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Pastoral Peoples, Migrations, and Trade Routes

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Presentation on theme: "Pastoral Peoples, Migrations, and Trade Routes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pastoral Peoples, Migrations, and Trade Routes
How Do Ideas Spread? Pastoral Peoples, Migrations, and Trade Routes

2 I. Pastoral Peoples / Nomads
Nomads and settled peoples Pastoral people / Nomads Overland Routes Example: Silk ROUTES Provided


4 I. Pastoral Peoples / Nomads
Inventions Example: Paper

5 Pastoral Peoples / Nomads


7 Pastoral Peoples / Nomads
Food Diseases Late Han Dynasty Plague 162 CE Antonine Plague in Rome (165 – 180 CE) Environment

8 Partner Discussion Question
Identify the role that Nomadic/Pastoral people might have played in the development of civilization.

9 Pastoral Peoples / Nomads
Nomadic Peoples and History

10 Migrations Bantu Migrations (800 BCE – 1000 CE) Bantus Migration

11 Migrations How did it occur? 2 Possibilities Impacts of Migration

12 Migrations Polynesian Migrations (1500 BCE to 1000 CE)
Maritime migrations Transplanted Foods and Domesticated Animals

13 Partner Discussion Question
Explain how the migration of people helped to spread ideas, religions, goods, culture, etc.

14 Trade Routes Silk ROUTES – why plural??? China to Mediterranean
China to India Other trade routes Specialized Merchants Caravans


16 Trade Routes Trans-Saharan Trade Routes (800 – 1500) ***Routes existed prior to 800 but this is the period when the trade was most important*** Involved trade of Gold for Salt in sub-Saharan Africa Camels Impact Kingdom of Ghana Mali Empire Songhai Empire



19 Trade Routes Indian Ocean Trading System (100 – 1600) ***1600 – Introduction of European dominance*** Three distinct regions of trade South China Sea East India / South East Asia West India / East Africa / Persian Gulf


21 Trade Routes Impact Diffusion Compared to Silk Road

22 Small Group Discussion Question
Which trade route do you think would have been the most difficult to travel upon. Why? Give specific reasons for you answers.

23 Trade Routes Diffusion of Ideas, Religions, and Technology
Buddhism and Islam Central Asia East Asia South East Asia Africa





28 II. Ideas, Religions and Technology
Artistic motifs Hellenistic World

29 Hellenistic Architecture in N. Africa

30 Closure Activity How do the three images to the right illustrate cross-cultural interaction?

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