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Overview and Updates for Teachers

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1 Overview and Updates for Teachers
LEAP 360: Overview and Updates for Teachers Welcome and introduce yourself

2 Outcomes By the end of today’s session, you should be able to:
Understand the design of LEAP 360 Understand key LEAP 360 improvements for Understand A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360 Suggested time: 1 minute

3 LEAP 360 Overview

4 Louisiana’s Approach Louisiana believes access to the highest quality education allows all students, no matter their zip code, the opportunity for success. Implementing a high-quality curriculum based on rigorous standards is one of the fastest ways to give this access to all students. The curriculum must also be connected to standards-aligned assessments and professional development. Suggested time: 1 minute Say: “The department’s goal is that all students have access to high-quality curriculum based on rigorous standards and assessments that align to the standards, no matter where they live or attend school. Teachers and school leaders should have the same access to the curriculum, assessments, and professional development, again no matter where they teach. The department has created assessments to help students meet our goal.”

5 LEAP 360 There are three main purposes for classroom assessment:
Know where students are when they enter a classroom. Monitor how students are learning content over the year. Verify what students have learned. LEAP 360 pairs with LEAP 2025 to reduce overall testing time while realizing all three purposes. Suggested time: 2 minutes

6 LEAP 360 The goal of LEAP 360 is to deliver streamlined, high-quality assessments in a comprehensive system for classrooms, schools, and districts. What is the impact on teachers, principals, and districts? Teachers will have a more complete picture of student performance. Principals will identify throughout the system where additional support is needed to focus on the learning that matters most for students. Districts will reduce overall local testing while helping to monitor progress toward district goals. Suggested time: 1 minute

7 LEAP 360: Know Where They Are
To set end-of-year goals, we’ve got to start with beginning-of-year questions: What are we starting with? What have students retained from the previous year? What learning was left unfinished? Who can be pushed or challenged further? What are meaningful learning goals? In ELA and math, these answers come from a variety of places: LEAP 360 diagnostic assessments Data from previous year Cold-read task from previous grade level EAGLE test built from precursory standards found in Math Remediation Guides. Suggested time: 2 minutes

8 Diagnostics Summary (Grades 3-8 and High School)
Assessment Tool Includes Recommended Window Reporting ELA Diagnostic (Grades 3-HS) 1 reading and writing form; 3 writing forms Beginning of year/course Student, Groups, School, District, State Math Diagnostic (Grades 3-HS) 1 form (3 sessions) The diagnostic assessments are designed to: Identify the specific prerequisite skills individual students or groups of students need in order to be successful with grade level content Understand student performance on: Readily accessible and moderately complex texts in ELA Previous grade level content that is a precursor to major content in math Assist with meaningful, yet ambitious goal setting for student learning targets Suggested time: 1 minute

9 LEAP 360: Monitor What They’re Learning
To achieve end-of-year goals, we’ve got to ask throughout-the-year questions: What’s “sticking” and what’s not? What needs closer attention? How are we progressing toward goals? These answers come from a variety of places: LEAP 360 interim assessments Guidebook tasks (cold-reads, culminating writing, and extensions) Tier 1 assessments K-2 Formative tasks Aligned classroom assessments found in EAGLE Suggested time: 2 minutes

10 LEAP 360 Interim Assessments
Assessment Tool Includes Recommended Window Reporting ELA Interim Assessments for Grades 3-8, English I, and English II 2 forms in grades 3-8; 3 forms in high schools courses Based on curriculum and instructional pacing Student, Groups, School, District, State Math Interim Assessments for Grades 3-8), Algebra I, and Geometry The interim assessments are designed to allow districts, schools, and teachers to: Use results to make smart instructional decisions to improve student learning Analyze student data to identify student-specific and classwide patterns in learning and misconceptions Adjust instruction and target support for students in need Gauge progress toward end-of-year goals Suggested time: 1 minute

11 EAGLE 2.0 (ELA, Math, SS, and Sci)
K-2 Tasks and EAGLE Assessment Tool Includes Recommended Window Reporting K-2 Tasks (ELA and Math) 32 tasks (16 ELA, 16 math) Throughout year N/A EAGLE 2.0 (ELA, Math, SS, and Sci) over 5,500 items Performance, Test Session The formative assessment tools (EAGLE 2.0 and the K-2 Formative Tasks): Provide quality questions/tasks that target individual skills or texts Integrate with tasks from teachers’ curriculum Aid and enhance student learning while allowing teachers to make timely interventions to adjust instruction throughout the year Suggested time: 1 minute

