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International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

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Presentation on theme: "International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Potential and Costs for Controlling Particulate Matter in Europe

2 Approach to PM Assessment
Health impact theories still controversial (PM mass, size, number, carbonaceous, etc.) Integrated assessment for all impact theories (as far as possible) to determine set of robust measures First step: PM mass, distinguish PM size classes Future work: other PM properties (carbonaceous, metals, alkaline, etc.)

3 Methodology Emission factors for TSP first
mass balance approach for stationary combustion sources reported factors for the mobile and other sources PM10 and PM2.5 fractions for uncontrolled emissions Uncontrolled emission factors for fine / coarse / PM>10 Size-specific emission removal efficiencies

4 Initial Projections of Primary PM
EU-15 Non-EU

5 PM10 emissions by source sector [kilotons]

6 PM2.5 emissions by source sector [kilotons]

7 PM control options considered in RAINS
Stationary Sources: Cyclones Fabric filters Electrostatic precipitators (ESP) 1 field 2/3 fields 3+ fields Improved combustion techniques for small sources Mobile Sources: EURO-II EURO-III EURO-IV EURO-V

8 Control potential for primary PM emissions

9 PM emission control costs (Billion Euro/year)

10 Major open issues Emissions from wood burning Re-suspension Road Rail
Material handling Waste treatment & disposal, solvents Verification with national experts

11 On the Internet Free access to PM module National databases
Emission calculations and projections Cost calculations and cost curves

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