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General recognition of foreign education

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1 General recognition of foreign education
Marius Jensen

2 NOKUT? Nasjonalt organ for kvalitet i utdanningen (NOKUT) Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education Professionally independent body underneath Ministry of Education. Has its own decision-making board. Has 5 departments Department of Administration Department of Foreign Education Department of Analysis and Development Department of Communication Department of Quality Assurance

3 Department of Foreign Education (DFE)
What does DFE do? Among others: Evaluation of application of recognition from individual applicants Evaluation of foreign Higher Education Provide advise to institutions, employers and other authorities

4 Structure of Norwegian Education System

5 A full time study programme corresponds to 60 credits (ECTS) per academic year

6 Different types of Recognition Schemes
The education and the profession that the applicant is qualified for determines: A) if a recognition is needed at all B) what type of recognition is needed C) which recognition body the applicant must apply to

7 Recognition scheme - Pursuing further education
Admission offices (examples): Samordna opptak (residence permit, bachelor’s degree level) Universities «Voksenopplæring»

8 I’m going to study in Norway…do I need recogntion?
Do I need to seek recognition before I apply for admission to higher education or vocational education in Norway? Normally No. Recognition is part of the admission procedure.

9 The purpose of recogntion:
To make it easier for people with foreign qualifications to find work Consisten gageing of salayr/wages when hire To make it easier for potential employers to assess the level of the education of a foreign job applicant Ensure that those who work in regulated professions are properly qualified To help you find out if you need further education

10 Recognition schemes - Pursuing a job
Regulated Professions Unregulated Professions Recognition offices Municipalities (Fylkeskommune) Or 16 offices

11 Regulated Professions
Recognition of regulated professions is called «Professional recognition» (Authorization / license) Applies for both higher and non-higher education Professional recognition (Authorization) is mandatory There are about 170 regulated professions in Norway Examples: Medical doctors Lawyers Electricians Teachers Authorized accountants

12 Some examples of regulated professions:
Teacher Health related professions at all levels Electrician If you are from an EU country you must apply directly to DSB (The Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning) If you are from an EU country you can apply directly to The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (Utdanningsdirektoratet). You must apply directly to the Norwegian Directorate of Health If you are not from an EU country you can contact the «Fylkeskommune / County Council first, and DSB afterwards. If your degree is not from an EU country, you need NOKUT’s general recognition of your education before you can apply for authorization from the Directorate for Education and Training.

13 NOKUT’S list of regulated professions
A list of regulated professions can be found on NOKUT’s website A list of recognition bodies/ offices to approach can also be found on NOKUT’s website: In some cases NOKUT’s recognition is required in order to get a profession recognitions

14 Unregulated professions – Higher Education
Most jobs in Norway are unregulated professions If you wish to work within unregulated professions, it is the employers that determines if the content and scope of your education is sufficient to preform the tasks in the job description. If the applicant has higher education from abroad, he/she can apply for NOKUT’s general recognition.

15 Some examples of unregulated professions – Higher Education
Legal advisers It is up to employers to decide whether or not one has the right competences. Can apply NOKUT’s general recognition. (NB! Lawyer is not the same as legal adviser. Lawyer is regulated profession and need authorization from Tilsynsrådet for advokatvirksomhet) Economists It is up for employers to decide whether or not one has the right competences. Can apply NOKUT’s general recognition.

16 Unregulated professions – Non-higher Education
If your profession is not regulated by law: You do not need a recognition No centralized evaluation process Vocational training offices («Fagopplæringskontor») in each county («Fylkeskommune») can evaluate credentials, but practices vary They can offer you an evaluation and statement fo your competency Ex.: Hairdresser, painter, carpenter…

17 NOKUT’s General Recognition
What is NOKUT’s general recognition? A voluntarily recognition scheme for unregulated professions An evaluation of higher education, meaning education at university or other institutions of higher education. An evaluation of the status of the institution and the qualification in the home country. An evaluation of foreign higher education which compares the foreign education against the Norwegian system of higher education. Primarily meant for the labor-market (where the profession is not regulated).

18 NOKUT’s general recognition……
…….Informs of education’s Level / degree Ex.: is the education equivalent to a Norwegian bachelor’s degree? Scope Ex.: How many years of education or ECTS does the education equal to compared to the Norwegian educational system?

19 NOKUT does not assess Education at secondary school level
Vocational education Whether your education includes the same subjects as a specific Norwegian education Whether your education provides speical expertise Your education in Norway Work experience

20 How to apply? Procedure for individual applicants:
Download and fill our application form found on our website: Attach all the necessary documents NOKUT has both general and country specific documentation requirements: NB! Before applying, make sure if it is NOKUT’s recognition that you need

21 Country specific documentation requirements
Some examples: USA and the Philippines Transcript sent directly from the university to NOKUT in a sealed envelope. Iran Translation of educational documents done by translation offices affiliated to the Ministry of Justice. Pakistan Educational documents (final degree diploma & transcript) must be attested by HEC (Higher Education Commission).

22 Processing of application
Receive application from individual applicants along with all necessary documents. Application is registered. Normal processing time 2 months. NOKUT’s decision is sent to applicant by mail (hard copy). All applicants have the right to appeal the decision.

23 Criteria for recognition
Is the institution accredited as an institution for academic higher education by the authorities in the home country? Is the education a higher education? Are the documents genuine? Does the education fulfill the minimum requirements for general recognition in Norway (GSU-list)? ‘time-for-time’ principle (1 year = 1 year = 60 ECTS) Does the education fulfill degree granting requirements in Norway?

24 What if you can’t submit the required documentation or if the documentation is insufficient?
Applicants with foreign higher education that is education at the level of university / university college, who cannot be granted general recognition due to missing, insufficient or unverifiable documentation will be referred to the Recognition Procedure for Persons without Verifiable Documentation (UVD-procedure). About 250 applicants/year Applies to a greater extent to applicants who have their qualifications from a country where the political situation as of today makes it impossible to verify the education documents. Recognition procedure for persons with insufficient / non-verifiable documentation

25 Recognition procedure for persons without verifiable documentation: international obligations
By ratifying The Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region (The Lisbon Convention) Norway has undertaken to establish a system for the recognition of qualifications held by refugees, displaced persons and persons in a refugee-like situation (Article VII). Recognition procedure for persons without verifiable documentation is established according to the recommendations stated in the European Area of Recognition Manual, Chapter 12: Refugees Recognition procedure for persons with insufficient / non-verifiable documentation

26 Recognition model Stage 1 Application for general recognition and referral to recognition procedure for persons without verifiable documentation Stage 2 Mapping of applicant’s background and assessment of result Stage 3 NOKUT’s assessment/level placement of qualifications and setting up of a committee of experts Stage 4 Assessment by expert committee appointed by NOKUT Stage 5 Final assessment / NOKUT’s decision on general recognition and filing in archives Recognition procedure for persons with insufficient / non-verifiable documentation

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