12 LEAP 360: Verify What They Know
To verify end-of-year goals, we’ve got to ask end-of-year questions: What can I confirm about learning? What worked? What didn’t? Did we reach our goals? These answers can come from a few different places: LEAP 2025 summative assessments End-of-module or unit tests built in EAGLE Cold-read tasks and culminating writing tasks Suggested time: 2 minutes

13 LEAP 360 Improvements During the first year of LEAP 360 implementation, feedback was collected from focus groups, site visits, district and school leaders, and teachers. Feedback was categorized into five focus areas: Data Management Educator Scoring Reporting Content EAGLE Suggested time: 1 minute

14 LEAP 360 Improvements Data Management
Beginning in , student data will be uploaded directly to eDIRECT from eScholar. Districts will use existing procedures to upload files to eScholar. Student data will then be uploaded to eDIRECT. New students and student transfers will be managed through eScholar. Student updates should be made in the district’s Student Information System and the data uploaded to eScholar. Updates to eScholar data will be refreshed in eDIRECT nightly. Accommodations uploaded by districts to SIS and SER will be uploaded with student data to eDIRECT.

15 LEAP 360 Improvements Student Group Upload
Data Management Student Group Upload Flexible groupings of teachers-to-students called “student groups” can be created in batches. Allows test results for students to be reported together. Teacher/Test Administrator Upload For LEAP 360, teachers/test administrators can be uploaded using the Test Administrator Upload file. Allows teachers to be tied to test sessions and student groups similar to LEAP 2025. Test Session Creation Schools and school systems can still manually create test sessions in eDIRECT or use the Test Session Upload file. The format of this file is unchanged for Teachers and test sessions can be linked in eDIRECT during test session creation. Copying Test Sessions will allow users to create Interim sessions from existing Diagnostic sessions.

16 LEAP 360 Improvements Educator Scoring
On the Educator Scoring page, teachers can select to only view items that need scoring. Suggested time: 2 minutes -Users will be able to reset previously scored items at the Test Session or individual Student level. -Multiple items can be reset at a single time. -Use with caution. Previous scores will be permanently removed once reset. -Reports will not regenerate until after new scores are submitted, and may take up to 24 hours for reports to reflect new scores. -Reset activity will be available for DTC viewing.

17 LEAP 360 Improvements Educator Scoring
Student responses can be printed in one batch with student names Suggested time: 2 minutes -Users will be able to reset previously scored items at the Test Session or individual Student level. -Multiple items can be reset at a single time. -Use with caution. Previous scores will be permanently removed once reset. -Reports will not regenerate until after new scores are submitted, and may take up to 24 hours for reports to reflect new scores. -Reset activity will be available for DTC viewing.

18 LEAP 360 Improvements Educator Scoring
Item scores can be reset by the test session or by the individual student. Suggested time: 2 minutes -Users will be able to reset previously scored items at the Test Session or individual Student level. -Multiple items can be reset at a single time. -Use with caution. Previous scores will be permanently removed once reset. -Reports will not regenerate until after new scores are submitted, and may take up to 24 hours for reports to reflect new scores. -Reset activity will be available for DTC viewing.

19 LEAP 360 Improvements Educator Scoring: Teacher Study Guides
Teacher Study Guides were created for Diagnostics/Interims that include answer keys, scoring guides, and copies of the assessments. Teacher Study Guides can be found in eDIRECT in General Information under Documents; select the Diagnostic/Interim administration and the Teacher Study Guides document type. Suggested time: 2 minutes -Users will be able to reset previously scored items at the Test Session or individual Student level. -Multiple items can be reset at a single time. -Use with caution. Previous scores will be permanently removed once reset. -Reports will not regenerate until after new scores are submitted, and may take up to 24 hours for reports to reflect new scores. -Reset activity will be available for DTC viewing.

20 LEAP 360 Improvements Reporting
Improvements to existing reports: Reports will have teacher name, standards for math, ELA text complexity, points earned by student, and highlights for items where full and partial credit were earned.

