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Emission & Absorption of Light

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Presentation on theme: "Emission & Absorption of Light"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emission & Absorption of Light

2 Incandescence: glowing from heat
Blue = hottest Red=coolest

3 Spectrum: light separated into component wavelengths
Learning from Light What is white light? What is a prism? Is there light we can’t see? What is ROY G. BIV? Spectrum: light separated into component wavelengths spectrum on: p. 484 & 678

4 What is a prism? is a transparent optical element that breaks light up into its constituent spectral colors (the colors of the rainbow)


6 Types of spectra Sunlight, light bulbs
Sunlight that has traveled through our atmosphere Hot gas


8 Practice Drawing Spectra!



11 When finished with lab: 1
When finished with lab: 1. Put your name on it and place it in your binder 2. Take out your astronomy booklet and continue to work on it independently 3. When finished, get a chromebook and create a quizlet with “key vocabulary” (see “daily agenda”)

12 Closure: SHARE A PAPER WITH YOUR PARTNER AND WRITE THE FOLLOWING ON IT: Write one sentence that summarizes the main idea learned today Name two of the most important details 3. Create a question to quiz your classmates

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