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Origins of American Slavery

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1 Origins of American Slavery
From Indentured Servitude to Inherited Permanent Status of Slavery

2 Origins of Laborers in Colonies: Indentured Servants
– Majority were indentured servants Mostly young, single, and male. What race were most indentured servants? Trade in indentured servants peaked about , but lasted until the 1770s.

3 An indentiture: A Contract Paragraph #1
Richard Lowther of Broome in the Parish of South well [i.e., Southill] in the County of Bedford brewer of the one party and Edward Hurd Citizen and Iron monger of London of the other party witnesses that the said Richard Lowther has hired himself and is become and by this presents does agree and bind himself to remain and Continue the agreement between he and Edward Hurd or his family.

4 Questions for Paragraph #1
Who is the master? Who is the servant?

5 An indentiture: A Contract Paragraph #2
During the space of Four years Richard Lowther shall and will truly employ and cnd [sic] endeavour himself to the utmost of his power knowledge and skill to do and perform true and faithful service for the said Edward Hurd or his family. Concerning all such Labor and business as he or they shall think good to use and employ him the said Richard Lowther

6 Questions for Paragraph #2
How long is the term of service? Who is the servant bound to? What tasks is the servant expected to perform?

7 An indentiture: A Contract Paragraph #3
Shall and will be faithful and obedient as a good servant ought to be in all such things as shall be Commanded him by the said Edward Hurd or his family.

8 Questions for Paragraph #3
What is this paragraph saying? Why is it in the contract?

9 An indentiture: A Contract Paragraph #4
Edward Hurd do promise and grant to and with the said Richard Lowther his heirs by this presents that he the said Edward Hurd ( at his and their own expense) not only transport and furnish out the said Richard Lowther to Virginia aforesaid and there find provide and allow him sufficient meat, drink, apparel and other necessaries for his livelihood and maintenance during the said term

10 An indentiture: A Contract Paragraph #5
At the expiration of the term shall and will grant and give Richard Lowther the quantity of Fifty acres of Land in Virginia to him and his family. Assigns this land forever to Richard Lowther and his family unless they break a law or contract.    

11 Questions for Paragraphs #4/#5
What will the servant get? What happenes if Richard Lowther dies? Who does his land go to?

12 Early Africans and Indentiture
Most were first indentured servants and got their independence after 4-8 years as whites did. In the mid 1600s this began to change as Africans began to be seen as “different” and the “outsider.”

13 The Terrible Transformation View the PBS film “Africans in America”
Your task: Watch the film Answer the questions that follow.

14 How did white southerns handle the issue of ‘escapees’?

15 Why did indentured servants (mostly white) become a concern to the leadership of the South?

16 What were the major steps taken by leadership in the colonies and England that led to racial slavery?

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