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Chemical Effects of Burning

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1 Chemical Effects of Burning
CCA 2005

2 Wheat Research Results
Oregon: burning supresed Pythium root rot and Rhizoctonia root rot, and enhanced eyespot and take-all. Disease was less damaging in a rotation versus continuous wheat Crop residue burning reduced downey brome seedbank

3 Wheat Research Results
UK: Temporary (1-year) burning after seven years of incorporating chopped straw increased average yield on tillage treatments by 17%. Oregon: Burning did not increase total N uptake. Stubble burning did not decrease foot rot (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides) incidence or severity in either of the 2 yr that it was present. Burning reduced downybrome (Bromus tectorum) density in the 1 yr that it was not effectively controlled by mechanical tillage

4 Effects of Burning Montana
permanent negative effect on soil quality and overall soil health decreases in organic matter, total nitrogen, total sulfur, carbon/nitrogen ratios, extractable carbon, polysaccharide, ammonium, and available phosphorus

5 Ash Addition (Forest) Wheat Straw (0.5%N) 45 bu/ac: 3000 kg grain 2600 lb/ac: 3000 kg straw =14 lb N/ac in straw =15 kg N/ha in straw

6 Change with time

7 Change with time


9 Organic Matter

10 Burning Philippines (increased CO2) Canada: effect on Health
CIMMYT: Need for world wide adoption of no-till, Argentina 70% no-till Idaho Disease control Disease (air pollution and nutrient loss-S) Rice-Wheat Consortium Black Smoke in China

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