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Security Protection Goals

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Presentation on theme: "Security Protection Goals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Security Protection Goals
In classical IT systems several high level protection goals are used to identify measures CIA Suggestion: Use the same for our work

2 CIA Confidentiality Integrity Availably
Information is not disclosed to unauthorized entities Integrity Ensure the data/system is not modified Availably Information is available when needed

3 „Extended“ CIA Confidentiality Integrity Availability Non-repudiation
An entity cannot deny having executed an action Authenticity Ensures the sender is a legitimate source Accountability An action can be clearly linked to one entity Authorization Giving access to a resource

4 How to apply? Add one column for each protection goal to the threat table Assign relevant protection goals to each threat Derive appropriate measures based on protection goals

5 Example Integrity and Authenticity might be applied to this threat
Possible measure: Communication with other vehicles needs to be authenticated and integrity protected. Same measure might be also applied to other threats, e.g.

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