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East High School Holistic Approach to Special Education

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Presentation on theme: "East High School Holistic Approach to Special Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 East High School Holistic Approach to Special Education
Presenters: Zarra Keith, Andy Mendelsberg, Gregg Velasquez, Cathy Buchanan, Bethany Goodman, Eric Sinclair & David Stoler

2 Agenda Introduction - Andy Mendelsberg, Principal
Identifying Core Values and Implementing Values in Your Programming - David Stoler, Special Education Teacher and Zarra Keith, Special Education Teacher Analyzing Data for Successes and Struggles - David Stoler, Special Education Teacher High Impact Instructional Strategies - Gregg Velasquez, General Education English Teacher, and Cathy Buchanan, Retired Special Education Teacher Building Relationships with Students/Discipline - Eric Sinclair, Dean of Students Intentional Scheduling for Incoming Students - Bethany Goodman, 9th Grade Counselor Special Education Programming as a Whole - Zarra Keith, Special Education Teacher Next Steps- Q & A - David Stoler, Special Education Teacher Andy

3 East High Demographics (2015-16)
All Student Breakdown: 2,471 Students 46% White, 24% Hispanic, 20% Black, 8% Multi-Racial, 2% Other 34% Free/Reduced Lunch 8% Students with IEPs Students with IEPs Data: 6 year graduation rate- 80.4% 7 year graduation rate- 95.2% Dropout Rate- 1.3% ELA Median Growth Percentile- 67% Andy 5 minutes

4 Access to Materials All materials from this presentation can be accessed through google drive: Dave 1 min

5 East SPED Team- Mission and Value Statement
East High is a diverse, inner-city high school that serves a wide-ranging student body. We offer a full continuum of Special Education services ranging from Multi-Intensive Severe to Consultative Mild/Moderate support. We believe students thrive when they have strong relationships with adults and peers. As special educators at East High School, we value… Building relationships with students Post-secondary readiness Meeting the individual academic, social, and emotional needs of students Student independence, self advocacy, and IEP awareness Dave 2 min

6 East SPED Team- Core Values
Our Values as a Special Education Team Building Relationships with Students Helping students become post-secondary ready/graduate on time Meeting individual academic/emotional needs of students/more time to help students Student independence/self advocacy/IEP awareness Current structures in our special education programming that support these values are… (what we are doing well) Intervention Tutorial Self contained classes Co-taught classes Caseload to courseload alignment Academic supports General and work study diplomas Access to CEC, Program Communication with counselors Active co-teaching Support from service providers (Social Worker, School Psych, etc.) Peer tutors in intervention classes and MI/MI-S classes More co-taught classes Student self-advocacy through ing teachers and attending tutorial Additional structures to or changes in our programming to support these values are… (where we can improve) Multiple intervention classes per class period (multiple content expertise) More time in teacher schedules to meet with caseload not in classes Intentional Transition Planning Identifying multiple post-secondary pathways Targeted basic academic and skill instruction Targeted self advocacy and exec. functioning skills Disability awareness Actively common plan One-on-one interventions Content specific, paired intervention classes Skill development Structured progress monitoring system Emotional support curriculum Self directed IEP’s Structured way of communicating with teachers, counselors vs. case managers Yearly responsibility release model Zarra 5 min

7 Your Team’s Values Our Values as a Special Education Team Value 1
Current structures in our special education programming that support these values are… (what we are doing well) Additional structures to or changes in our programming to support these values are… (where we can improve) Zarra 10 minute activity minutes for share out

8 Analyzing Data for Successes and Struggles
ELA MGP Growth at East Math MGP Growth at East Guiding Questions: Does anything jump out at you? Are there any trends that you can identify? What types of classes are producing the strongest outcomes? Dave 10 minutes

9 High Impact Instruction - Block English Class
Class Design/Environment Meets for 100 minutes daily Environment: Work Zone Mentality Coaching Style Classroom Management Graded on homework, participation, assessments, and writing Relationship Building with Students and Family Communication with families about student progress GPA/Credit Goal Setting Weekly Grade Checks Cathy/Gregg 10 minutes for slides 9 and 10

10 High Impact Instruction - Block English Class
Skill Building Middle school level homework MAZE (and other progress monitoring tools), Spelling/Homophone Practice Repetition, Scaffolding, ELA Strategies English Class Content Non-fiction articles for argumentative writing, comprehensive assessments at the end of novels, 5-8 novels per year, CLOZE quizzes, comprehension questions Standardized Test Prep Familiarity with content/questions, structure of the test, etc Cathy/Gregg

11 Relationships with Students/Discipline
: Paired 60 at-risk students with mentors in the dean’s office 12 out of 60 students selected (20%) were students with IEPs 92% attendance rate for the 12 students with IEPs in the program 73 ELA MGP of the 5 freshman with IEPs in program 13.2% of all suspensions were student with IEPs None of the students with IEPs from mentoring program were suspended Eric 5 minutes

12 Intentional Scheduling for Incoming Students
Increased counselor/special education collaboration Counselors attending IEP meetings Documentation of student contact and increased communication between counselor and case manager Naviance/transition planning for IEP’s and in special education classes Scheduling Transitions Day Choice of Studies Night’s - Special Education Break Out Session Special education services get locked before general population schedules are generated Counselor reference sheet for special education offerings Data driven course selections/Stoplight Report Bethany 10 minutes Explain what naviance is

13 Special Education Programming at East
Continuum of Services Multi Intensive and Multi Intensive - Severe Center Programs Deaf and Hard of Hearing Itinerant Services Specialized instruction in math and English targeted for 9th grade students Co-taught math and English for grades Co-taught science and social studies targeted for 9th and 10th grade students Intervention Classes for grades Supports students in their academic classes Academic, social, and emotional skill building IEP goal support and progress monitoring Consultative IEP support services with teachers and with related services providers 504 Plans Zarra 5-7 minutes

14 Next Steps for East HS/Q & A
Continuous data analysis to determine appropriate student placement and supports. Block English and Block Math Strengthening our Intervention Program Dave 10 minutes - ending

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