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Lecturer: Huai-Yi Hsu (許槐益) Date:

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1 Lecturer: Huai-Yi Hsu (許槐益) Date: 2004.02.27
Digital IC Design Flow Lecturer: Huai-Yi Hsu (許槐益) Date:

2 Outline Introduction IC Design Flow Verilog History HDL concept
Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

3 Moore’s Law: Driving Technology Advances
Logic capacity doubles per IC at regular intervals (1965). Logic capacity doubles per IC every 18 months (1975). Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

4 Process Technology Evolution
Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

5 Chips Sizes Source: IBM and Dataquest
Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

6 Shrinking Product Cycles
Shrinking development turnaround times Need for productivity increase (remember the “design gap”) PCS: Personal Communication Services Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

7 Design Productivity Crisis
Human factors may limit design more than technology. Keys to solve the productivity crisis: Design techniques: hierarchical design, SoC design (IP reuse, platform-based design), etc. CAD: algorithms & methodology Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

8 Increasing Processing Power
Very high performance circuits in today’s technologies. Gate delays: ~27ps for a 2-input Nand in CU11 Operating frequencies: up to 500MHz for SoC/Asic, over 1GHz for custom designs The increase in speed/performance of circuits allowed blocks to be reused without having to be redesigned and tuned for each application Enhanced Design Tools and Techniques Although not enough to close the “design gap”, tools are essential for the design of today’s high-performance chips Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

9 IP-Based SoCs An Evolutionary Path
Early days IP/Cores not really designed for reuse (no standard deliverables) Multiple Interfaces, difficult to integrate IPs evolved: parameterization, deliverables, verification, synthesizable On-Chip bus standards began to appear (e.g, IBM, ARM) Reusable IP + Common on-chip bus architectures 1998: max number of cores > 30 cores core content between 50% and 95% Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

10 IP / Cores Soft Core Firm Core Hard Core
Delivered as RTL verilog or VHDL source code with synthesis script (i.e: clock generation logic) Customers are responsible for synthesis, timing closure, and all front-end processing Firm Core Delivered as a netlist to be included in customer’s netlist (with don't touch attribute) Possibly with placement information Hard Core Due to their complexity, they are provided as a blackbox (GL1/GDSII). Ex. Processors, analog cores, PLLs Usually very tight timing constraints. Internal views not be alterable or visible to the customer Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

11 Changes in the Nature of IC Design
(IEEE Spectrum Nov,1996) Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

12 Chasing the Design Gap Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

13 Evolution of Silicon Design
Source: “Surviving the SoC revolution – A Guide to Platform-based Design,” Henry Chang et al, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999 Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

14 Methodology – Analysis and Verification
Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

15 IC Design and Implementation
Idea Design Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

16 Design Flow Back End Front End Design Specification Pre-Synthesis
Sign-Off Cell Placement, Scan Chain & Clock Tree Insertion, Cell Routing Design Partition Synthesize and Map Gate-Level Netlist Verify Physical & Electrical Design Rules Design Entry-Verilog Behavioral Modeling Post-Synthesis Design Validation Extract Parasitics Simulation/Functional Verification Post-Synthesis Timing Verification Post-Layout Timing Verification Design Integration & Verification Test Generation & Fault Simulation Design Sign-Off Front End Production-Ready Masks Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

17 System Specification From CIC Digital IC Design Flow 2004.02.27
Huai-Yi Hsu

18 Algorithm Mapping System Level RTL Level From CIC
Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

19 Gate and Circuit Level Design
From CIC Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

20 Physical Design From CIC Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

21 Register Transfer Level
Behavioral Model System concept Algorithm Increasing detailed realization & complexity Architecture Increasing behavioral abstraction Register Transfer Level Gate Level Transistor Level Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

22 Design Domain Behavioral level of abstraction Design Model Domain
Physical Structural System Algorithm RTL Gate Switch Architecture Design Logic Layout Verification Synthesis RTL level Logic level Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

23 Introduction to HDL HDL – Hardware Description Language
Why use an HDL ? Hardware is becoming very difficult to design directly HDL is easier and cheaper to explore different design options Reduce time and cost Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

24 Verilog HDL Brief history of Verilog HDL
1985: Verilog language and related simulator Verilog-XL were developed by Gateway Automation 1989: Cadence Design System purchased Gateway Automation 1990: Cadence released Verilog HDL to public domain 1990: Open Verilog International (OVI) formed 1995: IEEE standard 1364 adopted Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

