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DATASET 查询构建 设计方案 2018/11/16 刘庆霞 Websoft Group @ NJU.

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Presentation on theme: "DATASET 查询构建 设计方案 2018/11/16 刘庆霞 Websoft Group @ NJU."— Presentation transcript:

1 DATASET 查询构建 设计方案 2018/11/16 刘庆霞 Websoft NJU

2 查询构建 提供一种交互方式,让用户 在逐步探索中了解数据的schema 在浏览过程中构建查询 得到相应的实例层查询结果

3 初步调研 T. Catarci, T. D. Mascio, E. Franconi, G. Santucci, and S. Tessaris. An ontology based visual tool for query formulation support. In Proc. of ECAI 2004. Nikolaos Athanasis, Vassilis Christophides, Dimitris Kotzinos: Generating On the Fly Queries for the Semantic Web: The ICS-FORTH Graphical RQL Interface (GRQL). International Semantic Web Conference 2004: Russell, A., Smart, R., Braines, D., and Shadbolt, R.: NITELIGHT: A Graphical Tool for Semantic Query Construction. In Proceedings of the Semantic Web User Interaction Workshop (SWUI)

4 初步调研 An ontology based visual tool for query formulation support
特点 tree structured query substitution by navigation refinement by compatible terms property extension (to create a new branch) define sub-query

5 初步调研 Generating On the Fly Queries for the Semantic Web: The ICS-FORTH Graphical RQL Interface (GRQL) 特点 以class为节点 保留访问路径 可将浏览过程转换为RQL查询

6 初步调研 NITELIGHT: A Graphical Tool for Semantic Query Construction
特点 基于SPARQL图形化 构造查询 可表达Optional、 Union、Variable filter 可将浏览过程转换 为RQL查询

7 初步调研 NITELIGHT: A Graphical Tool for Semantic Query Construction
特点 基于SPARQL图形化 构造查询 可表达Optional、 Union、Variable filter ontology browser

8 Dataset查询构建框架 query displayed as a tree restrictions of current node
new a child node(a new variable) rename delete restrictions of current node types relations with ancestors variable list result table

9 示例 select person who is a scientist and works in an university located in his/her birthplace select ?person where ? person rdf:type Scientist . ? person hasAffiliation ?x . ? person birthplace ?y . ?x rdf:type University . ?x location ?y .

10 示例 Create query Restrictions Results

11 示例 Query About Restrictions Results

12 (?person, rdf:type, foaf:Person)
示例 Set Name Variable Name: ?person Selected Pattern: (?person, rdf:type, foaf:Person) Back OK Restrictions Results

13 示例 Query Tree Add Restrictions ?person (?person, rdf:type, Person)
types: Artist Politician Scientist variables: √ ?person ?person Andrew Ng Barack Obama Donald E. Knuth Gong Cheng Tim berners - Lee Wei Hu

14 示例 Query Tree Add Restrictions ?person (?person, rdf:type, Person)
rename delete new variable types: Artist Politician √ Scientist variables: √ ?person ?person Andrew Ng Donald E. Knuth Gong Cheng Tim berners - Lee Wei Hu

15 示例 Query Tree Add Restrictions New Variable ?x ?person ?person types:
?person knows ?x has tutor ?x made ?x current project ?x has affiliation ?x name ?x nickname ?x birthday ?x ?x knows ?person has member ?person has tutor ?person ?person ?person ?person types: Artist, Athlete, √ Scientist variables: √ ?person Andrew Ng Donald E. Knuth Gong Cheng Tim berners - Lee Wei Hu

16 (?person, has affiliation, ?x)
示例 Query Tree Add Restrictions ?person (?person, rdf:type, Person) ?person ?person ?person types: Artist, Athlete, √ Scientist Set Name Variable Name: ?x Selected Pattern: (?person, has affiliation, ?x) Back OK variables: √ ?person ?person Andrew Ng Donald E. Knuth Gong Cheng Tim berners - Lee Wei Hu

17 示例 Query Tree Add Restrictions ?x ?person ?x variables: √ ?person √ ?x
(?person, has affiliation, ?x) types: Agent Organization Company School University ?x relations: has member ?person variables: √ ?person √ ?x ?person ?x Andrew Ng Stanford University Donald E. Knuth Gong Cheng Nanjing University Tim berners - Lee MIT World Wide Web Consortium Wei Hu

18 (?person, has affiliation, ?x)
示例 Query Tree Add Restrictions ?x ?person (?person, has affiliation, ?x) types: Agent Organization Company School √ University ?x ?x relations: has member ?person variables: √ ?person √ ?x ?person ?x Andrew Ng Stanford University Donald E. Knuth Gong Cheng Nanjing University Tim berners - Lee MIT Wei Hu

19 (?person, has affiliation, ?x)
示例 Query Tree Add Restrictions ?x ?person (?person, has affiliation, ?x) types: Agent Organization Company School √ University New Variable ?y ?x has member ?y location ?y affiliation ?y country ?y latitude ?y longitude ?y ?x rename delete new variable relations: has member ?person variables: √ ?person √ ?x ?person ?x Andrew Ng Stanford University Donald E. Knuth Gong Cheng Nanjing University Tim berners - Lee MIT Wei Hu

20 (?person, has affiliation, ?x)
示例 Query Tree Add Restrictions ?x ?person (?person, has affiliation, ?x) types: Agent Organization Company School √ University ?x Set Name Variable Name: ?y Selected Pattern: (?x, location, ?y) Back OK relations: has member ?person variables: √ ?person √ ?x ?person ?x Andrew Ng Stanford University Donald E. Knuth Gong Cheng Nanjing University Tim berners - Lee MIT Wei Hu

21 示例

22 示例 Query Tree Add Restrictions ?y ?person ?x ?y
(?x, location, ?y) types: √ Place Settlement city town village ?x ?y relations: ?person √ birthplace ?y deathplace ?y variables: √ ?person ?x ?y ?person Gong Cheng Wei Hu

23 特点 查询 变量关联树 构造过程 含义: triple pattern的集合 构成元素: class、property、variable
(涉及实例层数据的查询在未来“查询过滤”中解决) 变量关联树 节点—— triple pattern中的变量 树中的边——新节点生成的依据 父子关系——节点生成的先后关系 节点上的约束—— 类型约束 + 与祖先节点关联的边 构造过程 以Class生成根节点 逐步选择property扩展生成新的节点 在节点上添加约束 限定节点类型 引入环

24 Thank You ~ Any suggestions?

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