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VIRTUAL/REMOTE LABS By Dr. Sandip Kumar Raut Lecturer in Tabla

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1 VIRTUAL/REMOTE LABS By Dr. Sandip Kumar Raut Lecturer in Tabla
Utkal University of Culture, Bhubaneswar

2 What is Virtual Lab? Virtual labs are e-learning resources which enhance the accessibility of experimental set up providing distance teaching frame work which meets the students’ hands on learning needs. In addition, online collaborative communication represents a practical and constructivists method to transmit the knowledge and experience of the teacher to students, overcoming physical distance and isolation. http//

3 TYPES OF VIRTUAL LABS: Simulation based virtual labs- In this type the experiments are modelled using mathematical equations. Simulations are carried out remotely at a high end server, and results communicated to the students over the internet. It can cater to large number of students. Remote triggered Virtual labs – In this types of labs actual experiments are triggered remotely and results communicate to the students but it can cater to limited numbers of students as time slots are booked before conducting such experiments.

4 AIMS: To provide remote-access to laboratories in various discipline of science and engineering for students of levels from under graduate to research. It intends to develop a complete learning Management system where the students can avail the various tools for learning ,including additional web- resources ,video lectures, animated demonstration and self evaluation. It is also a component wherein costly equipments and resources are shared, which otherwise available to only a limited number of users due to constraints on time and geographical distances. It helps in learning basic and advanced concepts through remote experimentation.

5 SALIENT FEATURES: It provides measured data for virtual lab experiments corresponding to the data previously obtained by measurements on an actual system. It remotely triggers an experiment in an actual lab. It provides the student the result of the experiment through the computer interface. It entails carrying out the actual lab experiment remotely. It is user friendly and one can call or support team for help. Registration not required in most of virtual labs. It can be accessed either through time slots or anytime.

6 EXAMPLES: A case of such an environment is the Virtual Radio pharmacy Laboratory. The Virtual Radio pharmacy Laboratory is a 3D simulation of a real radio pharmacy laboratory where learners, represented by 3D avatars, can experiment on radio pharmacy equipment by carrying out specific learning scenarios. Another example of a distributed virtual reality environment for simulation- based learning is C-VISions. C-VISions is a research project, which focuses on the implementation of a multi-user 3D environment for educational purposes.

7 ADVANTAGES: It can augment the efficiency of theory based lectures.
Small projects can also be carried out. It can effectively be used to give lab demonstration to large classes. It is cost effective as costly equipment and resources can reach to large students. There is no time and geographical constraints.

8 Continues… It improves access to higher education and offers flexible learning schedule. All relevant information – Theory, Lab manuals, additional web resources, video-lectures, animated demonstration and self evaluation are available at a common place. Web based and video based courses helps to address the issue of teaching. It has feedback form to access the students level of understanding. It enhances skills and knowledge of students who reside in remote areas.

9 DISADVANTAGES: It does not give hands-on experience to students.
Digital literacy and availability of internet connection is a constraints. Motivating students becomes difficult after some time. Acceptance of responsibility becomes another problem. Knowledge of technology and its implementation is another hurdle. Online assessment can be difficult as special attention has to be devoted to control students from cheating.

10 Thank you

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