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Islam Founding an Empire through conquest and trade

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1 Islam Founding an Empire through conquest and trade
Daily life and muslim contributions

2 On your warm up write a 4 to 5 sentence paragraph tracing the life of Muhammad and the spread of Islam. (include dates) Also put on your warm up The geography and climate that influenced the Arab way of life was A tropical rain forest A cold and mountainous terrain A hot desert and dry plains A cool and rainy flat terrain What main source provides guidance to Islam’s followers? The Quran Teachings in the Bible Storied handed down by word of mouth Teachings in the Vedas

3 Copy on next clean sheet of paper
I can… Describe the expansion of Muslim rule through conquest and cultural diffusion And the spread of Islam and the Arabic language. 7.4 Describe the establishment of trade routes among Asia, Africa, and Europe and the Role of merchants in Arab society. 7.9


5 Write this paragraph for Review:
Islam is a ________________ based on the teachings of ______________________. People who believe in Islam are called ________________. The holy books are the ________, Reveals the word of their main god, ____________, and the __________________, which teaches about the Five ________. They are ____________, _____________, _______________, _____________, and _______________.

6 Founding an empire 7.4 The first 4 Caliphs – close friends or relatives of Muhammad – carried Islam beyond the Arabian Peninsula The Umayyads – governed from Damascus – – extended Muslim rule farther into Asia and Africa Islamic Spain – made Cordoba a center of Islam Preachers and Traders – Sufis taught Islam and Merchants built trading posts

7 1.The first four _____ were leaders of the Arab Empire who were related to or friends of Muhammad.
 A.Sunnis  B.caliphs  C.sultans  D.sheikhs 2.When he died, Muhammad left no instructions about the next leader of Islam.  A.TRUE  B.FALSE 3.The Umayyads governed the Arab Empire from ______.  A.Madinah  B.Baghdad  C.Makkah  D.Damascus

8 Copy on next clean sheet of paper
I can analyze the origins and impact of different sects within islam, sunnis and shi’ites. Copy on next clean sheet of paper

9 Read the article provided. Create a venn diagram with info
7.7 I can evaluate the beginnings of Sunni & Shi’ite Muslims. Sunni Shi’ite

10 A new dynasty 750 AD the Shia Muslims rebelled
Over threw the Umayyads The Abbasid Dynasty came to power Ruled the Arab Empire until 1258

11 Who are the seljuk turks?
Describe the expansion of Muslim rule through conquest and cultural diffusion And the spread of Islam and the Arabic language. 7.4 Who are the seljuk turks? From Central Asia Nomads and great warriors 1055, they seized Baghdad – the Sultan held power Seljuk sultans ruled with Abbasid caliphs for 200 years

12 7.11 – I can explain the importance of mehmed ii and suleiman the magnificent.
Copy on next clean sheet of paper

13 Three Muslim Empires The Ottomans -Mehmet II -Suleiman I The Safavids
7.11 &12 I can explain the importance of Mehmed II the Conqueror and Suleiman the Magnificent. I can write an explanatory paragraph to describe the Shah Abbas and how his policies of cultural blending led to the Golden Age and the rise of the Safavid Empire. Three Muslim Empires The Ottomans -Mehmet II -Suleiman I The Safavids Mogul Pg

14 Draw this organizer. Read pg 115 at the bottom for info.
Describe the establishment of trade routes among Asia, Africa, and Europe and the Role of merchants in Arab society. 7.9 Draw this organizer. Read pg 115 at the bottom for info. This begins chp. 5.3

15 Picture dictionary Mosque Astrolabe Minarets

16 Muslim contributions (list from pgs. 117-119)
Science and Mathematics Medicine, Literature, art, architecture Watch this:

17 Judaism Christianity Islam 7.5
I can make historical connections between Islam, Judaism, & Christianity. Judaism Christianity Islam

18 Exit-Put on half sheet of paper
Create 3 questions you would put on the quiz and answer them. Ask your beside partner one of your questions & record his/her answer. List 1 way the lesson applies to your life. Create a top 3 list of the most important facts of the lesson. Create one question about the lesson and ask your beside partner. Record his/her answer. 321 3-Things you found out 2-List one question you still have. Ask you partner the question & record his/her answer. 1-List 1 way the lesson applies to your life. 3 Words What 3 words would you use to describe the time period discussed in class today? Explain and justify your choices. Pick one

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