Activities Technical Activities Standards Association Regions & Sections Societies & Tech. Councils & TCs & MSTC & NTCs IEEE-USA Chapters

4 Geographic Unit Activities
Member and Geographic Activities Member Experience Geographic Unit Activities Volunteer Experience Business Activities Membership Operations

5 development through their life cycle
MGA Mission & Vision Vision: Ensure Quality Member Opportunities Through Continuous Engagement Mission: Inspire, Enable, Empower and Engage Members of IEEE For the purpose of… ‐ Fulfilling the mission of IEEE ‐ Enhancing the member’s growth and development through their life cycle ‐ Providing a professional home

6 Key MGA Functions Member Experience and Operations
Member and membership development, member research, member product portfolio mgmt, myIEEE,, Manages the annual membership cycle and processing of renewal invoices, membership cards, grade elevations membership programs for both join and renew IEEE Support (Contact) Center Students, Young Professionals, Women in Engineering, Life Members Admission & Advancement (A&A) and Fellows process support GeoUnit Operations & Activities GeoUnit Formations – Sections, Chapters, Student Branches Volunteer Training – IEEE CLE and VoLT Volunteer Tools – vTools, eNotice, EWH, SAMIEEE Business owner for IEEE Collabratec™

7 IEEE Membership By Region
R1 to 6 – 170,436 R9 – 16,241 R8 – 68,895 TOTAL MEMBERSHIP – 379,645 Data: as of

8 Higher Grade Retention is 82%+
Have pride in our current position Our current member experience is “Good” Overall Satisfaction* Very Satisfying Products & Services IEEE Spectrum Online Publications Printed Publications Conferences IEEE Alias 90,000+ New Members a Year 65% of Members join because someone else recommended IEEE to them Higher Grade Retention is 82%+ Very satisfied, 20% Very satisfied, 21% Somewhat satisfied, 41% Somewhat satisfied, 42% Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 20% Somewhat dissatisfied, 13% Very dissatisfied, 6% Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 19% Somewhat dissatisfied, 12% Very dissatisfied, 6% Higher Grade without Graduate Students Students Including Graduate Students * 2016 Member Segmentation data

9 But our opportunity is massive
Important products where we need to improve satisfaction Professional Networking Discounts Online Career Tools Continuing Education Promoting the Profession We lose 85,000 members per year We lose 85% of new members in their first 5 years More than 40% of members find IEEE difficult to navigate and use Student retention is only 28% Satisfaction could be… Very Satisfied (60%+) Somewhat Satisfied (30%+)

10 A glimpse of our potential …
Actions What members should feel from the experience Join & Renew Easy, and makes me feel like IEEE cares about me Navigation & I can find what I need easily Discovery I can get help from a person when I need it It saves me time Using Products & Offerings are relevant to my needs Services My expectations are exceeded when I use products Benefits consistently exceed the costs IEEE makes good on their reputation for quality Attending Events I can easily find and register for events I feel welcome and part of the organization I get valuable information Getting support I can get support when & how I need it Staff/Volunteer(s) understand & exceed my needs Volunteering I can easily find valuable opportunities I get proper training & recognition 11

11 MGA Goals for Membership
Ensure Quality Member Opportunities Through Continuous Engagement Delivering an exceptional membership experience (50% or more of members rating as IEEE membership “top box” or "very satisfied") Expanding IEEE's global membership presence. Developing and supporting a positive professional development experience for volunteers who deliver the IEEE experience. (2016 Member Segmentation Study & Industry research)

12 Implementing the Strategy
Focus on increasing satisfaction for the products and services in areas most important to members Top 5 Areas with Largest Importance vs. Satisfaction Gaps: Online Professional Networking - Career Resources Discounts - Continuing Education Access to Information & Publications Leverage locally authentic strategies and experiences Explore innovative and experimental models for member engagement  Support of all IEEE is requested

13 2018 Priority Projects IEEE Collabratec Engagement and Expansion
Conferences – Membership Development Opportunities IEEE WIE – TechW (Tech powered by Women) SC17 Recommendation – Corporate Membership Young Professionals Business Plan SC17 Recommendation – STEM pre-college training Revitalizing Student Branches SC17 Recommendation – Industry/Academia/Govt/ Collaborations/Partnership

14 Sections Cover Broad Scope Locally
Member & Geographic Activities Board Geographic Unit Structure Regions Technical Activities Board Areas Areas Divisions Section Parent Committees - WIE, YPs, LMC, Consultants Network IEEE Societies & Technical Councils Affinity Groups Chapters Sub- Sections Student Branches Councils SB Chapters SB Affinity Groups

15 TIPS for IEEE Leaders ▸Lead By Example
▸Encourage Ownership of Goals that are Engagement Oriented ▸Use Projects to drive effective Engagement ▸Focus on key audiences: YP, WIE, Life Member, students, industry professionals. ▸Measure results 16

16 Section Leader – Handy Links
▸ Section Vitality Dashboard ‐ tml ▸ Section Vitality Checklist and Section Election Calendar Tool ection_vitality.html ▸ v‐Tools (Voting, e‐Notice, IEEE Webhosting ‐ wordpress etc.) ‐ ▸ MGA Website ‐ mber_and_Geographic_Activities.html ▸ MD Website ‐ ▸ Support Center ‐ ▸ Center For Leadership Excellence, CLE (Officer training, job descriptions for most volunteer positions)

17 Thank You!

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