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Introduction to 3-on-3 Debating

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1 Introduction to 3-on-3 Debating
Viv Jones

2 Outline Why debate? What is debate? Matter/Manner/Method
How to prepare a case Speaker roles Team Case Definitions Models Hot tips Rules to fascilitate discussion on topics - people speaking and responding to ensure it’s godo!

3 Travel the world funded by Monash!
Why Debate? Improve yourself Make friends at uni Travel the world funded by Monash! Improve yourself: Tute presentations a sinch, job interviews etc

4 Tournaments SEMESTER 1 (3-on-3) Freshers (MAD) For virgin IV debaters
Easters (Melbourne UNI) The National novice comp President’s Cup (Melbourne) Debate with fun people Sorensen (MAD) Major 3-on-3 comp, novice rule ADAM (Melbourne) Pre-Australs and great practice Auckland MAD’s favourite IV SEMESTER 2 (British Parliamentary) Pro-Am Comp Open BP Comp Freehills Women’s (Sydney) ANU Mini (Canberra) Sydney Mini (Sydney) Vic Mini (New Zealand) Melbourne Mini (Melbourne) WUPID (Malaysia) WORLDS (Botswana) Heaps of Opportunity to get involved Casually Seriously As much as you put in you can take out DEBATING = IMPROVEMENT MAD has enormous history of debaters coming in with very little experience; Kim Little did a little bit at UQ in undergrad, but joined MAD, got into and became WORLD CHAMPION! Opportunity is there for you to carpe diem

5 Why do we do it? “Dutch troops pull out of Afghanistan”
“US to sell Uranium to India” “Gay marriage bill vetoed” “Cap on CEO pay strives to end era of excess” “GLOBAL WARMING IS OVERRATED” 1) We want to be able to express our opinions clearly and powerfully. We like to Argue, or we recognise it’s important; Important for study, work, and life.

6 What is Debate?

7 Debate is structured argument

8 Debate - an overview Assigned topic and side Understand context
Identify problem Propose solution Convince everyone why it’s right!

9 3-on-3 Debate: the format
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE 30 minute prep 1st Aff 1st Neg 2nd Aff 6-8 minute speeches 2nd Neg 3rd Aff 3rd Neg

The elements that contribute to persuasiveness in debates

11 MATTER What you say “Arguments” How to make it good:
Analysis = first principles, examples, statistics etc First principles: Role of Govt: big vs small govt - topic: criminalise hate speech, holocaust denial, ban abortions Harm Minimisation - topic: legalise polygamy, prostitution Page 50 classic concepts

12 Elements of an argument
IDEA ANALYSIS Step through your analysis - keep asking “why?” EVIDENCE LINK How does it help you prove your team’s case?

13 Example of an argument Giving arms to Afghani Tribal Militias will undermine Al Qaeda's power in the hills Pashtun tribes have self-interest at heart (concerned with protection) -> will follow whoever presents the most benefit. By providing weapons, we become the ally of choice. E.g. Under Soviet Union, Mujahaddin fighters were happy to engage with the most powerful ally Without weapons to defend themselves they are blackmailed by Al Qaeda E.g. Al Qaeda has taken sons of tribal leaders hostage E.g. One tribe that resisted Al Qaeda initially was made an example of - Suicide bombers exploded in a family wedding killing dozens By providing weapons, Militias will be both able to defend themselves and will be motivated to align with west Ddebate:That we should arm Afghani Tribal Militias

14 Keep it logical and relevant
Why is it true? Who Cares?

15 Rebuttal Same elements are true for building arguments and destroying them. Targeting the Idea > Analaysis > Evidence

16 Viv’s Rebuttal Tips Ways to rebut:
Establish that the opp argument is based on an error of fact / an erroneous interpretation of fact Establish that the opp argument is illogical (the conclusion does not logically flow from the premise) Problem/solution gap Establish that the opp argument, while itself correct, involves unacceptable implications. The best rebuttal works together these approaches into an “Even if..” Eg; That smokers should be denied access to medicare. Aff say: smoking related illnesses are the no. 1 drain of public health care Rebut: not a true fact. Why? Smokers die younger - old age and associated paleative care costs are the real drain on health care. BUT even if it is: - smokers are human beings too - people who pay taxes to the states, engaging in a legal activity - govt’s role to provide them with healthcare = unacceptable implications

