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Welcome To Language Arts:

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1 Welcome To Language Arts:
Today is Wednesday, April 27th 2011 Journal Topic: What do you think this statement means? “Dogs are man's best friend.” Please have Discussion Questions on desk for pick up.

2 EQ: What are flashbacks and foreshadowing and how does it give me hints about what I am reading?
SCOS 5.02, 2.02

3 Lob's Girl Quiz Quiz on Thursday, 4/28
Study Guides Will Be Given Out Today!

4 Summarize Lob's Girl in 5 steps!
Activations: 1) Turn to your neighbor and.... Summarize Lob's Girl in 5 steps! Share in 2 Minutes

5 What is Foreshadowing?

6 What is a Flashback?

7 Lob's Girl by: Joan Aiken
Let's finish up in the story. Raise Your hand if you hear an Example of Flashback or Foreshadowing. Page 888 Yellow Literature Book

8 Homework: 1) Begin Reading Log 2) Study for Lob's Girl Quiz .
You can look up homework online: WSFCS/KMS/Shooting Stars/

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