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Green Bond Assessment Gersan Zurita, Senior Vice President, CSS

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1 Green Bond Assessment Gersan Zurita, Senior Vice President, CSS
May, 2018


3 Agenda Green Bonds vs. Conventional Bonds
Moody’s Green Bond Assessments Moody´s GBA Methodology and Process Green Bonds Issuance Use of Proceeds Case Study: District of Columbia Water & Sewer Authority

4 1 Green Bonds vs. Conventional Bonds

5 Green Bonds – difference from conventional bonds
Financing for environmentally friendly projects has grown rapidly 1 What distinguishes Green Bonds from conventional bonds? Use of proceeds targets only tangible environmental benefits. Issuers often commit to maintaining proceeds separately from general corporate accounts and disclose how the proceeds are being used. Often designated with a green label to convey that the proceeds are for green projects 2 Are Green Bonds different from a credit perspective? There is no difference between an issuer's conventional bond and a green bond in terms of the probability of default or expected loss. The lender is exposed to the underlying credit of the issuer, regardless of whether the bond is conventional or green. Green Bonds can be issued in both taxable and tax-exempt markets

6 2 Green Bond Assessments

7 Moody’s Green Bonds Assessments (GBAs)
» GBAs are forward-looking opinions on the relative effectiveness of the approaches adopted by green bond issuers to manage, administer, allocate proceeds to and report on environmental projects financed with proceeds derived from green bond offerings » GBAs are assigned to individual green bonds, not at the green bond framework or issuer level Assessment Scoring Scale - GBAs are expressed using a scale ranging that encapsulates Moody’s views

8 3 GBA Methodology & Process

9 Moody´s GBA Methodology
Five factors scored on a scale from 1 (Excellent) to 5 (Poor) F2: Use of Proceeds (40%) F4: Management of Proceeds (15%) F1: Organization F3: Disclosure on the use of proceeds (10%) F5: Ongoing Reporting and Disclosure (20%)

10 Factor 1: Organization We evaluate the organization’s mission to set goals, develop a strategic framework for the deployment of green bond proceeds, evaluate, select and approve projects

11 Factor 2: Use of Proceeds
The scoring for the Use of Proceeds factor will be based upon our qualitative and quantitative assessment of the issuer’s adopted policies

12 Factor 3: Disclosure on the Use of Proceeds
The quality and transparency of project disclosures as well as project funding practices

13 Factor 4: Management of Proceeds
Our evaluation focuses on practices and procedures applicable to the allocation and tracking of proceeds

14 Factor 5: Ongoing Reporting and Disclosure
Transparency, quality and frequency of reporting and disclosure practices, as well monitoring methods

15 Moody’s GBA process Generally a 2 – 4 week process
Issuer engages Moody’s Commercial team for the Green Bond Assessment Lead analyst contacts issuer regarding next steps Moody’s analytical team will draw from available sources, including: Relevant governing documents Regulatory filings Issuer reports and presentations Public information Private information Dialogue with issuer Combined inputs are used to evaluate the transaction via a scorecard The GBA grade will be assigned by a committee and communicated to the issuer GBA is disseminated publicly via a press release and distributed through various newswire services GBA in-depth report will be published and made available on The GBA is refreshed periodically to take into consideration the application of proceeds, reported progress against the initial plans for investors and their environmental impacts, and continuing issuer disclosures Requesting the GBA Collection of Information Analytical Process Dissemination Refresh This slide describes the typically steps when an issuer requests a Moody’s GBA.

16 4 Use of Green Bond Proceeds

17 Use of Green Bond Proceeds Globally
Over the past five years, roughly two-thirds of green bond proceeds have gone to energy efficiency and renewable energy projects

18 5 Case Study: District of Columbia Water & Sewer Authority

19 GBA in the context of ratings
GBA is: An instrument level assessment A “relative” ranking on use / management of proceeds Monitored Companion service to a credit rating or a stand-alone service GBA is not: A credit rating A consulting service A measure of environmental impact

20 Case Study - Green Bond Assessment
District of Columbia Water & Sewer Authority (Aa1 stable) $100 million Public Utility Senior Lien Revenue Bonds, Series 2018A (Green Bonds) » The transaction’s weighted score, based on our GBA methodology scorecard, is This, in turn, corresponds to a composite grade of GB1 » Proceeds from this green bond offering will be fully allocated to finance the DC Clean Rivers Project, a sustainable water construction project to reduce and control combined sewer overflow (CSO) discharges into the District of Columbia's (Aa1 stable) waterways and improve water quality DC Water cumulative green bond issuance to total $650 million with Series 2018A issuance *Projected Series 2018A issuance Source: DC Water, Moody's Investors Service

21 Moody's Assigns Aa1 to DC Water Senior Lien Bonds
Methodology for senior lien bonds is focused on expected loss Key Indicators

22 Gersan Zurita São Paulo, Brazil
James Hempstead New York, NY

23 This publication does not announce a credit rating action
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