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MPS Research & Evaluation

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1 MPS Research & Evaluation
STARS Reports MPS Research & Evaluation

2 A Look at Reports Login to the STARS website or
Select Report Manager from the top menu bar The list of Reports with their description should be visible You may also access reports through the Reports Flipcard on the Launchpad Select Predefined Reports

3 How did students perform overall? Test Results Report…
Select Test Results and Reset the filters if needed It is most important to make sure you are in the correct year and on the desired test in order for reports to give you the information you are looking for. Always remember to click on Apply to activate your changes.

4 How did students perform overall? Navigating Test Results…
Notice the tabs at the top adjacent to Test Results. These tabs give you a choice of other reports to view student data in STARS. Student Response, Standard analysis, Feedback Cards, Item analysis, Demographic Profile, & Summary At the top of the page for Test Results you will find a class summary and pie chart of the student data. Double clicking on the sections of the pie chart will bring up a list of students scoring in that category of the pie. Sort the columns from low to high or high to low to view a numerical listing of student rankings according to the category. On this example the categories are Non-Mastery and Mastery. Different information can be viewed by selecting to keep or deselecting the checkmark in the green boxes. What observations do you see in the overall Test Results?

5 Navigating Test Results…
When you scroll down the Test Results report displays individual student data. Student ID, name grade, raw score, % correct, performance level, time spent on the test, EL, SPED, & Ethnicity You can sort information by clicking on the arrows at the top of each column. This is true in most of the reports in STARS. Selecting a student name will display a Student History report. District CRT scores are not visible in STARS but can be accessed through the district’s data site of EdDashboard at Click on the arrow at the top of each column to sort low to high or high to low or alphabetically by first or last name, etc.

6 How did students perform on each item? Student Response Report…
Which items did most students answer correctly? Incorrectly? The numbers at the top of each column on the right designate the question number on the test. Scroll to the right to access all question numbers and student responses. Select the question/item number at the top of the column and it reveals the actual question. Select a student name and a Student History Report can be seen.

7 What standards did students perform well on
What standards did students perform well on? What standards did students perform poorly on? Standards Analysis Report… Choose the columns to be displayed by checking or unchecking the box. The Standards Analysis Report provides an abundance of information at a quick glance. The bar graph provides a visual and makes it easy to see which standards might need further attention with intervention or enrichment for students. Hover over each bar and the standard appears along with a description; the average % of students answering correct, the number of items for the standard on the test, and which item/question number the standard addressed. You may also wish to eliminate the columns for TS (time spent), demographics, and/or Show Graph by unchecking the green box above the bar graph.

8 Standards Analysis… Scroll Down…
Hover over the standard code and you will see the standard description Individual results by standard are indicated in each column Sort from high to low or low to high by clicking on the heading of each column Scrolling down on the Standards Analysis report gives individual student information by standard instead of item/question. The column with RS at the top is the Raw Score for each student. The number possible for that specific standard is shown in parenthesis next to the letters RS.

9 How can I see specific information for each student
How can I see specific information for each student? Feedback Cards or Student History Report… Feedback cards break down specific student information into a printable format for each student. These may be beneficial in sharing with parents at conferences or providing information for TAT, 504, and IEP meetings. This information can also be used to determine intervention and/or enrichment needs of students. Uncheck the green box at the top to choose the information you would like to be shown on the Feedback Cards.

10 Item Analysis – What items were missed most frequently
Item Analysis – What items were missed most frequently? What incorrect answers were selected most often? Why? Select the Download arrow to print Sort the % Correct column to view % Correct from high to low or low to high Select the Blue Bar to view a list of students in that percentage group.

11 Selecting the blue %Correct bar results in a pie chart of the % of students selecting each possible response.

12 Student History Report…
From the menu bar… From the Launchpad Flipcards… There are multiple avenues to accessing a Student History report. Student History reports can also be accessed by clicking on the student’s name in the Test Results and Student Response reports.

13 Student History Report…
Click By Student if searching for one student. Click By class to view your class roster. Can search by student ID#, first or last name Print your entire class by choosing Bulk Printing Search by period for specific students In the Student History Report you can search for individual by student typing in last name, or first name or student ID number. You can also access the entire class at once by selecting By Class. Clicking on the ‘eye’ symbol on the right will take you to that specific student’s data information. Bulk Printing allows you to print a Student History for all students in your class at one time. Select the eye to view the student history

14 Student History Report…
Choose your assessment or choose ALL to show current and/or previous assessment data. Select the down arrow to download and/or print a PDF, excel, or CSV document. Click the plus (+) sign to expand the data There are several methods to access current and previous test data. The menu bar under the student name gives you a choice of All Assessments, Local Assessments, State Assessments or Class Schedule. By selecting All Assessments and clicking the plus (+) sign the student data will display previous years assessment results. To print a report select the down arrow on the right side of the page and select PDF Portrait, PDF Landscape, or CSV. Do not select Excel. The CSV format will download the data into an Excel spreadsheet.

15 Demographics Profile Displays assessment data by demographic group of the test takers for the selected assessment. Includes number of students in each demographic group The percent of students in each specific category that falls into each Performance Level Display one or as many categories at a time by clicking to place or remove a check mark next to each demographic.

16 Summary Displays summary data for the selected assessment.
Can be viewed by item, by standard, by class, by teacher, by grade level and by school, according to the user's access level. Teacher level access only give data on the teacher’s students and does not allow access to grade level data.

17 Questions?? Cara Steiner 480-472-0231 Cindy Bochna

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