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Foundation Phase Y Cyfnod Sylfaen

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1 Foundation Phase Y Cyfnod Sylfaen
By Joanne Ellison

2 Introduction Cyflwyniad
The Foundation Phase in Wales was piloted in in schools and by September 2011 all schools from nursery to year two had implemented the Foundation Phase, for children between 3 and 7 years of age. Mae'r Cyfnod Sylfaen yng Nghymru ei dreialu yn 2006 mewn ysgolion ac erbyn Medi pob ysgol o'r meithrin i flwyddyn dau wedi gweithredu'r Cyfnod Sylfaen, ar gyfer plant rhwng 3 a 7 oed

3 England Nghymru In England it is called the Foundation Stage and is only for children between the ages of three to five years old. Most text books only talk about this. There are only six areas in England. Yn Lloegr, gelwir y Cyfnod Sylfaen a dim ond ar gyfer plant rhwng 3-5 mlwydd oed. Rhan fwyaf o lyfrau testun yn unig siarad am hyn. Dim ond chwe ardal yng Nghymru

4 The seven areas Y saith maes
There are seven areas of the Foundation Phase Language Literacy & Communication Development Mathematics Development Knowledge & Understanding of the World Welsh Language Development Creative Development Physical Development (fine & gross motor skills) PSD (personal social development) Well-being & cultural diversity The outside classroom and ICT should be holistic across all areas

5 Language, literacy & Communication Laith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu
Skills develop through talking signing/communicating and listening Retelling experiences feelings and thoughts Opportunities to use ICT, books and different reading materials Enjoy mark making Other languages are spoken

6 Mathematical Development Datblygiad Mathemategol
Understand mathematics through oral, practical and play activities Applying mathematics in real life problems Limited work sheets should be used but developing mathematics through talking and practically activities instead Investigating problems

7 Knowledge & Understanding of the World Gwybodaeth a Dealltwriaeth o'r Byd
Children should experience the familiar world, investigating in both the indoor and outdoor environment. Increase their curiosity about past events Understand people, places living things using all their senses Learn through experimentation and their own ideas

8 Welsh language Development Datblygiad yr iaith Gymraeg
Welsh Language should be progressively developed throughout the Foundation Phase Children should have use incidental Welsh Be exposed to the Welsh culture by different medium e.g. ICT interactive software, books, audio- visual material Welsh-medium schools support children in becoming bilingual in both English and Welsh

9 Creative Development Datblygiad Creadigol
Develop the children's imagination and creative across the curriculum Explore a wide range of stimuli to express their ideas Natural curiosity and sensory experience Expressive activity through art, craft, music, dance, movement and drama

10 Physical development Datblygiad corfforol
Helping them use their bodies effectively and confidently Understand spatial awareness Balance, control and coordination Fine motor skills development through small world equipment Manipulative skills Importance of diet, rest sleep and exercise

11 Personal , Social, Welling & Cultural Diversity Amrywiaeth Personol, Cymdeithasol, Welling a Diwylliannol PSD is at the heart of the Foundation Phase. Children learn about themselves They develop their self esteem Their personal beliefs and moral values Positive attitude Independent thinkers Celebrating different cultures Self help skills

12 Activity Gweithgaredd
In groups break down an activity into the seven areas of the Foundation Phase. e.g. Home Corner Cooking Going on an Autumn walk Playing Hopscotch

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