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Flappers and Movies.

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Presentation on theme: "Flappers and Movies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flappers and Movies

2 Discuss with Guilds What role do fashion and movies play in our society today? Are they influential? In what ways? To who? Is this a positive aspect of our society or a negative one? Explain…

PURPOSE, HISTOCIAL CONTEXT, INTENDED AUDIENCE, AUTHOR’S POINT OF VIEW DOCUMENT NAME/TITLE  PURPOSE What is the author trying to achieve? What was the outcome associated with this document? HISTORICAL CONTEXT What kinds of outside information can you provide to promote understanding of this document? What does the document reveal about the history involved here? INTENDED AUDIENCE To whom is this document addressed? Does the audience influence what the author has to say? How?  AUTHOR’S POINT OF VIEW What do you know about the author? What kind of bias do you expect he/she to have? What kind of bias is actually present?

4 Document Summary Summarize in words (be succinct) Share summaries with guild members (take notes on their documents) Pandora’s Box Louise Brooks

5 Classcraft Sentences for those who have fallen

6 Historical Thinking Skills Chart (Due Monday 2/12)
EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING IN WORDS EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING IN A VISUAL Context (what is going on in the United States when this document was written…what might have led to the creation of this document) Perspective of author/group (what are the characteristics of the author/group creating to document…think CORNPEG) Point of View (what is this group’s/person’s view on the topic of the document based on their perspective) Audience (who was meant to read/hear and be influenced by this document) Purpose (why was this document created?) Argumentation (claim, evidence, analysis…ID) Flappers – Question # 1 Movies: A2 Perspective – Question #1 Motion Pictures Concerns – Question #2 Include Color, Shading, and/or outlining. Be creative, colorful, and, more importantly, accurate!

7 Perspective vs. Point of View and how to address it in your HTS Chart!
PERSPECTIVE Class Occupation Religion Nationality Political Affiliation Ethnicity Gender POINT OF VIEW As a (CORNPEG characteristics), the (author’s name)’s point of view on (topic) is _________.

8 Historical Thinking Skills Chart Rubric
4 - 45/50 – All information is accurate and thorough. Written and visual components show an advanced understanding of the content of the document as well as the advance ability to perform the historical thinking skills outlined in the assignment. 3 – 40/50 – All information is accurate. Written and visual components show an understanding of the content of the document as well as the ability to perform the historical thinking skills outlined in the assignment. 2 – 35/50 – Information is brief. Written and visual components show partial understanding of the content of the document as well as partial ability to perform the historical thinking skills outlined in the assignment. Help from the teacher is highly encouraged. 1 – 30/50 – Information is brief. Written and visual components show a lack of understanding of the content of the document as well as a lack of ability to perform the historical thinking skills outlined in the assignment. Come in for help! I – Incomplete 25/50 – Chart is incomplete and therefore there is not enough evidence of understanding the content or the ability to perform the historical thinking skills outlined in the assignment. N – Not turned in 20/50 – Chart was not turned in and therefore there is no evidence of understanding the content or the ability to perform the historical thinking skills outlined in the assignment. +5 for color, outlining, shading, professionalism in presentation of the chart. 4 (45) 3 (40) 2 (35) 1 (30) I (25) N (20) +______/5 = _______/50

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