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International Economics

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1 International Economics
16/11/61 Session 6 Alternative Theories of Trade (Scale Economies, Imperfect Competition, and Trade) Aj. Noom Tel

2 Trade Facts in Search of Better Theory
According to the “H-O Theory”, nations should trade with each others to exploit their production-side differences. Land-intensive country Labor-intensive country Export Export

3 Developed Countries Developing Countries Trade Different Resources

4 The Rise of Intra-industry Trade
Developed Countries Developed Countries Trade Similar Resources Germany Japan Trade Why do they still have to trade ?

5 Percentage of Intra-industry Trade for Non-food Manufactured Goods

6 Rationales for Intra-industry Trade
1.Demand Effect Product Differentiation Consumers view the products of an industry as close but not perfect substitutes for each other. 2.Supply Effect Economies of Scale Economies of scale pulls down the price, which the create competitive advantage for an industry.

7 Product Differentiation VS Scale Economies

8 Economies of Scale 1. Internal Economies Scale
1. External Economies Scale

9 Global Industries Dominated by a Few Large Firms
Airbus Boeing Microsoft Nintendo Sony

10 Monopolistic Competition and Trade
Monopolistic is somewhat like “monopoly” and somewhat like “competition”. Some scale economies exist that are internal to the firm, but they are moderate. Germany Japan

11 MR D (0) MC Profit AC

12 Still No trade

13 Before trade After trade

14 Internal Scale Economies and Trade
Unit Cost (No trade) Unit Cost (Free trade) Cost Decrease Price

15 External Scale Economies and Trade
Industry’s average cost, including external economies) S1 (Not include external economies) D1 D2 S2 (Include external economies)

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