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Western Europe Re-discovers Its Roots

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Presentation on theme: "Western Europe Re-discovers Its Roots"— Presentation transcript:

1 Western Europe Re-discovers Its Roots
The Age of Renaissance Western Europe Re-discovers Its Roots

2 The Art of Being Human What Are the Humanities?
By the end of this slideshow you will know them. Dance Drama Architecture Literature Philosophy Music Art The Renaissance made man the star of the show.

3 The Artists Who Changed the World
Michelangelo Painter Sculptor Leonardo da Vinci Scientist Inventor Raphael

4 Michelangelo His most famous works of art: The David The Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel The Pieta The Last Judgment

5 The David One ton of marble Nearly three years to sculpt

6 The Sistine Chapel

7 Four Years of Work

8 The Pieta

9 The Last Judgment

10 Leonardo da Vinci A true Renaissance man

11 Fresco—The Last Supper

12 Chiaroscuro—The Mona Lisa

13 Leo the Scientist

14 Leo the Inventor

15 Raphael –perspective

16 Architecture—St. Peter’s Basilica

17 Michelangelo’s Masterwork

18 The Duomo—Florence’s Treasure

19 Literature—Dante Breaks the Mold

20 Machiavelli and The Prince
A prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise. Niccolo Machiavelli

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