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By: Dhymond Brooks, Tasia Fuller

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1 By: Dhymond Brooks, Tasia Fuller
UNCLE TOM’S CABIN By: Dhymond Brooks, Tasia Fuller

2 The Big Question How Did Uncle Toms Cabin Affect Slavery?

3 Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe?
Best known novelist. She changed how Americans viewed slavery She wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin in 1852 She died in 1896 She was born in connecticut

4 Uncle Toms Cabin is …. A runaway best seller Has sold 10,000 copies
Published on march 20, 1852 Uncle Tom is a slave that betrayed his own race and stood with Caucasian people an anti-slavery novel

5 Original document

6 Original document The document you just saw is a diary entry from Harriet Beecher Stowe when she was writing uncle toms cabin. These are kind of her thoughts on what she was going to write about.

7 What Were There Thoughts On Uncle Tom
They thought uncle to was races The book made people think that it was written because of the civil war The book made people think negative abut the novel

8 Pictures

9 Did uncle Tom’s cabin affect slavery
Tasia I do think uncle tom affected slavery. I think that because based of the things I learned it made a really hard decision to go against his own race and stand with the white people. Dhymond I think uncle toms cabin affected slavery because I think it made blacks trust whites a little more. Also I think it helped us come together.

10 Bibliorgraphy

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