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Professor Ronald L. Carter

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1 Professor Ronald L. Carter
Semiconductor Device Modeling and Characterization EE5342, Lecture 12 -Sp 2002 Professor Ronald L. Carter L12 21Feb02

2 Bipolar junction transistor (BJT)
E B C VEB VCB Charge neutral Region Depletion Region The BJT is a “Si sandwich” Pnp (P=p+,p=p-) or Npn (N=n+, n=n-) BJT action: npn Forward Active when VBE > 0 and VBC < 0 L12 21Feb02

3 BJT coordinate systems
z x”c x” WB WB+WC -WE xB x x’E x’ Charge neutral Region Depletion Region Base Collector Emitter L12 21Feb02

4 BJT boundary and injection cond (npn)
L12 21Feb02

5 BJT boundary and injection cond (npn)
L12 21Feb02

6 IC npn BJT (*Fig 9.2a) L12 21Feb02

7 npn BJT bands in FA region
q(VbiE-VBE ) q(VbiC-VBC ) qVBE qVBC injection high field L12 21Feb02

8 Coordinate system - prototype npn BJT (Fig 9.8*)
L12 21Feb02

9 Notation for npn & pnp BJTs
NE, NB, NC E, B, and C doping (maj) xE, xB, xC E, B, and C CNR widths DE, DB, DC Dminority for E, B, and C LE, LB, LC Lminority for E, B, and C (L2min = Dmin tmin) tE0, tB0, tC0 minority carrier life- times for E, B, and C regions L12 21Feb02

10 Notation for npn BJTs only
pEO, nBO, pCO: E, B, and C thermal equilibrium minority carrier conc pE(x’), nB(x), pC(x’’): positional mathe- matical function for the E, B, and C total minority carrier concentrations dpE(x’), dnB(x), dpC(x’’): positional ma- thematical function for the excess minority carriers in the E, B, and C L12 21Feb02

11 Notation for pnp BJTs only
nEO, pBO, nCO: E, B, and C thermal equilibrium minority carrier conc nE(x’), pB(x), nC (x’’): positional mathe- matical function for the E, B, and C total minority carrier concentrations dnE(x’), dpB(x), dnC(x’’): positional ma- thematical function for the excess minority carriers in the E, B, and C L12 21Feb02

12 npn BJT boundary conditions
L12 21Feb02

13 Emitter solution in npn BJT
L12 21Feb02

14 Base solution in npn BJT
L12 21Feb02

15 Collector solution in npn BJT
L12 21Feb02

16 Hyperbolic sine function
L12 21Feb02

17 npn BJT regions of operation
VBC Reverse Active Saturation VBE Forward Active Cutoff L12 21Feb02

18 npn FA BJT minority carrier distribution (Fig 9.4*)
L12 21Feb02

19 npn RA BJT minority carrier distribution (Fig 9.11a*)
L12 21Feb02

20 npn cutoff BJT min carrier distribution (Fig 9.10a*)
L12 21Feb02

21 npn sat BJT minority carrier distribution (Fig 9.10b*)
L12 21Feb02

22 Defining currents in FA mode npn BJT (Fig 9.13*)
L12 21Feb02

23 npn BJT currents (F A region, ©RLC)

24 npn BJT topology x x’ p-Base n-Collector N-Emitter z WB WB+WC -WE x”c
Charge Neutral Region Depletion Region x x’ p-Base n-Collector N-Emitter z WB WB+WC -WE x”c x” xB x’E IE IC IB L12 21Feb02

25 E current equations in FA mode npn BJT
L12 21Feb02

26 C current equations in FA mode npn BJT
L12 21Feb02

27 FA npn figure of merit emitter eff
L12 21Feb02

28 FA npn figure of merit base transp
L12 21Feb02

29 FA npn figure of merit recomb fact
L12 21Feb02

30 E current equations in FA mode npn BJT
L12 21Feb02

31 C current equations in FA mode npn BJT
L12 21Feb02

32 References * Semiconductor Physics & Devices, by Donald A. Neamen, Irwin, Chicago, 1997. L12 21Feb02

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