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Enfoque: lunes, el 5 de octubre, 2009 (dos mil nueve) Grupos de Cuatro (4) Daily routine (Secretary & Assistant do jobs AFTER Daily Routine) Enfoque Worksheet:

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Presentation on theme: "Enfoque: lunes, el 5 de octubre, 2009 (dos mil nueve) Grupos de Cuatro (4) Daily routine (Secretary & Assistant do jobs AFTER Daily Routine) Enfoque Worksheet:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enfoque: lunes, el 5 de octubre, 2009 (dos mil nueve) Grupos de Cuatro (4) Daily routine (Secretary & Assistant do jobs AFTER Daily Routine) Enfoque Worksheet: Complete the names of the following Hispanic countries

2 La Agenda Finish ABC check Where are you from? p. 14-15 (#12-13) Central America Countries Personal Files Set-Up

3 ¿De dónde eres? p. 14-15 with Group of 4 1. Write #11 in Reflexiones section of composition notebook 2. Practice Speaking: #12 & 13

4 Mnemonic Devices A method for enhancing memory. When using the term mnemonic device, most people are referring to a trick that one uses to help memorize something.

5 Central American Countries Figure out a mnemonic device for remembering the order of the Central American countries Ex. Caribbean countries are: Charlie really digs purple rice. (Cuba, Republica Dominicana, Puerto Rico)

6 Map of Central America

7 Personal Files Last name, first name – Term # 1 All quizzes, projects and tests In boxes on windowsill Filing practice Pick up folder at start of class (When stated on Enfoque) Put materials in folder (Right way up! por favor!)

8 La Tarea Worksheet ¿De dónde eres? Practica C (p. 11-15)

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