21 LEAP 360 Improvements Reporting: New Test Session List Report
Provides comparisons between school and test session averages

22 LEAP 360 Improvements EAGLE
Additional items will be added throughout the year Updated list of available items will be available in A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360 Student responses will be accessible Suggested time: 2 minutes

23 LEAP 360 Improvements Content: Diagnostic ELA Forms
Reading and Writing combined into 1A, 1B, and 1C. Writing will also be separate forms labeled 2A, 2B, and 2C.

24 LEAP 360 Improvements Math Interim Forms
Math Grades 6 and 7 will have alternate pathways. Subject Grade Alternative Sequence Eureka Sequence Math Form 1 Grade 6 Form 1A Form 1B Math Form 2 Form 2A Form 2B Grade 7 Suggested time: 2 minutes

25 Parent Guide to LEAP 360 A Parent Guide to LEAP 360 answers the following for parents: What is LEAP 360? How can I view and use my child’s LEAP 360 results? What questions can I ask my child’s teacher when discussing LEAP 360 results? Where can I go for more information? Suggested time: 1 minute

26 LEAP 360 Improvements: Report Schedule
For the year, all LEAP 360 reports will refresh nightly once posted. For items that are educator scored, all reports will include scored content within 24 hours. Diagnostic Report Type Diagnostic Report Posted Dates Student Response Map, Test Session Response Map, Data FIle Initial Post: August 2, 2018 Additional Posts: Within 24 hours of test completion or scoring Student Summary Report Additional Posts: Within 24 hours of scoring Test Session Summary Report, Test Session Roster Report Initial Post: August 29, 2018 School Summary Report Additional Posts: Within 24 hours of test scoring School List Report, School System List Report Initial Post: October 1, 2018

27 LEAP 360 Improvements: Report Schedule
For the year, all LEAP 360 reports will refresh within 24 hours once posted. For items that are educator scored, all reports will include scored content within 24 hours. Interim Report Type Interim Report Posted Dates Student Response Map, Test Session Response Map, District Data File Tentative Initial Post: October 23, 2018 Additional Posts: Within 24 hours of test completion or scoring Student Summary Report Additional Posts: Within 24 hours of test scoring Test Session Summary Report, School Summary Report, School List Report, School System List Report Initial Post: TBD Test Session Roster Report

28 Full Length Webinars Full length webinars are designed for training district and school staff on high level LEAP 360 topics. Title Audience Overview of LEAP 360 District, School, Teacher District’s Guide: Overview District, School Diagnostics Interims Eagle 2.0 K-2 Formative Tasks Teacher’s Guide: LEAP 360 in the Classroom Teacher’s Guide: LEAP 360 Instructional Planning Teacher’s Guide: Making Meaning of Results Teacher’s Guide: Assessment Design

29 eDIRECT/LEAP 360 Mini Trainings
Mini trainings are designed to be short tutorials on tasks within eDIRECT. Matching one pagers will be linked to each mini training. Title Resources Audience Accessing the eDIRECT Dashboard Presentation/Webinar District, School, Teacher Managing Users District, School Managing Test Administrators Managing Students/Accommodations Managing Student Groups Coming Soon Managing Test Sessions Printing Test Tickets/Viewing Test Status Unlocking Test Tickets

30 eDIRECT/LEAP 360 Mini Trainings
Title Resources Audience Navigating Student Response Lookup Coming Soon District, School, Teacher Completing Educator Scoring Presentation/Webinar Accessing Reports EAGLE 2.0: Accessing EAGLE EAGLE 2.0: Creating a Test EAGLE 2.0: Test Session/Test Status/Tickets EAGLE 2.0: Completing Educator Scoring EAGLE 2.0: Viewing Reports K-2 Formative Tasks: Accessing K-2 Formative Tasks

31 A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360

32 What is A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360?
A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360 serves as a support tool for teachers to use when implementing the components of LEAP 360. A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360 provides information on goal setting, reporting, instructional planning, and assessment design. A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360 is located on the LEAP 360 and Assessment Library pages. Suggested time: 2 minutes

33 What is A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360?
A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360 serves as a support tool for teachers to use when implementing the components of LEAP 360. A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360 provides information on goal setting, reporting, instructional planning, and assessment design. A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360 is located on the LEAP 360 and Assessment Library pages. Suggested time: 2 minutes

