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Scintillator HCAL readout
Felix Sefkow EUDET / CALICE electronics meeting CERN, March 23, 2007
Scintillator HCAL readout
Topics: Scintillator HCAL plans SiPM and MPPC signals Noise level requirements Rate and dead time issues Trigger timing Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
ScHCAL goals Technology: scalable prototype with integrated electronics and minimized gap Scintillator sensor PCB integration Stitchable boards with readout traces Simplified calibration system Power and bias management Combine many HBUs to layer- units for assembly. 2000 channels / layer ~ 60 VFE ASICs ~1 FE FPGA Layer Concentrator (Signals / Power) Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
ScHCAL plans R&D steps Component prototypes of the above Thorough study of VFE interplay with SiPM and MPPC Winter 2007/08 Need VFE test board FE (VFE DAQ interface) adaptation Electronics: control software Build VFE + FE test board (fall 2007?) Need DAQ prototype: ODR, firmware, software framework System integration: power, calibration, monitoring systems Mechanics: adapt to scintillator cassettes, r/o boards, stack 2008 Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
ScHCAL physics Use time measurements to tag neutron hits Clean up picture for PFLOW reconstruction cut at 5 ns Keep late hits for energy resolution gate open for full bx T.Takeshita Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
Showers with timing Effect is stronger for Pb GLD DOD Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
Physics plan Timing measurement is considerable effort Case must be tested with beam Can we believe the neutron simulations? Large differences between models Can be done with existing HCAL modules Maybe partial instrumentation sufficient (10 layers, 2k channels) If SPIROC-1 successful, can be done in 2008 Probably easier with new DAQ than with CRCs Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
SiPMs Critical parameter for SiPM performance is noise above ½MIP threshold Occupancy < 10-4 translates into rate < ~ 300Hz Depends on dark rate, inter-pixel crosstalk and light yield; Rule of thumb: N(T) = Ndark * (Xtalk)T=LY/2 E.g. 2 MHz * (0.3)7 = 400 Hz Presently up to 3 kHz Light yield determines dynamic range and MIP efficiency Minimum 7-10 pixels/MIP - If threshold at 1.5 px possible Will always set threshold as low as possible To maximize MIP efficiency, energy resolution and robustness Electronics noise must not be limiting factor Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
Misha Danilov Comparison of different Multipixel Geiger Photo Diods (MGPD) MGPD were illuminated with Y11 (green) and scintillator (blue) light Efficiency was normalized to MPPC one . Noise frequency Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
SPIROC: One channel schematic
ns 50-100ns Gain selection 8-bit threshold adjustment Reference voltage T 15ns DAC output Q HOLD Slow Shaper Fast Shaper Time measurement Charge measurement Fast ramp 300ns 12-bit Wilkinson ADC Trigger Depth 16 Common to the 36 channels 8-bit DAC 0-5V Low gain Preamplifier High gain Preamplifier Analog memory 50pF 5pF 0.1pF-1.5pF Conversion 80 µs READ Variable delay IN IN test Discri Ludovic Raux Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
SPIROC : Photoelectron response simulation
Ludovic Raux Simulation obtained with SiPM gain = _ 1 pe = 160 fC High gain Preamplifier response Low gain Preamplifier response Fast shaper Tp=15ns Noise/pe ratio = 25 120mV/pe High gain Slow shaper 10mV/pe Tp=50ns Noise/pe ratio = 11 Low gain Slow shaper Tp=50ns 1mV/pe Noise/pe ratio = 3 Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
Noise limits Gain can be as small as 0.2*106 Noise can be so low that threshold at 1.5 p.e is possible Trigger mode: limit given by occupancy: 10-4 T > 4-5 σ( Noise) Noise must be below 1/5 * 1.5 * 0.2 * 106 e N/p.e.> 17 High gain mode: Limit given by separation of single p.e. peaks G > 3-4 σ (Noise) Noise must be below 1/4 * 0.2 * 106 e N / p.e. > 20 Low gain mode: Limit given by MIP resolution dominated by Poisson statistics: σ(Noise) < 1/3 σ( Poisson) Noise must be below 0.2 * 106 e N / p.e > 5 High gain (“calibration”) mode most challenging Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
Experience with MPPCs Operated at 2.something V gain * 106 (~ SiPM) Just works Keep an eye on dynamic range Actually no saturation seen so far in DESY 6 GeV e beam N oise= 40 ADC (calib mode) B.Lutz MPPC noise Satoru Uozumi Gain = 150 ADC Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
subjects of study Benjamin Lutz response for real signals: Is output signal amplitude linearly proportional to input signal charge? What differences do we expect for different photo sensors? auto-trigger: What is the expected difference to nowadays trigger generation? Does this avoid jitter problems with short shaping time? What do we expect in the single photon detection mode? Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
input signal * ASIC response = output signal Benjamin Lutz = * = scope measurement (DESY) simulation (LAL) = Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
singel photon detection
5 shots of one light intensity setting slow shaping auto trigger To be simulated fast shaping Benjamin Lutz Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
