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LATHROP Intermediate College Prep April 18, 2018 – High School Readiness Respect Responsible Safe.

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1 LATHROP Intermediate College Prep April 18, 2018 – High School Readiness Respect Responsible Safe

2 High School Readiness Pre-Survey
Before we get started, lets take a pre-survey to see what you know about high school readiness. Click on the link below

3 Intermediate School A student must pass 45 credits a year to earn a regular promotion to the next grade. It does not matter what classes you pass as long as you earn 45 credits in the school year. A student does not have to retake a failed class. Each year starts a new cycle of earning 45 credits.

4 The Credit System Every class you take at Lathrop or high school is worth 5 credits. When you pass a class with a grade of an A, B, C or D you earn the 5 credits. The normal school day at Lathrop and HS is six class. 6 classes X 5 credits = 30 credits 30 credits X 2 semesters = 60 credits It takes 45 credits a year to pass grade in Intermediate school. 60 credits X 4 years = 240 credits

Grade placement is determined by the amount of credits that have been earned.  CLASS STANDING 9TH Grade Freshman = Credits 10th Grade Sophomore = Credits 11th Grade Junior = Credits 12th Grade Senior = Credits 2nd Graduation Requirement = Credits (44 Classes)

6 High School Credit System
CLASS STANDING Remember grade placement is determined by the amount of credits that have been earned, not the number or years you’ve been in high school, how old you are or the classes your taking. It is possible to be in your 3rd year of high school and be taking U.S. History (a 11th grade class) and not have the credits to be a junior. Let’s take a look at Kevin’s case: Kevin is in his third year of high school. As mentioned above, he is enrolled in U.S. History and is also taking English 11, both 11th grade classes. Kevin also failed one semester of PE, Art and Earth Science in 9th grade. He took French in 10 grade and failed both semesters. He has failed 25 credits and has earned 95 credits out of a possible As a result, Kevin is in the 10th grade, even though he is taking 11th grade classes, because he must have at least 100 credits to be in the 11th grade.

7 High School Graduation Requirements
High School has two Graduation Requirements: The first requirement tells you how many credits you have to pass. In Intermediate school you are required to pass 45 credits a year in order to promote. High School also requires that you pass a certain number of credits. However, in high school you must earn them over four years of high school. The second requirement tells you what classes you have to pass. These are called High School Graduation Course Requirements. Lathrop does not tell you what classes you need to pass.

8 High School Graduation Requirements
How many? 220 Credits (44 Classes) What? Course Requirements

9 Any HS Course Requirement that you
What do I need to do to graduate? Earn 220 credits in four years. Pass all high school graduation course requirements Any HS Course Requirement that you FAIL Must be retaken

10 High School Graduation Requirements What courses do you need to pass?
English 40 credits (4 years) Math 30 credits Algebra 1 & Geometry Science 20 credits (2 years) Social Science (3 years) Foreign Language Visual and Performing Arts (i.e. dance, drama, theater or music) 10 credits (one year) P.E./Sports Electives 50 credits Total Credits: 220 Students must pass all course requirements to earn a HS diploma. Any course requirement that is failed must be repeated until passed. (before school, after school or in the summer)

11 Sophomore Sally 123456 60 This is the chart that counselors will use to help guide students in working toward HS graduation and college/career The Flowchart is what counselor’s use to track your progress towards graduation. This is Sophomore Sally’s chart after finishing 9th grade. She’s earned 60 credits by passing all her classes and is on track to be University of California eligible.

12 You are responsible for tracking your graduation status!
Pair up with a partner and discuss the following scenario. Scenario 1: Robert goes to see his counselor to check his graduation status. He is expecting to graduate in June. His counselor reviews his transcript and informs him that he will have earned 200 credits at the end of the spring semester. His counselor also informs him that he failed English in 9th grade. Will Robert graduate in June, why? Or Why not? NO, Robert will not Graduate in June. Robert did not earn 220 credits and did not meet the course requirement of 40 credits in English.

13 You are responsible for tracking your graduation status!
Pair up with a partner and discuss the following scenario. Scenario 1: Daisy is in her forth year of high school. When she was in 9th grade she failed French for the year. She took Spanish in 10th and 11th grade and passed both years. She will finish the year with 235 credits. Will Elizabeth graduate in June, why? Or Why not? Yes, Daisy met the 220 credit requirement, and by taking and passing 20 credits of Spanish she met the course requirement of 20 credits (2 years) of a Foreign Language or a Language other than English.

14 You are responsible for tracking your graduation status!
Pair up with a partner and discuss the following scenario. Scenario 2: Heather is also a senior. She failed Geometry in the 10th grade. She has met all other course requirements. Heather took Geometry in the summer before her senior year and passed it with a C. She also took 0 period Band all four years in high school and will finish the year with 280 credits. Will Elizabeth graduate in June, why? Or Why not? Yes, Heather retook Geometry in summer school and passed it with a C. Remember you have to retake any course requirement you fail in high school. She took a 0 period class for 4 years, that’s 40 extra credits for a total of 280 credits. Congratulations, Heather you are graduating.

15 You are responsible for tracking your graduation status!
Pair up with a different partner and discuss the following scenario. Scenario 3: Pablo is also a senior. He was an outstanding student very active in school and the community. Pablo has been accepted to UCLA and received an full academic scholarship which will pay for 4 years of college. He failed drawing and painting for the year. He will complete the year with 240 credits. Will Pedro graduate in June, if he fails Drawing and Painting? NO, Pedro must pass 10 credits of a Fine or Performing Art to meet the HS graduation course requirements. UCLA pulled his scholarship and offered it to another student who was eligible to enter in the fall. Remember you must meet all H.S. graduation requirements in order to graduate.

16 You are responsible to graduate high school, are you on the right track?
You are on the right track to graduate high school if you are: Enrolled and passing English Benchmark or Honors with a C or better. Have been Re-designated as English Language Proficient (R-FEP) Passing Math, Science and Social Science with a C or better Enrolled and passing a student choice elective (Music, Art, STEM(PLTW), AVID, or Spanish) with a C or better Earned, at least, the following credits: 6th grade 60 credits 7th grade 110 credits 8th grade 160 credits

17 High School Readiness Post-Survey
Now that we finished, take the post-survey so we can know what you learned about high school readiness by clicking on the link below

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