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Background Screening for Trainers & Technical Assistance Professionals: Why we did it and what does it mean for state systems?

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Presentation on theme: "Background Screening for Trainers & Technical Assistance Professionals: Why we did it and what does it mean for state systems?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Background Screening for Trainers & Technical Assistance Professionals: Why we did it and what does it mean for state systems?

2 The need for the requirement
2016 Registry suspended a trainer Policy was loose Almost sued Trainers in the field with felonies

3 Trainers & Technical assistance Professionals
Registered vs. Tiered Trainer TAP 11 TA Professionals were not tiered trainers

4 Background Check Guidelines
Requirement is consistent with the crimes listed in the WI DCF Child Care Crimes Table   Name Based Criminal Record Checks Criminal History through DOJ Professional Licenses Revocations/Denials for a Child program Sex Offender The Registry’s requirement for Trainers and TA Professionals is consistent with the crimes listed in the WI DCF Child Care Crimes Table  

5 Implementation Required for All Tier Trainers and TA Professionals as of January 1st 2017 Agreement Form  Upload or send in copy of background check Verify on account and note 5 year date

6 Tech implementation Strategy: Uploading Documentation
Trainer / TA Professionals Tracking 5 years requirement Integration with documentation lists

7 Communications strategy
Advanced Notice Clear, Consistent Messaging Call to Action Opportunity to engage Trainers / TA Professionals

8 Messaging Tactics “Maintain integrity of community” Deadline + Result
Bulleted steps to submit record check Simplify!

9 Communications Timeline
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jun. 30: System s & Registry Application Aug. 1: Reminder Sep. 26: Reminder Oct. 3: Website Banner Nov. 10: Advisory Council Dec : Phone Call Reminders June 30: to trainers, taps, training orgs June 30: System s & Registry Application (renewals & new) Aug 1 / Sept 26: trainers, taps, training orgs Nov 10: Advisory Council… mentioned at all meetings from July to December Dec: Personalized phone calls to 87 T/TAPs / left account notes Nov. / Dec.: Reminder Series Jun. 30: Newsletter Announcement

10 Phone call Strategy Objective: Adding a personal touch Procedures:
Check for background checks Making the call Document

11 metrics 87 T/TA Professionals contacted

12 Responses First Time vs. Reminder Comments Common questions
Negative Responses 72% of calls served as reminders. Some said they saw s but forgot. Some said they were not interested in being tiered trainer (employment change / retiring / not utilizing) Some wondered why we didn’t have access to background check through other agencies…. We commented its for your security. Common questions = “How do I submit?” “What kind of background check do I need?”

13 Background check results
Some ‘Registered trainers’ submitted background checks even though it wasn’t required. Of the 46 that failed to submit: many of these left the field or had no interest in keeping ‘Tiered’ Trainer status.

14 Results continued Deferred Prosecution or Dismissed Charges
Permanent Bar vs Bar for 5 years Fail to submit Background Check or have been convicted of a crime on the WI DCF Child Care Crimes Table

15 Suspension / Appeals Registered vs. tiered Define “suspension”
Appeals Process (10 Business Days)

16 What we learned Communications Internal collaborations Technology

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