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Professor Ronald L. Carter

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1 Professor Ronald L. Carter
Semiconductor Device Modeling and Characterization – EE5342 Lecture 19 – Spring 2011 Professor Ronald L. Carter

2 IC npn BJT (*Fig 9.2a) ©rlc L19-23Mar2011

3 npn BJT bands in FA region
q(VbiE-VBE ) q(VbiC-VBC ) qVBE qVBC injection high field ©rlc L19-23Mar2011

4 Coordinate system - prototype npn BJT (Fig 9.8*)
©rlc L19-23Mar2011

5 Notation for npn & pnp BJTs
NE, NB, NC E, B, and C doping (maj) xE, xB, xC E, B, and C CNR widths DE, DB, DC Dminority for E, B, and C LE, LB, LC Lminority for E, B, and C (L2min = Dmin tmin) The minority carrier lifetimes in the E, B, and C regions are tE0, tB0, & tC0 ©rlc L19-23Mar2011

6 Notation for npn BJTs only
pEO, nBO, pCO: E, B, and C thermal equilibrium minority carrier conc pE(x’), nB(x), pC(x’’): positional mathe- matical function for the E, B, and C total minority carrier concentrations The excess carrier concentrations dpE(x’), dnB(x), dpC(x’’) are the positional mathematical functions in the E, B, and C ©rlc L19-23Mar2011

7 Notation for pnp BJTs only
nEO, pBO, nCO: E, B, and C thermal equilibrium minority carrier conc nE(x’), pB(x), nC (x’’): positional mathe- matical function for the E, B, and C total minority carrier concentrations dnE(x’), dpB(x), dnC(x’’): positional ma- thematical function for the excess minority carriers in the E, B, and C ©rlc L19-23Mar2011

8 npn BJT boundary conditions
©rlc L19-23Mar2011

9 Emitter solution in npn BJT
©rlc L19-23Mar2011

10 Base solution in npn BJT
©rlc L19-23Mar2011

11 Collector solution in npn BJT
©rlc L19-23Mar2011

12 Hyperbolic sine function
©rlc L19-23Mar2011

13 npn BJT regions of operation
VBC Reverse Active Saturation VBE Forward Active Cutoff ©rlc L19-23Mar2011

14 npn FA BJT minority carrier distribution (Fig 9.4*)
©rlc L19-23Mar2011

15 npn RA BJT minority carrier distribution (Fig 9.11a*)
©rlc L19-23Mar2011

16 npn cutoff BJT min carrier distribution (Fig 9.10a*)
©rlc L19-23Mar2011

17 npn sat BJT minority carrier distribution (Fig 9.10b*)
©rlc L19-23Mar2011

18 Defining currents in FA mode npn BJT (Fig 9.13*)
©rlc L19-23Mar2011

19 npn BJT currents (F A region, ©RLC)
IC = JCAC IB=-(IE+IC ) JnE JnC IE = -JEAE JRB=JnE-JnC JpE JGC JRE JpC ©rlc L19-23Mar2011

20 Common base current gain, aF (cont.)
©rlc L19-23Mar2011

21 References 1 OrCAD PSpice A/D Manual, Version 9.1, November, 1999, OrCAD, Inc. 2 Semiconductor Device Modeling with SPICE, 2nd ed., by Massobrio and Antognetti, McGraw Hill, NY, 1993. * Semiconductor Physics & Devices, by Donald A. Neamen, Irwin, Chicago, 1997. ©rlc L19-23Mar2011

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