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You have a Quiz!.

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1 You have a Quiz!

2 Reform of Thinking TRANSCENDENTALISM *Among the transcendentalists' core beliefs was the inherent goodness of both people and nature. *Transcendentalists believed that society and its institutions—particularly organized religion and political parties—ultimately corrupted the purity of the individual. *They had faith that people are at their best when truly "self-reliant" and independent. It is only from such real individuals that true community could be formed. *The major leaders in the movement were Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, John Muir, Margaret Fuller and Amos Bronson Alcott Civil Disobedience: refusing to obey laws a citizen believes are unjust. ( First introduced by Henry David Thoreau Amendment Number 1: freedom to assemble, petition, press, religion, and speech. (reinforce this association as a continuation of influence of our Constitution.

3 "Civil Disobedience" is an analysis of the individual’s relationship to the state that focuses on why men obey governmental law even when they believe it to be unjust. *Thoreau detested slavery and because tax revenues contributed to the support of it, Thoreau decided to become a tax rebel. *Thoreau declined to pay the tax and so, in July 1846, he was arrested and jailed. Without his knowledge or consent, however, relatives settled the “debt” and a disgruntled Thoreau was released after only one night. *The incarceration may have been brief but it has had enduring effects through "Civil Disobedience,“- refusal to obey laws as a way of forcing the government to do or change something People like Gandhi and Martin Luther King followed this form of thinking which allowed for Civil Disobedience.

4 Reform of Thinking Religion continues to play an important role in Western Expansion. In the early 1700’s: The First Great Awakening occurred bringing the idea that God loves everyone In the 1820’s-1830’s: The Second Great Awakening occurs, prompting the idea of social reform (ending slavery b/c it is anti-Christian) Have students explain why the First Great Awakening happened… when colonists began to forget about god, then this was a rebirth or renewed interest in relion. 2nd great Awakening: again…. Revival of religious feelings and belief and expanding to other religions, like Mormons, etc/.., and that everyone could be forgiven their sins.

5 Ivory-billed Woodpecker
John J. Audubon drew birds, mammals, plants and other nature items while traveling throughout America. Ivory-billed Woodpecker by John J. Audubon Audubon’s story is one of triumph over adversity; He encapsulates the spirit of young America, when the wilderness was limitless and beguiling. Like his peers, he was an avid hunter, and he also had a deep appreciation and concern for conservation; in his later writings he sounded the alarm about destruction of birds and habitats which sets the foundation for Have students derive the meaning of AUDUBON = birds

6 The Hudson River School
*The Hudson River School was a mid-19th century American art movement embodied by a group of landscape painters whose aesthetic vision was influenced by romanticism. Focus is on nature.

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