34 Structure of A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360
A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360 is structured into the following sections: LEAP 360: In the Classroom LEAP 360: Making Meaning LEAP 360 and Instructional Planning LEAP 360: Assessment Design Additional Resources Appendix Diagnostic Assessment Teacher Access Links, User Names, and Passwords Interim Assessment Teacher Access Links, User Names, and Passwords LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Calculator Policy LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Reference Sheets EAGLE ELA Passage and Item Information EAGLE Social Studies Passage and Item Information EAGLE Science Passage and Item Information Eagle Math Item Information Suggested time: 2 minutes

35 LEAP 360: In the Classroom LEAP 360 Overview
Diagnostic Assessments Interim Assessments EAGLE and K-2 Formative Task When Beginning of the year or start of a course 2-3 major checkpoints during the year after large periods of instruction Embedded throughout the year based on smaller units of instruction What Assessments that pinpoint existing strengths and weaknesses of students entering their classrooms. In math, items assess students’ mastery of prerequisite standards for the major work of the course, and in ELA items have been developed using readily accessible and moderately complex texts. Assessments to help educators identify students’ misconceptions and learning patterns to adjust instruction and target support. Items assess specific chunks of curricular content and should be given only after instruction on that content has occurred. They are not “mini-summatives” or isolated test prep materials. High-quality items and pre-made assessments designed to be woven into the day-to-day practices of classroom instruction Where eDIRECT Who Students in grades 3-8 (ELA and math), English I, English II, Algebra I, and Geometry Students in grades K-12 in ELA, math, science, and social studies Suggested time: 3 minutes

36 LEAP 360: In the Classroom LEAP 360 and Goal Setting Practices
LEAP 360 provides teachers with connected assessments designed to give meaningful information about student performance throughout the year. These assessments are aligned to both the Louisiana Student Standards and ot the approach of LEAP This has powerful implications for goal setting. Suggested time: 3 minutes

37 LEAP 360: Making Meaning Zeroing in on Results
LEAP 360’s reports are designed to help teachers make actionable meaning out of student performance appropriately and efficiently. When viewed as a full suite, these reports take teachers through a process of thoughtful analysis and reflection that can lead to critical planning and adjustments. Test Session Summary Reports should be used to get a quick overview of student performance in a test session. Test Session Response Maps should be used to make decisions about pacing for the coming year based on identifying strengths and weaknesses. Individual Summary Reports should be used to understand an individual student’s overall performance. Student Response Maps should be used to dig deeper for specific students or groups of students who will need targeted instructional support either throughout the school year or with specific parts of the curriculum. Suggested time: 2 minutes

38 LEAP 360: Making Meaning Zeroing in on Results
Diagnostic Reports What does the data say about my current students’ readiness for their grade level? What patterns am I seeing in my students’ data that I can use to inform my instruction? What targeted instruction will I need to provide individual students or my class overall given these results? What impact does this data have on my student learning goals for this year? Interim Reports Suggested time: 2 minutes

39 LEAP 360 and Instructional Planning
Using LEAP 360 in the English Language Arts Classroom English Language Arts Guidebooks 2.0 units include instruction in the study and analysis of complex, grade-level texts. This approach extends into the LEAP 360 assessments as well. However, the results from these assessments are only valuable if they are incorporated into instructional pacing and planning. Suggested time: 1 minute LEAP 360 fits into this cycle in a couple of ways. It may be used to identify the gaps between student performance and the standards, or it may be used after interventions have occurred to measure growth. In this way, LEAP 360 pairs well with Guidebook assessments and lessons, giving teachers the opportunity to incorporate it into the rhythm of their classroom and curriculum.

40 LEAP 360 and Instructional Planning
Using LEAP 360 in the Mathematics Classroom LEAP 360 assessments provide teachers and learners with high-quality assessments of these standards through an approach that mirrors that of the LEAP 2025 statewide summative tests. However, like in English language arts, the results from these assessments are only valuable if they are incorporated into instructional pacing, planning, and, in the case of math, remediation. Suggested time: 1 minute LEAP 360 assessments align to the approach of LEAP 2025 Summative Assessments, but in smaller chunks of learning. When students do not perform well on portions of an interim assessment, the Remediation Guides can serve as a valuable tool to pinpoint previous grade-level standards to target with individual students or in small groups.