17 MANNER Your presentation. How engaging are you as a speaker?
First things first: There’s no hard fast rule as to what makes good manner Everyone’s style is different - keep it natural Everyone can improve their manner What are you like to listen to? How credible are you as a speaker? Find YOUR OWN STYLE and work to perfect it Humour

18 Consensus on what makes good manner: Eye contact
Body language - gestures, posture TONE In control - you have the floor Viv’s Hot tips: Watch your language - no flippant comments Vary your manner Be conscious of your own flaws VARY: You want to be considered (ie; rational and logical), passionate at times, logical always, confident, TONE: Debate: that we should legalise euthanasia - terminally ill people You want to sound: calm compassionate, realistic & respectful You don’t want to: makes jokes about people who are terminally ill - be the speaker who advocates killing old people off to cut costs LANGUAGE: - umms, ares, repetitive ladies and gentlemen, ‘you know..’ Indigenous Australians: Aboriginal people, indigenous people, aboriginies Femininism: Women or girls? -

19 METHOD How you present your case
Can you audience understand and follow what you are saying? Matter impact: Adjudicator can digest what you are saying Manner impact: You appear logical and in control.

20 How to keep your speech structured:
Team split Individual speaker: Introduce, Analyse, Conclude Say what you’re going to say, say it then say what you said. Watch the clock

21 Speaker Roles 1st Affirmative SET UP: Arguments (5 - 6 minutes)
Context Definition Team Position/Model Team Split Arguments (5 - 6 minutes) 1st Negative Definition Issues Rebut (3 mins) SET UP: Team Position/Counter Model Team Split Arguments (4 mins) ROLE: Establish the grounds on which the debate will be fought

22 Definitions Define the meaning, not the words
Don’t need to spell it out (no “according to the Oxford dictionary…” In 3-on-3, definitions are usually clearly stated by the topic Context is the best way to go Stress less and have fun! Context helps - eg; that google has made the right move. Ie; Jan decision to end operations in China following the targeting of Chinese HR activists = will no longer censor

23 The definition must be reasonable There must be a debate to be had.
Unfair definitions: Time set Truistic - debate the should not the will If you’re on the NEG to an unreasonable definition: Don’t challenge. Ever. Point out to your Adjudicator why the definition is unreasonable but debate the definition regardless.

24 Team Position AFF: Identify problem Propose a Solution (Model)
NEG: (3 Options) 1/ Accept the problem Propose an alternative solution = counter model 2/ Accept the problem Show that the AFF solution exacerbates the problem 3/ Negate the problem That we should ban homeschooling aff: homeschooling is bad for children - education and socially (3) Neg: homeschooling is not bad = negate problem (2) Neg: there are some problems with homeschooling and with certain religious groups who homeschool their children BUT when you ban you isolate these groups and exacerbate the problem - govt can no longer mandate curriculum. (1) don’t do this.

25 Speaker Roles ….continued
2nd Affirmative Rebut (3 mins) Personal Split Arguments (4 mins) 2nd Negative Rebut (3 mins) Personal Split Arguments (4 mins) ROLE: Move the debate forward by developing analysis of existing arguments and introducing new lines of argument

26 Intro - biggest point Rebut (7 mins) Summarise and Conclude (30secs)
3rd Affirmative Intro - biggest point Rebut (7 mins) Summarise and Conclude (30secs) 3rd Negative Intro - biggest point Rebut (7 mins) Summarise and Conclude (30secs) ROLE: Organise the debate into clear questions/themes to make understanding it easier - then show why you won all of them! “Thematic Rebuttal”

27 How it all happens…..

28 Secret Topic, 30 minutes ARGHH!
NO 1 Rule - DON’T PANIC! You know more than you think Key is to structure the time you have Choice of 3 topics Mutual Preference System

29 Choice of Topics: Example
Team of Arts students Team of Eco. students That all you need is love That China should float the Yuan That trees should have the same legal rights as animals 1 3 2 3 2 1

30 Timeline for Prep Activity Time Who Brainstorm arguments 10 minutes
Individually, then together Prioritise arguments, build case and split together Flesh out arguments Individually, with 3rd speaker help Brainstorm opposition case Walking to the debate!

31 Adjudication There are no draws Scoring range 70-80
No automatic wins or losses Adjudicator’s must provide reasons for there decisions

32 Viv’s Final Tips Don’t introduce yourself!!!!
Make the most of your introduction Don’t write out speeches word for word! Get clear feedback from your adjudicators READ shit PARTICIPATE in Comps and practice debates. Stress less and have fun!

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