25 Verilog HDL Feature HDL has high-level programming language constructs and constructs to describe the connectivity of your circuit. Ability to mix different levels of abstraction freely One language for all aspects of design, test, and verification Functionality as well as timing Concurrency perform Support timing simulation Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

26 Compared to VHDL Verilog and VHDL are comparable languages
VHDL has a slightly wider scope System-level modeling Exposes even more discrete-event machinery VHDL is better-behaved Fewer sources of non-determinism (e.g., no shared variables ???) VHDL is harder to simulate quickly VHDL has fewer built-in facilities for hardware modeling VHDL is a much more verbose language Most examples don’t fit on slides Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

27 The Verilog Language Originally a modeling language for a very efficient event-driven digital logic simulator Later pushed into use as a specification language for logic synthesis Now, one of the two most commonly-used languages in digital hardware design (VHDL is the other) Combines structural and behavioral modeling styles Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

28 Different Levels of Abstraction
Architectural / Algorithmic A model that implements a design algorithm in high-level language constructs Register Transfer Logic (RTL) A model that describes the flow of data between registers and how a design process these data. Gate A model that describe the logic gates and the interconnections between them. Switch A model that describes the transistors and the interconnections between them. Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

29 Verilog HDL Behavior Language
Structural and procedural like the C programming language Used to describe algorithm level and RTL level Verilog models Key features Procedural constructs for conditional, if-else, case, and looping operations. Arithmetic, logical, bit-wise, and reduction operations for expressions. Timing control. Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

30 Verilog HDL Structural Language
Used to describe gate-level and switch-level circuits. Key features A complete set set of combinational primitives Support primitive gate delay specification Support primitive gate output strength specification Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

31 Language Conventions Case-sensitivity
Verilog is case-sensitive. Some simulators are case-insensitive Advice: - Don’t use case-sensitive feature! Keywords are lower case Different names must be used for different items within the same scope Identifier alphabet: Upper and lower case alphabeticals: a~z A~Z Decimal digits: 0~9 Underscore: _ Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

32 Language Conventions (cont’d)
Maximum of 1024 characters in identifier First character not a digit Statement terminated by ; Free format within statement except for within quotes Comments: All characters after // in a line are treated as a comment Multi-line comments begin with /* and end with */ Compiler directives begin with // synopsys XXX Built-in system tasks or functions begin with $ Strings enclosed in double quotes and must be on a single line “Strings” Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

33 Design Encapsulation Encapsulate structural and functional details in a module Encapsulation makes the model available for instantiation in other modules module my_design (ports_list); ... // Declarations of ports go here ... // Structural and functional details go here endmodule Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

34 Port Declaration Three port types Input port Output port
input a; Output port output b; Bi-direction port inout c; net input output inout reg or net module Port list module full_add (S, CO, A, B, CI) ; output S, CO ; input A, B, CI ; --- function description --- endmodule Port Declaration Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

35 Two Main Data Types Nets represent connections between things
Do not hold their value Take their value from a driver such as a gate or other module Cannot be assigned in an initial or always block Regs represent data storage Behave exactly like memory in a computer Hold their value until explicitly assigned in an initial or always block Never connected to something Can be used to model latches, flip-flops, etc., but do not correspond exactly Shared variables with all their attendant problems Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

36 Primitive Cells Primitives are simple modules
Verilog build-in primitive gate not, buf: Variable outputs, single input (last port) and, or, buf, xor, nand, nor, xnor: Single outputs (first port), variable inputs module full_add (S, CO, A, B, CI) ; --- port Declaration --- wire net1, net2, net3; xor U0(S,A,B,CI); and U1(net1, A, B); and U2(net2, B, CI); and U3(net3, CI, A); or U4(CO, net1, net2, net3); endmodule Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

37 How Are Simulators Used?
Testbench generates stimulus and checks response Coupled to model of the system Pair is run simultaneously Testbench System Model Stimulus Response Result checker Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

38 Example: Testbench module t_full_add(); wire sum, c_out;
reg a, b, cin; // Storage containers for stimulus waveforms full_add M1 (sum, c_out, a, b, cin); //UUT initial begin // Time Out #200 $finish; // Stopwatch end initial begin // Stimulus patterns #10 a = 0; b = 0; cin = 0; // Statements execute in sequence #10 a = 0; b = 1; cin = 0; #10 a = 1; b = 0; cin = 0; #10 a = 1; b = 1; cin = 0; #10 a = 0; b = 0; cin = 1; #10 a = 0; b = 1; cin = 1; #10 a = 1; b = 0; cin = 1; #10 a = 1; b = 1; cin = 1; endmodule Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

