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2 STARTING POINT IES Las Banderas is a Bilingual school belonging to the ICT schools net in Andalucía. This ICT project implies the use of ICT resources in our daily labour and takes advantage of them in our lessons. It encourages student cooperation and the learning process is more active. Students can get a fast feedback and it emphasizes time on task. And one of the most important aspects is that it respects the diverse talents and ways of learning.

3 DIGITAL BOARDS We have got digital boards in our classrooms.
Teachers use the whiteboards as a way to project their lessons. We use digital books, provided by the editorials but we usually create our own materials (didactic units, presentations…) .

4 DIGITAL BOARDS Students use them to make oral presentations of their projects. In this way they reinforce their speaking skill. It’s very positive because they know that their projects are going to be seen by their partners and they do their best

5 We usually give our students homework through and they send it back to us by mail too. It’s a new concept.They are used to this new way of communication and interaction with their teachers.

6 GOOGLE DRIVE We encourage our students to use it. For example, they create their own files in Drive where they can store all their projects of every subject. In this way they realize the concept of the ‘cloud’. They can also revise their projects and see their improvement. All the teachers at our school share information through Google Drive: information about students, activities, ....

7 TABLETS Since last year, all the teachers use a tablet ( given by the school) to facilitate the use of the Seneca Portal: it’s a virtual portal made by the Junta de Andalucía and in it we can find all the data of our students.

8 E-PORTFOLIO From the conviction that language students must take responsibility for their own learning and be as active as possible in setting objectives and working to achieve them, they build an E-Portfolio using Drive where they store all their projects. In this way they can see their improvement in the acquisition of the second language.

9 ICT ROOMS We’ve got 3 ICT rooms where students use to go at least once a week in every subject to work with computers, using different resources . They use Internet to look for information, and prepare their projects and presentations with the help of the teacher.

10 CLIL It’s the methodology we use through which we try to integrate content and language learning. With this methodology every teacher in their subject (Maths, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Art, P.E...) explains the contents of the subject in the second language (English). The students are getting a double information: the contents of the subject itself and at the same time they are using the L2 so they improve in the use of the the second language. Each teacher creates its own material using this methodology.

11 BLOGS We have two blogs in our school:

12 OTHER TOOLS Teachers use different resources to
make our work more dynamic and attractive to students and try to update with the new technologies. We usually use different applications such as: Prezi, Powtoon, Zoho Creations, Discuto, Symbaloo….

13 COOPERATIVE LEARNING It consists on a classroom organization where students work in groups or teams to help each other learn. They also make use of ICT tools such as computers to seek for the information required by the teacher. It reinforces student’s autonomy and self-confidence and they work their social competence.

14 HALL EXPOSITIONS It’s very important for us to show our students’ work. For that reason we take their works out of the classroom and use them as an important material to organize expositions in the hall. All the Educative Community (teachers, parents, staff…) can see and enjoy with them. Of course,we also make use of the ICT in this section as these expositions are supported by two screens we’ve got in the hall, which are used to present information relative to the main topic of the exposition (European Languages Day, Halloween, Christmas, Peace Day, Women’s Day….)

15 TO SUM UP... Society and its habits have changed and consequently education has also changed. If the main goal of a teacher is to be able to attract the students’ attention, in this new era this is only possible with the introduction of ICT tools in the classroom. Now the challenge is to use them with CREATIVITY and INNOVATION.


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