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The boys have crashed their plane- Wilderness Survival Assignment

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1 The boys have crashed their plane- Wilderness Survival Assignment
Plane simulation exercise All pilot/adults are dead. You have 15 minutes to create a plan and leadership. What will you do????

2 List with a partner in order of necessity and explain purpose for each.
First aid kit Coins for pay phones canteen Emergency food rations Water purification tablets/filter Fish hooks and fishing line Police whistle Toilet paper Waterproof matches Fire starter Rigid blade knife saw Compass Map of the area Signal mirror Flashlight Plastic tarp

3 Introduction and Background
Lord of the Flies 1954 Introduction and Background

4 Title Translation “Beelzebub” a Hebrew word for LUCIFER
However, the literal translation of “Beelzebub” into English is LORD OF THE FLIES

5 William Golding Born in Britain 1911-1993
L.O.T.F Author William Golding Born in Britain

6 Born September 19, 1911 in Cornwall, England
Raised next to a graveyard Mother, Mildred, active suffragette who fought for women’s right to vote Father, Alex, was a schoolmaster Early education at the school his father taught at, Marlborough Grammar School Age 12- unsuccessfully attempted to write a novel Bullied his peers “I enjoyed hurting people”

7 Attended Oxford University, opted for English literature
1934- published 1st work, a book of poetry entitled Poems. Overlooked by critics. After college, worked in settlement houses and theater for a time. 1935- took a teaching position. Experience teaching unruly boys inspired is novel LofF. 1940- abandoned the profession to join the Royal Navy and fight in WWII.

8 Six years on a boat in the Royal Navy
Developed love for sailing and the sea Placed in command of a rocket-launching craft “I began to see what people were capable of doing. Anyone who moved through those years without understanding that man produces evil as a bee produces honey, must have been blind or wrong in the head.” Fought battleships, submarines and planes 1945- returned to teaching and writing 1954- rejected 21x, published LofF

9 In the decade before LOTF was published, Britain had been involved in two wars:
WWII Korean War

10 As a child, Golding had witnessed WWI, which was referred to as “the war to end all wars”
HOWEVER, 22 years later Britain was again involved in ANOTHER WAR to end all wars, which caused more devastation than was imaginable

11 Through LOTF, Golding is making the statement that we cannot escape our savage, violent tendencies…

12 …and without social order, we devolve into a state of chaos



15 “Allegory” by Thomas Hood
I had a gig-horse, and I called him Pleasure Because on Sundays for a little jaunt He was so fast and showy, quite a treasure; Although he sometimes kicked and shied aslant. I had a chaise, and christened it Enjoyment, With yellow body and the wheels of red, Because it was only used for one employment, Namely, to go wherever Pleasure led. I had a wife, her nickname was Delight: A son called Frolic, who was never still: Alas! how often dark succeeds to bright! Delight was thrown, and Frolic had a spill, Enjoyment was upset and shattered quite, And Pleasure fell a splitter on Paine's Hill

16 LOTF Symbols (Objects, characters, figures, or colors that represent ideas or concepts)
Piggy’s Glasses = The last surviving evidence of the lawful, structured world REASON and LOGIC Conch Shell = New democracy on the island LAW and ORDER Beast = Evil…reference to the serpent in the garden of Eden SAVAGERY

17 Important Symbols Butterflies= goodness and harmony with nature
Lord of the Flies = A pig’s head on a stick that becomes the physical acceptance of evil and chaos on the island Parachutist- adult supervision Masks/face paint- loss of civilization; new identity

18 The Platform: Government; order
The plane crash: breakdown of modern society The boys: Ralph and Piggy: goodness; order Jack and Roger: evil/devil himself Big kids: Ruling class Littluns: commoners Fire: technology out of control; atom bomb Smoke: comfort, safety, rescue

19 Symbols (cont’d) Signal Fire- hope and reason
Island- Paradise at first (Edenic isolation

20 Adults- civilization, rules, order [lack of adult supervision on the island represents the lack of above] The Scar- paradise/man’s corruption; biblical allusion to The Garden Jack v Ralph- Cold War “who is more powerful” concept/competitiveness