39 Verilog Simulator Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

40 Event-Driven Simulation
A change in the value of a signal (variable) during simulation is referred to as an event Spice-like analog simulation is impractical for VLSI circuits Event-driven simulators update logic values only when signals change Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

41 Styles Structural - instantiation of primitives and modules
RTL/Dataflow - continuous assignments Behavioral - procedural assignments Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

42 Structural Modeling When Verilog was first developed (1984) most logic simulators operated on netlists Netlist: list of gates and how they’re connected A natural representation of a digital logic circuit Not the most convenient way to express test benches Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

43 Behavioral Modeling A much easier way to write testbenches
Also good for more abstract models of circuits Easier to write Simulates faster More flexible Provides sequencing Verilog succeeded in part because it allowed both the model and the testbench to be described together Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

44 Style Example - Structural
module full_add (S, CO, A, B, CI) ; output S, CO ; input A, B, CI ; wire N1, N2, N3; half_add HA1 (N1, N2, A, B), HA2 (S, N3, N1, CI); or P1 (CO, N3, N2); endmodule module half_add (S, C, X, Y); output S, C ; input X, Y ; xor (S, X, Y) ; and (C, X, Y) ; endmodule Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

45 Style Example – Dataflow/RTL
module fa_rtl (S, CO, A, B, CI) ; output S, CO ; input A, B, CI ; assign S = A ^ B ^ CI; //continuous assignment assign CO = A & B | A & CI | B & CI; //continuous assignment endmodule Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

46 Style Example – Behavioral
module fa_bhv (S, CO, A, B, CI) ; output S, CO ; input A, B, CI ; reg S, CO; // required to “hold” values between events. or B or CI) //; begin S <= A ^ B ^ CI; // procedural assignment CO <= A & B | A & CI | B & CI; // procedural assignment end endmodule Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

47 How Verilog Is Used Virtually every ASIC is designed using either Verilog or VHDL (a similar language) Behavioral modeling with some structural elements “Synthesis subset” Can be translated using Synopsys’ Design Compiler or others into a netlist Design written in Verilog Simulated to death to check functionality Synthesized (netlist generated) Static timing analysis to check timing Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

48 An Example: Counter Digital IC Design Flow 2004.02.27 Huai-Yi Hsu
`timescale 1ns/1ns module counter; reg clock; // declare reg data type for the clock integer count; // declare integer data type for the count initial // initialize things - this executes once at start begin clock = 0; count = 0; // initialize signals #340 $finish; // finish after 340 time ticks end /* an always statement to generate the clock, only one statement follows the always so we don't need a begin and an end */ always #10 clock = ~ clock; // delay is set to half the clock cycle /* an always statement to do the counting, runs at the same time (concurrently) as the other always statement */ // wait here until the clock goes from 1 to 0 @ (negedge clock); // now handle the counting if (count == 7) count = 0; else count = count + 1; $display("time = ",$time," count = ", count); endmodule Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

49 An Example: Counter (cont’d)
Verilog using ModelSim Assume working directory: VlogExamples/Counter Invoke ModelSim Change Directory to VlogExamples/Counter Copy file counter.v to the working directory Create a design library: vlib work Compile counter.v: vlog counter.v Start the simulator: vsim counter Run the simulation: e.g., run 200ns > run 200 # time = count = # time = count = # time = count = # time = count = # time = count = # time = count = # time = count = # time = count = # time = count = # time = count = Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

50 ModelSim Simulator Creating a Project
Select Create a Project from the Welcome to ModelSim dialog box. Or select File >New > Project from the ModelSim Main window. Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

51 Add File to Project Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

52 Compile Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

53 Load Design Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

54 List Signals Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

55 Run Simulation Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

56 Silos Verilog Logic Simulator
Free HDL simulator Web: Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

57 Edit Verilog Files Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

58 Create New Project Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

59 Add File to Project Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

60 Starting Simulation Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

61 Silos Overview Silos is a logic simulation environment developed for use in the design and verification of electronic circuits and systems. Silos can simulate designs at the behavioral, gate and switch levels that are modeled with the Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL). Silos can back annotate delays specified using the Standard Delay Format (SDF). Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

62 Debugging Capabilities
The mouse cursor can be held over variables and expressions in the source code to directly see their value at a time point. Drag and drop variables and expressions directly from the source file into the Data Analyzer waveform window, or from the Silos Explorer to the Data Analyzer window to provides easy access to the simulation results. Unlimited traceback for behavioral and gate designs quickly isolates the cause of Unknown levels. A graphical Finite State Machine entry, source code generation, documentation, and debugging tool. Code Coverage reporting for Line reports and Operator reports display a purple dot beside any line or operator that was not executed by the testbench. Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

