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Recruitment and Selection

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1 Recruitment and Selection
Mr Rob O’Toole, Head of Strategic Resourcing, Civil Service HR Ireland 10 April 2018

2 What is the Public Appointments Service (PAS)?
Recruitment to the civil service and a range of other public bodies operates under the provisions of the Public Service Management (Recruitment and Appointments) Acts, 2004 to Under this legislation, PAS was established as a central recruitment organisation for the broad public service, in succession to the previous Office of the Civil Service and Local Appointments Commissioners which had been created at the foundation of the State. PAS operates under licence from the Commission for Public Service Appointments (CPSA) and is independent in its operations. PAS must comply with the Codes of Practice published by the CPSA which ensure that fair and open processes are in place for all applicants. Where the Codes do not apply, PAS adheres to the same core principles in carrying out its functions.

3 PAS Mission To be the recruitment and resourcing shared service provider of choice in the public service.

4 PAS Values Fairness and Impartiality; providing resourcing solutions that recognize that all eligible people should have an equal opportunity to compete for posts, where processes are fair, transparent, and free from bias or discrimination; Independence; providing a recruitment service that is merit-based, quality focused, objective, and free from influence; Value for Money; ensuring that our processes and systems are both efficient and effective, and provide a value for money service to our clients and the public; Innovation and Continuous Improvement; examining our approach to service provision and looking for innovative ways of delivering and continuously improving the professionalism of our services; Collaboration and Consultation; recognizing the value of meaningful engagement, consultation and collaboration with stakeholders, taking opportunities to promote and enhance collaborative approaches; Excellent Customer Service; treating our clients, candidates and colleagues with dignity and respect and providing a professional service which focuses on improving quality and value.

5 Branding and Website

6 High Volume Recruitment
Civil Service Competitions as of the 31st December 2017 Grade Year Date Advertised Closing Date No. Applied Assigned in previous years Assigned in 2016 Assigned in 2017 Total Assigned Clerical Officer 2014 20/06/2014 03/07/2014 28,066 1,469 1,335 34 2,838 2016 16/06/2016 29,811 299 1,818 2,117 2017 14/09/2017 28/09/2017 10,155 Executive Officer 2015 11/12/2014 08/01/2015 13,622 107 445 161 713 16/12/2016 13/01/2016 15,873 573 Administrative Officer 18/09/2015 15/10/2015 4,972 157 15/09/2016 13/10/2016 4,917 192 22/09/2017 23/10/2017 4,353 Third Secretary 24/09/2015 1,431 40 7 47 21/04/2017 11/05/2017 1,553 28 Higher Executive Officer 31/03/2016 20/04/2016 3,000 132 403 535 14/08/2017 05/09/2017 2,625 20 Assistant Principal 29/05/2015 18/06/2015 1,972 9 160 25 194 18/11/2016 08/12/2016 3,108 236 Assistant Prinicpal Higher 22/02/2017 08/03/2017 391 26 First Secretary n/a 6 32 22 Principal Officer 20/02/2015 12/03/2016 1458 13 33 41 87 22/06/2017 13/07/2017 1639

7 Selection process overview

8 Range of Assessment Techniques
Psychometric tests Job Simulation/Work Sample Exercises: Situational Judgement Group Exercises Case Study/Strategic Exercises Presentation Exercises Role Play Exercises Video/PC based job simulations Media Exercises Biodata/Skills Experience Questionnaires Assessment Centres Personality Questionnaires Interviews

9 Feedback to Change We carried out a survey when we introduced on-line tests to evaluate candidate perceptions: 93% of candidates were able to do the tests at a location convenient for them 91% found the layout of the on-line tests was clear 78% preferred doing the tests on-line to doing them in an unsupervised environment


11 References Escudier, M.P, Newton, T.J, Cox , M.J, Reynolds, P.A. & Odell, E.W.: University students’ attainment and perceptions of computer delivered assessment; a comparison between computer-based and traditional tests in a ‘high-stakes’ examination: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (2011), 27, Lottridge, S.M, Nicewander , W.A & Mitzel, H.C: A Comparison of Paper and Online Tests Using a Within-Subjects Design and Propensity Score Matching Study: Multivariate Behavioural Research, (2011) 46:3, Robertson, I. T. and Smith, M. (2001), Personnel selection. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 74: 441–472. doi:  /

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