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Sunnis and shi’ites Chapter 5 Section 2.

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1 Sunnis and shi’ites Chapter 5 Section 2

2 Learning Target 7.7 I can analyze the origins and impact of different sects within Islam, Sunnis and Shi’ites.

3 Islamic Sects (Groups)
The Islamic religion has two main groups: Sunni: Believe the caliph can be voted into office and can be anyone Shia (Shi’ite): Believe that the caliph must be a descendent of Muhammad Read the article provided and page 111 in your textbook to complete the Venn diagram about the two groups.

4 Divisions in Islam (p. 111) Sunni Shia (Shi’ites)

5 Sunni Shia (Shi’ites) Divisions in Islam (p. 111) Believed in one God
Qur’an is Islamic holy book 5 Pillars of Islam Sunni Shia (Shi’ites)

6 Sunni Shia (Shi’ites) Divisions in Islam (p. 111)
More followers in present-day Iran and Iraq only Did NOT think Umayyad caliphs should be the leaders Believed all the caliphs should be descendants of Muhammad’s son-in-law, Ali Supporters of Ali More followers world-wide Thought Umayyad caliphs should be leaders Believed caliphs should be elected Viewed the Sunnah as very important Sunni Shia (Shi’ites)

7 Division and Growth 700s: People began to oppose the Umayyad caliphs.
750: Shia Muslims overthrew the Umayyads and began the Abbasid dynasty. It lasted until the Arab Empire ended in 1258. Abbasids improved trade and culture. Baghdad became their capital. It was located on a trade route. During the time Abbasids ruled, the Arab Empire had a “Golden Age.” 1055: Seljuk Turks seized Baghdad. They were nomads and great warriors. Seljuk rulers were called “sultans.” They took over the government and the army. Abbasid caliphs continued to manage religious matters. 1258: Mongols took over Baghdad. The Arab Empire ended.

8 3 Muslim Empires: Ottoman Empire
In the 1200s the Ottoman Turks conquered much of the Byzantine Empire. In 1453 the Ottoman ruler, Mehmed the Conqueror, took over Constantinople. The city was renamed Istanbul. By the 1500s Ottomans controlled much of the Mediterranean region (southeastern Europe, southwest Asia, and North Africa) Suleiman I was the most famous Ottoman sultan.

9 Mehmed II (“the Conqueror”)
Took over Constantinople and renamed the city Istanbul, making it the new capital of the Ottoman Empire He used cannons in battle, which helped him win. The victory marks the end of the Middle Ages. He conquered many other areas for the Ottoman Empire. He spoke 7 languages. He was interested in literature, fine arts, and architecture. He was a strict leader and brave soldier. He ruled for 30 years.

10 Suleiman the Magnificent

11 Suleiman I (“the Magnificent”)
Most famous Ottoman sultan Known as “the lawgiver” because he organized Ottoman laws Built schools and mosques Expanded the Ottoman Empire through conquests His empire had great achievements in law, art, architecture, and literature. His reign is known as the “Golden Age.” Suleiman the Magnificent died in 1566 at the age of 71.

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