41 LEAP 360 and Instructional Planning
Using the K-2 Formative Assessments Suggested time: 1 minute

42 LEAP 360 and Instructional Planning Using EAGLE 2.0
Suggested time: 1 minute

43 LEAP 360: Assessment Design
In this section, descriptions of the design of each LEAP 360 assessment is provided by content area. These guides include information about the number of sessions, suggested times, assessable content, and several other topics: The specific guides are as follows: Diagnostic Assessment Guide for English Language Arts Interim Assessment Guide for English Language Arts Diagnostic Assessment Guide for Mathematics Interim Assessment Guide for Mathematics Suggested time: 1 minute

44 English Language Arts: LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Guide
This section includes information about the following: LEAP 360 Diagnostic Quick Start Guide, LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Teacher Access, ELA Diagnostic Assessment design, ELA Diagnostic item types, and ELA Diagnostic Reporting Categories. Suggested time: 1 minute

45 English Language Arts: LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Guide
LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Structure: Grades 3-8, English I, and English II Forms 1A, 1B, and 1C** Grade/ Course Sessions Number of Passages Focus Points per Item Type Total Points Suggested Time* Content Assessed MC EBSR PCR 5 Session 1 2 MOD lit 1 RA info 10 18 28 40 minutes RI.4.1-6, 8-9; RL.4.1-6; W.4.1-3; L.4.1 Session 2 3 1 pair: RA lit/MOD info 1 RA lit 11 20 31 Session 3: Option A 1 Expository 40-45 minutes Writing standards W.1, 4, 7–8, 10; language conventions standards L.1–2, plus language skills from previous grades Session 3: Option B Opinion 45 minutes Writing standards W.2, 4, 7–8, 10; language conventions standards L.1–2, plus language skills from previous grades Session 3: Option C Narrative Writing standards W.3, 4, 7–8, 10; language conventions standards L.1–2, plus language skills from previous grades Total Points: 69 Suggested time: 30 seconds This is an example of a table. Tables for all diagnostics can be found in A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360.

46 English Language Arts: LEAP 360 Interim Assessment Guide
This section includes information about the following: LEAP 360 Interim Assessment Quick Start Guide LEAP 360 Interim Assessment Teacher Access link, ELA Interim Assessment design, ELA Interim item types, and ELA Interim Reporting Categories. Suggested time: 1 minute

47 English Language Arts: LEAP 360 Interim Assessment Guide
LEAP 360 Interim Assessment Structure Grades 3-8 Interim 1A and 1B* Form Session Number of Passages Focus Number/ Type of Items Total Points Suggested Time* Assessable ELA Student Standards (by subclaim) 1A 1 2 Modified Research Task 5 SR and 1 PCR 25 (grade 3) 29 (grades 4-8) minutes RI standards 1-3, 5-10; Vocabulary (RV) standards: RI.4, L.4, and L.5; Writing standards W.1 or 2, 4, 7-9; Conventions L.1 and L.2 Reading Literary Texts 5 SR 10 20-30 minutes RL standards 1-3, 5-10 and Vocabulary (RV) standards RL.4, L.4, and L.5 3 Reading Literary and Informational Texts 6 SR 12 RL and RI standards 1-3, 5-10 and Vocabulary (RV) standards RI/RL.4, L.4, and L.5 Suggested time: 30 seconds This is an example of a table. Tables for all interims can be found in A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360.

48 Mathematics: LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Guide
This section includes information about the following: LEAP 360 Diagnostic Quick Start Guide, LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Teacher Access, Math Diagnostic Assessment design, Math Diagnostic item types, Math Diagnostic Reporting Categories, and Test Materials for Math Diagnostic Assessments. Suggested time: 1 minute

49 Mathematics: LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Guide
LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Design Grades 3-8, Algebra I and Geometry Grade Session Points per Task Type Total Points Suggested Time* Assessed Prerequisite Content Type I Type II Type III 3 1 16 25 minutes 2.OA.A.1, 2.OA.C.3, 2.OA.C.4, 2.NBT.A.1, 2.NBT.A.2, 2.NBT.A.4, 2.NBT.B.7, 2.NBT.B.8, 2.MD.A.2, 2.MD.B., 2.G.A.3 2 13 4 17 30 minutes (No calculator.) Total Points Suggested time: 30 seconds This is an example of a table. Tables for all diagnostics can be found in A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360. The assessment structure for each diagnostic assessment is available in A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360.

