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Dawn Of The Industrial Age

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1 Dawn Of The Industrial Age
Chapter 5.1

2 Life Changes as Industry Spreads
In the mid-1700’s the production of food and goods became easier due to complex machines. This process of Industrialization was slow at first, but eventually led to the growth of cities and the end to the rural way of life.

3 Agriculture Spurs Industry
The Industrial Revolution began with improvements in farming. Rich landowners began to enclose large farms, & purchasing the smaller farms around them. Populations in Europe soared because of food surplus and improved sanitation and medical care

4 Health Improvements Anesthetics or drugs that prevent pain during surgery were invented Antiseptics to prevent death and disease in the 1840’s.

5 Agriculture Spurs Industry Cont.
Jethro Tull invented the seed drill to aid farmers by dropping seeds in rows. Charles Townshend urged farmers to grow turnips to restore the soil. Both men were developers of new agricultural techniques.

6 New Technology Become Key
Coal powered the steam engine, which, in turn, powered everything from trains to ships. The intense heat of coal also allowed for improved iron production, which further benefited the new railway industry. They used coal to smelt iron, which made it stronger and better for railroads and steamships.

7 New Technology Become Key Cont.
James Watt- improved the steam engine. New sources of energy such as steam and coal emerge and make work more productive.

8 Telegraph Lines 1891

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