63 Summary IC design flow History of Verilog-HDL Verilog simulator
Next course Basic concept of Verilog-HDL Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

64 Homework #0 Download the Verilog Simulator
Setup the Verilog simulation environment. Opening new project Add Verilog file to project Run simulation Website: Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

65 Multiplexer Built From Primitives
Verilog programs built from modules module mux(f, a, b, sel); output f; input a, b, sel; and g1(f1, a, nsel), g2(f2, b, sel); or g3(f, f1, f2); not g4(nsel, sel); endmodule Each module has an interface Module may contain structure: instances of primitives and other modules a f1 nsel g1 g4 f g3 b g2 sel f2 Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

66 Multiplexer Built From Primitives
module mux(f, a, b, sel); output f; input a, b, sel; and g1(f1, a, nsel), g2(f2, b, sel); or g3(f, f1, f2); not g4(nsel, sel); endmodule Identifiers not explicitly defined default to wires a f1 nsel g1 g4 f g3 b g2 sel f2 Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

67 Multiplexer Built With Always
Modules may contain one or more always blocks module mux(f, a, b, sel); output f; input a, b, sel; reg f; or b or sel) if (sel) f = b; else f = a; endmodule Sensitivity list contains signals whose change triggers the execution of the block a f b sel Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

68 Multiplexer Built With Always
module mux(f, a, b, sel); output f; input a, b, sel; reg f; or b or sel) if (sel) f = a; else f = b; endmodule A reg behaves like memory: holds its value until imperatively assigned otherwise Body of an always block contains traditional imperative code a f b sel Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

69 Mux with Continuous Assignment
module mux(f, a, b, sel); output f; input a, b, sel; assign f = sel ? a : b; endmodule LHS is always set to the value on the RHS Any change on the right causes reevaluation a f b sel Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

70 Mux with User-Defined Primitive
primitive mux(f, a, b, sel); output f; input a, b, sel; table 1?0 : 1; 0?0 : 0; ?11 : 1; ?01 : 0; 11? : 1; 00? : 0; endtable endprimitive Behavior defined using a truth table that includes “don’t cares” This is a less pessimistic than others: when a & b match, sel is ignored (others produce X) a f b sel Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

The output of a combinational circuit may make a transition even though the patterns applied at its inputs do not imply a change. These unwanted switiching transients are called "glitches." Glitches are a consequence of the circuit structure and the application of patterns that cause the glitch to occur. A circuit in which a glitch may occur under the application of appropriate inputs signals is said to have a hazard. A static 1-hazard occurs if an output has an initial value of 1, and an input pattern that does not imply an output transition causes the output to change to 0 and then return to 1. A static 0-hazard occurs if an output has an initial value of 0, and an input pattern that does not imply an output transition causes the output to change to 1 and then return to 0. Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

72 For the hazard-free cover: F = AC + BC' + AB
STATIC HAZARDS Static hazards are caused by differential propagation delays on reconvergent fanout paths. Static hazards can be eliminated by introducing redundant cubes in the cover of the output expression (the added cubes are called a hazard cover). A "minimal"realization: F = AC + BC' For the hazard-free cover: F = AC + BC' + AB Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

73 DYNAMIC HAZARDS (Multiple glitches)
A circuit has a dynamic hazard if an input transition is supposed to cause a single transition in an output, but causes two or more transitions before reached its expected value. Dynamic hazards are a consequence of multiple static hazards caused by multiply reconvergent paths in a multilevel circuit. Dynamic hazards are not easy to eliminate. Elimination of all static hazards eliminates dynamic hazards. Approach: Transform a multilevel circuit into a two-level circuit and eliminate all of the static hazards. Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

74 Example Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

Storage elements are used to store information in a binary format (e.g. state, data, address, opcode, machine status). Storage elements may be clocked or unclocked. Two types: level-sensitive, edge-sensitive Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

Latches are level-sensitive storage elements; data storage is dependent on the level (value ) of the input clock (or enable) signal. The output of a transparent latch changes in response to the data input while the latch is enabled. Changes at the input are visible at the output data Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

Flip-flops are edge-sensitive storage elements; data storage is synchronized to an edge of a clock. The value of data stored depends on the data that is present at the data input(s) when the clock makes a transition at its active (rising or falling) edge. Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

Digital IC Design Flow Huai-Yi Hsu

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