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Hyponatraemia Research Questions and Directions

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1 Hyponatraemia Research Questions and Directions
Dr Roy L Soiza NRS Career Research Fellow Consultant Geriatrician NHS Grampian

2 Content Why hyponatraemia What is known Questions to be answered
Current and planned research

3 Hyponatraemia: the ignored Geriatric Giant?
Common – 42% of acute geriatric admissions (Hoyle et al JAGS 2007) Confusion (Miller et al. JAGS 2006) Falls and impaired mobility (Renneboog et al 2006) Bone demineralisation (Verbalis et al 2009) Hip fracture (Gankam Kegne et al 2008) Increased risk of death, even if mild (Walkar et al 2009)

4 Hyponatraemia and length of stay
Chua et al. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2007;45:

5 What we know Hyponatraemia is very common in older people, especially in hospital It is associated with a range of adverse outcomes including the major geriatric syndromes and death It usually represents a disorder of water balance but there are numerous potential causes There are a number of effective treatments It is frequently ignored or no diagnosis is made in clinical practice

6 Questions What are the common causes of hyponatraemia in old age?
How can we improve diagnosis? Does treating hyponatraemia improve outcomes? How should we treat hyponatraemia (if at all)?

7 Adapted from Soiza et al. Rev Clin Gerontol 2008;18:143-158

8 Investigation Baseline audit (n=40) Re-audit (n=31) Medication review 12 (30%) 18 (58%) Volaemic assessment 10(25%) 27(87%) Serum osmolality 13(33%) 16(52%) Urine osmolality 11(28%) 17(55%) Urine sodium Renal/Liver function test 40(100%) 31(100%) Thyroid function test 35(88%) 30(97%) Adrenal function test 10(25.7%) 20(65%)

9 Causes of hyponatraemia Baseline Audit Re-Audit
Not documented 24 (60%) 11 (35.5%) Medications 4 (10%) 7 (22.6%) SIADH 3 (7.5%) Dehydration 2 (6.5%) CCF 1 (2.5%) Renal/hepatic failure 1(2.5%) Other causes 1 (3.2%) Total 40 31

10 Hoyle et al. QJM 2011

11 Correlation between measurements of total body water by deuterium dilutional analysis and bioelectrical impedance analysis in elderly hyopnatraemic patients

12 What treatment for SIADH?
Fluid restriction Saline infusions Demeclocycline Lithium Diuretics Salt Urea Arginine Vasopressin Receptor Antagonists (vaptans)

13 Future Directions Observational study in trauma orthopaedics:
Prevalence and causes of hyponatraemia in fragility fracture Evaluate if bioelectrical impedance analysis improves assessment of volaemic status Conduct a RCT of vaptan therapy for SIADH after fragility fracture Conduct a RCT of our diagnostic algorithm

14 Declaration of potential conflicts of interest
I am a member of a scientific advisory board for Otsuka (UK) I am grateful to the organisers and you for your attention

15 References Chua M, Hoyle GE, Soiza RL. Prognostic implications of hyponatremia in elderly hospitalized patients. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2007;45: Gankam Kegne, F., Andres, C., Sattar, L., Melot, C. ,Decaux, G. (2008) Mild hyponatremia and risk of fracture in the ambulatory elderly. QJM 101: Hoyle GE, Chua M, Soiza RL. Prevalence of hyponatremia in elderly patients. J Am Geriatr Soc 2006; 54(9):1473 Hoyle GE, Chua M, Soiza RL. Volaemic assessment of the elderly hyponatraemic patient: reliability of clinical assessment and validation of bioelectrical impedance analysis. QJM 2011;104:35-39 Miller, M. (2006) Hyponatremia and arginine vasopressin dysregulation: Mechanisms, clinical consequences, and management. JAGS 54: Soiza RL, Hoyle GE, Chua MPW. Electrolyte and salt imbalance in older people: causes, management and implications. Rev Clin Gerontol 2008;18: Soiza RL, Talbot HSC. Management of hyponatraemia in older people: old threats and new opportunities. Ther Adv Drug Saf 2011;2:9-17 Verbalis, J.G., Barsony, J., Sugimura, Y., Tian, Y., Adams, D.J., Carter, E.A. et al. (2009) Hyponatremia induced osteoporosis. J Bone Mineral Res 25: Walkar, S.S., Mount, D.B. and Curhan, G.C. (2009) Mortality after hospitalization with mild, moderate and severe hyponatremia. Am J Med 122:

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