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Thinking & Language.

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1 Thinking & Language

2 Cognition (Thinking) mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering and communicating

3 Concepts mental groupings of similar objects, events, and people
Hierarchies – creating subdivisions of concepts Prototypes – best example of a concept

4 Solving problems Algorithm – logical, methodical step-by-step procedure likely to solve a problem Heuristics – fast “rules of thumb” that may lead to correct answer but can often lead to mistakes Insight – “aha phenomena” where answer suddenly appears without an apparent strategy Activity in the right temporal lobe

5 Obstacles for Solving Problems
Confirmation bias – only look at what confirms our ideas Wason (1960, 1981) – math rule & avoiding new info. Fixation – inability to see a problem from a new perspective Mental set – stay with what works ex. Matchsticks Functional fixedness – can’t find alternate uses “thinking outside the box”

6 Making decisions & forming judgments
Misusing heuristics Tversky & Kahneman (1974) – availability vs. representativeness Representative heuristics – truck driver vs. prof. example Availability heuristics – memories that are easily accessible seem to be more likely to occur frequently

7 Making decisions & forming judgments
Overconfidence – overestimating correctness of beliefs & judgments Ex. Time needed to get assignments done Overconfidence related to relative happiness Framing decisions – how an issue is posed Can significantly affect decisions & judgments How does this relate to context effects & priming?

8 Belief bias Belief perseverance – hold beliefs despite evidence to the contrary Intuition – can be extremely powerful and useful, but must be checked *Look at table 10.1 for a simple table of intuition’s strengths and weaknesses


10 our words and how we combine them
Language our words and how we combine them

11 Language structure Consonants are more important than vowels
Phonemes – basic set of sounds in a language (869 diff. phonemes in human language) Consonants are more important than vowels Morphemes – smallest unit that carries meaning Ex. Prefixes, suffixes, pronouns, words

12 Language structure Grammar – set of rules of how to arrange morphemes into logical intelligible arrangements Semantics – set of rules used to derive meaning from morphemes, words and sentences Syntax – rules used to determine word order

13 Language development When we get language In fantis (not speaking)
receptive language (understanding lang.) productive language (using lang.) Babbling stage – not imitation of adult sounds One-word stage – often one syllable and inflection carries meaning Often around 12 months

14 Language development Two-word stage – word pairs ex. Noun-verb or noun-adjective Normally before second birthday Telegraphic speech Complex structure

15 Skinner vs. Chomsky Skinner = nurture
association, imitation & reinforcement Chomsky – universal grammar = nature (w/ good nurturing) Lang. acquisition device Surface structure versus deep structure (syntax diff.s) Hardware inborn, software learned

16 Cognitive Psychologists
Statistical learning analyze the likelihood of syllables happening together Critical periods up until age 7 pretty good at getting lang. after that ability gradually declines

17 The summary Chicken & Egg argument
Thinking & Language The summary Chicken & Egg argument

18 Which Comes First Language influences thinking
Linguistic determinism (Whorf, 1956) – language determines what we think Language also teaches culture Use of pronouns influences our mental concept Immersion study in Canada

19 Which Comes First Thinking in images Procedural memory often in images
Mental rehearsal has been shown to affect performance Cyclical process of language and thought

20 Animal thinking & language
Does Fido think and speak?

21 Animals, Cognition, & Language
Do animals think Concepts, insight, use of tools, cultural innovations, theory of mind (reasoning, self-recognition, empathy, imitation) Do animals exhibit language Animals do exhibit comprehension & communication React to their own sounds and human sounds

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