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The Centennial Anniversary Endowment Campaign is one of the most significant steps we may ever take in Zonta. This is not about the money---it is about.

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Presentation on theme: "The Centennial Anniversary Endowment Campaign is one of the most significant steps we may ever take in Zonta. This is not about the money---it is about."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Centennial Anniversary Endowment Campaign is one of the most significant steps we may ever take in Zonta. This is not about the money---it is about the “human story.” Giving NOW, for the future will ensure that we can do more to improve the lives of millions of women and girls, their families and their communities for the well-being of future generations. Our gift is one of empowering humanity - in ways we can only imagine. Let’s do this together!

2 100 Years of Changing Lives Through Service and Advocacy
Zonta International has been focusing on human rights and gender equality since our founding in 1919. Working together, Zontians like us have made an impact on the lives of many millions of women and girls around the world. 100 Years of Changing Lives Through Service and Advocacy

3 Zontians: Who We Are and What We Do
As of January 2017, you and I count among: 30,000 members 1,200 clubs in 66 countries 31 Districts and 1 Region Our reason for being is ‘service and advocacy.” Through our international membership, we support international service projects and programs. Zontians: Who We Are and What We Do

4 Our International Service Projects: Spanning the Globe
Let’s look at the history of our service projects. Our first service project was in 1923, only 4 years after Zonta was founded. Since then, Zontians have contributed more than 21 million US dollars to: improve women’s health, provide better economic opportunities, and prevent gender-based violence. To date, we have had projects in 63 countries.

5 We Are Partners on a Global Stage
Our many international service projects have been conducted in partnership with international humanitarian agencies such as: UN Women UNICEF, the Children’s Fund UNFPA, the Population Fund CARE, which provides emergency relief Oxfam, which alleviates global poverty, and STAR Network., which delivers effective aid in time of crisis We Are Partners on a Global Stage

6 We Also Support Educational Programs Amelia Earhart Fellowship
Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship Young Women in Public Affairs Award In addition to our International Service Projects, we also help women of exceptional ability meet their academic and professional goals. In total, we have given more than 11.5 million US Dollars in educational Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards globally. Data reflects Biennium

7 Amelia Earhart Fellowships: 1,114 Fellows; 72 countries
These are our educational programs. Together we have raised: 9.7 Million US dollars since for 1,543 Amelia Earhart Fellowships, For 1,114 women in 72 countries 1.1 Million US dollars since 1998 for 366 Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship recipients in 54 countries. 836,750 US dollars since 1990 for 724 Young Women in Public Affairs Award recipients in 56 countries This is what we have achieved internationally, working together! Amazing! Amelia Earhart Fellowships: 1,114 Fellows; 72 countries Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships: 366 women; 54 countries Young Women in Public Affairs Awards: 724 women; 56 countries

8 How Our Funds Are Distributed
Rose Fund: Unrestricted Funds Endowment Funds: Long Term Investment Program Funds: ISP, ZISVAW, AE, YWPA, JMK All our donations fall into three categories and are managed by Zonta International Foundation. Let’s look at the circle marked Program Funds. These are “donor-designated” funds – we decide which funds we wish to support: ISP stands for International Service Projects ZISVAW stands for Zonta International Strategies to Eradicate Violence Against Women AE stands for Amelia Earhart Fellowship YWPA stands for Young Women in Public Affairs Award, and JMK stands for Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship. You will see that the Rose Fund is for “unrestricted” funds, which means that it can be used to complete our contractual obligations in the event we are unable to meet our biennial fundraising targets for the programs. This could occur if there is a downfall in the economy or if our membership numbers decrease… And finally, we have Endowment Funds. These funds build long-term investments providing support for Zonta International Foundation programs and projects in the future. Let’s explore this in more detail.

9 What is an Endowment? Separate from our biennial giving
Long-term investment Provides stable financial base of income in the future It’s important to clarify that an Endowment Fund is totally separate from our biennial funding for international service projects and educational programs approved by us at Convention. An Endowment Fund is a long-term investment, providing a stable financial base of income. Only dividends and interest from the investment can be used. The principal amount invested remains intact.

10 Why does Zonta need an Endowment Fund?
Creating a robust Endowment Fund ensures that, as the years pass by, the fund grows and grows and with it, a guarantee that we are able to maintain and enhance our level of giving in the future – perhaps even sustain a long-term flagship program. From museums to universities, from hospitals to human service organizations, virtually all major philanthropic institutions have established endowments as a means to stabilize and sustain their ability to meet program goals in all economic climates.

11 Why Are Zontians Giving to the Endowment Fund?
We care about others We are philanthropic We want to ensure a better future for women and girls A donation to the Endowment Fund is significant to us as individuals because  we care about others less fortunate then ourselves  we wish to leave a charitable legacy and fulfil our philanthropic goals, and because  we want to continue our work and service to ensure a better world for women and girls in the future

12 How You Can Give to the Centennial Anniversary Endowment Campaign
Make a contribution One-time gift Three-year gift plan Leave a legacy! There are simple ways for you to join the Centennial Anniversary Endowment Campaign and offer a gift which is significant for you for the wellbeing of future generations. We invite you to consider a onetime gift, or a three-year gift plan. We invite you to leave a legacy!

13 Levels of Giving Peace Maker: US$1 million or more Change Maker: US$500,000 – US$999,999 Bridge Builder: US$250,000 – US$499,999 Visionary: US$100,000 – US$249,999 Champion: US$50,000 – US$99,999 Advocate: US$10,000 – US$49,999 Believer: Any amount up to US$9,999 As you can see, you have options for your level of giving. Each gift will be valued and acknowledged, from Believer to Peace Maker. Every gift will help us to reach our goal of 10 million US dollars by the 2020 convention. We will continue to raise funds for Endowment beyond 2020.

14 Centennial Anniversary Endowment Campaign Committee
International Chairman: Jacqueline M. Beaudry International Members: Susanne von Bassewitz Olivia Ferry Sharron Miles Val Sarah Anita Schnetzer-Spranger Sonja Hönig Schough Honorary Member: Amy Lai See for regional representatives Your Centennial Anniversary Endowment Campaign Committee is happy to advise you, assisted by members of the International Board and Regional Representatives, supported by the Staff at Zonta International Headquarters. The website provides you with continually updated information.

15 “We are an army, who through friendship, understanding, cooperation and goodwill, are an irresistible force to secure that women’s rights are human rights.” Sonja Hönig Schough, President, Zonta International and Zonta International Foundation, paraphrasing a message from the Zonta International Founder Marian DeForest when she started the first Zonta club in 1919 The Centennial Anniversary Endowment Campaign Committee invites you to: BELIEVE in our course; INVEST in the future, and EMPOWER many more millions of women and girls in the future!

16 Thank you for allowing us to offer you this presentation

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