50 Mathematics: LEAP 360 Interim Assessment Guide
This section includes information about the following: LEAP 360 Interim Assessment Quick Start Guide LEAP 360 Interim Assessment Teacher Access link, Math Interim Assessment design, Math Interim item types, and Math Interim Reporting Categories. Suggested time: 1 minute

51 Mathematics: LEAP 360 Interim Assessment Guide
Grade 3 Interim Assessments Designs Reporting Category Form 1 Form 2 One Session Assessable Content Session 1 Session 2 Tasks Points Major Content 18 20 3.OA.A.1, 3.OA.A.2, 3.OA.A.3, 3.OA.A.4, 3.OA.B.6, 3.OA.C.7, 3.OA.D.8, 3.MD.A.1, 3.MD.A.2, LEAP.I.3.2, LEAP.I.3.3, LEAP.I.3.4 10 11 3.NF.A.1, 3.NF.A.2, 3.NF.A.3, 3.MD.C.5, 3.MD.C.6, 3.MD.C.7, LEAP.I.3.1 Additional & Supporting Content 3 4 3.NBT.A.2, 3.NBT.A.3 1 2 3.G.A.2 Expressing Mathematical Reasoning LEAP.II.3.1, LEAP.II.3.2, LEAP.II.3.5, LEAP. II.3.6, LEAP.II.3.8 LEAP.II.3.1, LEAP. II.3.3, LEAP.II.3.4, LEAP.II.3.5, LEAP.II.3.7, LEAP.II.3.8 Modeling & Application LEAP.III.3.1 TOTALS 23 30 12 16 15 Suggested Time* 70 minutes 35 minutes Suggested time: 30 seconds This is an example of a table. Tables for all interims can be found in A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360. Assessable Content indicates content eligible for assessment. Not all assessable content will be assessed in the interim assessments.

52 Appendix Diagnostic Assessment Teacher Access
Suggested time: 30 seconds

53 Appendix Interim Assessment Teacher Access
Suggested time: 30 seconds

54 Appendix LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Calculator Policy
Grades 3-6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Algebra I Geometry Suggested time: 30 seconds

55 Appendix LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Reference Sheets
Suggested time: 30 seconds

56 Appendix EAGLE Passage and Item Information
Suggested time: 2 minutes

57 When do I use A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360?
When I have a question about LEAP 360 When I need more information about a component of LEAP 360 When I want to know about the types of items available in LEAP 360 When I want to know more about LEAP 360 reports When I want to know more about the format of a Diagnostic Assessment When I want to know more about the format of an Interim Assessment When I want to know what type of calculator my students should use for a diagnostic assessment When I want to find a passage set in EAGLE Suggested time: 2 minutes

58 Support

59 Resources LEAP 360 webpage A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360
A District’s Guide to LEAP 360 LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Quick Start Guide LEAP 360 Interim Assessment Quick Start Guide Louisiana Student Standards in ELA ELA Guidebooks, 2.0 Teacher Support Toolbox Library Online Tools Training (OTT) Accessibility Features and Accommodations Overview LDOE Remediation Guides LEAP 2025 Equation Builders K-12 Louisiana Student Standards for Math K-12 LSSM Alignment to Rigor Teacher Study Guides (available in eDIRECT) Webinars and Mini-trainings available on the LEAP 360 page Suggested time: 1 minute

60 Closing Thoughts: Key Takeaways
LEAP 360 assessments are important tools in educators’ toolboxes that serve a variety of purposes. The primary intention of LEAP 360 is to give educators access to rich, high-quality assessments that streamline assessment. You should: take the Diagnostic through the Teacher Access or Teacher Study Guide review K-2 formative tasks and EAGLE 2.0 items to determine where/when to integrate them into your instruction plan with your team time to complete educator scoring collaboratively throughout the year Please contact with any LEAP 360 questions or suggestions throughout the school year. Suggested time: 1 minute

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