21 Symbols, cont’d. Ralph- Winston Churchill, Britain’s Prime Minister
Roger- Nazi Leader Heinrich Himmler, chief SS officer/also considered symbolic of Stalin (Russia) and/or Mussolini (Italy) Killing of “the beast”- Kristelnacht “night of broken glass”

22 Piggy- the Jews Jack = Hitler
Hitler promised Germans food- Jack promises meat Hitler promised better life- Jack would help the monotony of building shelters/fun Hitler blamed the Jews, Jack blamed the beast Simon- Christ Figure; biblical allusion Piggy- the Jews

23 TERMS to REMEMBER Microcosm = A small world that represents the world at large Edenic = Eden like, paradise like, a setting that has not yet been spoiled by man

24 Character Analysis Ralph ~ Main character described as “fair haired,” having “broad shoulders…[like a] boxer’s,” and has a face that “proclaims no devil” (Churchill) Committed to civilization and morality Translation = GOOD

25 Character Analysis Piggy \ Described as “fat,” “intellectual,” asthmatic, and needs glasses (Jews of WWII) Represents scientific, rational side of civilization, and social order

26 Character Analysis Jack ~ Described as having red hair, wears black with a snake clasp, ugly Cruel and manipulative Represents our savage instincts played out ( HITLER) EVIL

27 Character Analysis Simon ~ Described as a skinny, vivid little boy, who “meditates;” and he faints, which some cultures have believed is a sign of connecting with the spiritual world (Christ figure) Seems to be connected with nature, and he has an innate, spiritual goodness

28 Character Analysis Roger ~ “Silent” and sadistic
Mussolini Targets the “littluns” The only one to premeditate murder Kills without conscience Pure evil

29 Character Analysis Sam and Eric (Samneric) ~ Twins
Described as barely having enough skin to cover both, bullet-headed, and they finish each other’s sentences The last to remain loyal to Ralph Represent the tug-of-war within us to remain good

30 Character Analysis “Littluns” ~ The younger kids
Represent the common folk, who easily follow the lead of others into savagery when there is no enforced structure in society

31 Setting Time: ~1950s, after some sort of atomic
warfare has taken place Place: A tiny, previously uninhabited coral island in the South Pacific. The children have crash-landed here after their plane was shot down while they were on some sort of trip with their schools.

32 The island- setting Microcosm for all of humanity

33 A group of English boys are deserted on an island after their plane has been shot down in WWII

34 Setting Analysis – 16 min

35 Themes Moral Degeneration Descent into Savagery Human Nature
Civilization Spirituality and Religion Survival of the Fittest “Weak v Strong”

36 WW2 historical allusion- Sexual war crime violence Purpose? Discuss
Is it a coincidence that the only type of female in the story is the sows? Does it have some significance in the plot that those pigs are treated that way? Yes! Ch From the way Golding describes the incident, the attack seems almost sexual in nature. WW2 historical allusion- Sexual war crime violence Purpose? Discuss

37 LOTF in Popular Culture
English heavy metal band Iron Maiden composed a song about the novel. The song "Lord of The Flies" can be found on The X Factor (1995). Lord of the Flies served as the inspiration for Sunrise Animation's classic anime series Infinite Ryvius. It is claimed that Mark Burnett's Survivor reality TV series was inspired by the novel.

38 LOTF in Popular Culture
It has been speculated that the Nine Inch Nails song "Piggy" is Trent Reznor's vision of a conversation from chapter 8 in the novel. People have found many similarities between Lord of the Flies and the television show Lost, and characters Sawyer and Charlie make references to Lord of the Flies.

39 LOTF in Popular Culture
Stephen King has stated that the Castle Rock in Lord of the Flies was the inspiration for the town of the same name that has appeared in a number of his novels. The book itself also appears prominently in his novels, Hearts In Atlantis and Cujo. An episode of The Simpsons titled "Das Bus" was a parody of Lord of the Flies, mirroring it in many ways.

40 McCarthyism

41 Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka

42 Auschwitz-Birkenau

43 Majdanek

44 Cold War History: Nuclear Deterrence

45 Cold War Bomb Shelters

46 Gas Masks WWII- general

47 Child’s Gas Masks WWII

48 Chapter One Vocabulary find the word in the book, highlight and define in margin
1. Efflorescence 2. Effulgence 3. Enmity 4. Decorous 5. Chorister 6. Bastion 7. Hiatus

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