Data volume ECAL: SKIROC 968 bits per time slice and 72 channels Buffer depth 5 5 kbit / chip Slab 7200 channels 100 VFE / FE If RAM full: 500 kbit / FE Occupancy Data reduction: JC 10-4, MW 10-2 10-4: per event: 10k hits or (50cm)2 or (10cm)2 in 25 layers 2000 hits per slab and train Distribution ILC: non-uniform per event, random and largely uniform per train Test beam: non-uniform and constant, up to 1 Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
FE readout speed Power considerations Assume bus capacitance 500 pF, gives I=1 MHz x 500 pF x 2V = 1mA Power dissipation 10 µW / chip, 1 mW for 100 chips Readout clock speed few MHz: MHz Might not be a hard limit – only # of bit flips count Daisy-chain VFEs: assume serial readout here Note: parallel lines to FE shorter r/o times ECAL: read 100 SKIROCS with 100 x 5 kbit At 5 MHz: 100 ms (At 1 MHz: 500 ms too slow for ILC) ILC: fine above 2.5 MHz Fewer VFE / FE: cost prohibitive (~300 € / FE) Test beam: asymptotic rate 5 events per cycle = 50 Hz (10 Hz) Can be higher if smaller number for VFEs read Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
ECAL buffer depth: ILC ILC: 3 MHz for 1 ms Occupancy 10-4 implies 300 Hz per channel, 0.3 hits per train No problem for individual channel trigger .OR.ed trigger for 72 channels: 22 kHz, 22 triggers per train Need additional assumptions to justify buffer depth of 5 Concentrated showers: concentrate 22 hits in < 5 time slices Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
ECAL buffer depth: test beam
Testbeam: 1-10 kHz for several seconds Occupancy 1 in central beam impact region 5 buffers full after 0.5 – 5 ms kHz is max rate for ILC-like spill structure 5 MHz readout: 100 ms: >95% dead time, 50 Hz asymptotic rate 10 Hz for 1 MHz r/o 20x20 cm2: 1600 channels, 20 chips , 250 (50) Hz asymptotic With 10% duty cycle of the beam marginally acceptable Multi-chip read-out in test beam: only technical test 10 % duty cycle of spill: 1-5 Hz average rate Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
SiPM readout SPIROC: Data volume: 36 channels, ADC + TDC (+ time stamp(s)) = 876 (1296) bits / event 16 time slices: 14 kbit (20.7kbit) Readout speed: 5 MHz: 3-4 ms / chip if RAM full 1 MHz: ms / chip ILC: 200 ms max readout time 5 MHz: max 50 VFE / FE, 1 MHz: max 10 VFE / FE (or parallel) HCAL layer 2000 channels / 36/chip = 60 chips < 5 MHz: > 1 FE Test beam: Asymptotic rate: 16 / ms = Hz Test beam layer: 1 m2 only 2x faster Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
SiPM occupancy Physics hits: in ttbar events # HCAL (3x3) ~ 1/3 # ECAL (1x1) Total # channels 5M vs 24 M here: occupancy about the same Background hits: need to re-evaluate, probably < ECAL Noise: rates above threshold in physics mode: Presently up to 3 kHz Ultimate requirement driven by occupancy considerations 10-4 translates into 300 Hz, see ECAL case Granularity 40x smaller than ECAL: no band width issue Accepting only prompt signals in short gate of ns wins factor 3-6 can accept up to 2 MHz, but no late hits then Low thresholds needed for low light intensity / thin scintillator Occupancy characterized by noise, large uniform component Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
SiPM buffer depth: ILC case
ILC mode: 3 MHz 300 Hz – 3 kHz noise: 0.3 to 3 hits per train Buffer depth of 16 ok for individual trigger .OR. of 36 channels: trigger rate of 10 – 100 kHz Buffer of 16 slices fills up in 0.16 – 1.6 ms Not sufficient for ILC cycle Independent of physics topology, because noise and not physics induced Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
SiPM buffer depth: test beam
Testbeam mode Need to adjust readout cycle to noise rate and buffer depth Shorten r/o cycle to 0.1 ms? Asymptotic rate stays the same: 80 Hz for 200 ms r/o BUT: Without external trigger read mainly noise Physics fraction = beam rate / noise rate ~ 1/10 … 1/100 Effective rate for 1 kHz beam only 1 or few Hz for .OR.ed auto-trigger Order of 50 Hz for individual trigger Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
Fast timing 1 In present system shaping acts as latency – and is too short Would like to go from 200 ns to, say, 400 ns SiPM shaping in physics mode is shorter ( ns) need to decouple shaping and latency, store charge in-between See next slide Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
SPIROC timing, naively sample hold reset 10ns 50 ns 300 ns 400 ns stop TDC External trigger Or beam clock start Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Timing, more realistically
validate hold reset 10ns 50 ns 300 ns 5000 ns drive TDC External trigger stop start beam clock Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
Fast timing 2 If validation in next clock cycle, loose data Dead-time = latency / clock (in test beam only) Long cycle (50000 ns): < 10%, no problem Hold in next cycle: to be clarified Promising solutions underway – do they co-exist with ECAL and DAQ? Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
Scintillator HCAL readout
Conclusion There is physics in the new EUDET chips We rely on modular DAQ and FE hardware and software The SPIROC analogue front end is challenged by low gain low noise MPPCs For SiPM readout, occupancy will be dominated by noise ILC will need full channel-by-channel zero suppression Test beam with ORed auto-trigger and limited buffer depth needs external trigger validation Fast timing is tricky… Felix Sefkow CALICE / EUDET electronics Scintillator HCAL readout
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