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IMF Statistics Department Project on Capacity Building for Sustainable Compilation of Real Sector Statistics in Eastern Europe funded by the Government.

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Presentation on theme: "IMF Statistics Department Project on Capacity Building for Sustainable Compilation of Real Sector Statistics in Eastern Europe funded by the Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMF Statistics Department Project on Capacity Building for Sustainable Compilation of Real Sector Statistics in Eastern Europe funded by the Government of Japan Presentation

2 IMF Technical Assistance in Real Sector Statistics
TA designed as medium term projects Overall planning, strategy, management from HQ Nine Regional Technical Assistance Centers (RTACs) 5 in Africa Middle East, Central America, Caribbean, Pacific region TA undertaken mostly by short-term missions But also by long-term real sector advisors

3 IMF Technical Assistance in Real Sector Statistics
Training in national accounts and price statistics though IMF HQ through RTACs Training on 2008 SNA Sectoral accounts and balance sheets Quarterly national accounts Linkages of macroeconomic accounts CPI, PPI, imports and exports price indices Practical workshops on compilation issues

4 IMF Technical Assistance in Real Sector Statistics
Funded by own resources but also by donors 3 year project on national accounts and prices for Asian countries funded by the Government of Japan 5 year project on national accounts and prices for Anglophone Africa funded by the UK DFID 3 year project on real sector statistics for Bangladesh and Laos funded by the Government of Japan 3 year project for Capacity Building for Sustainable Compilation of Real Sector Statistics in Eastern Europe funded by the Government of Japan

5 Capacity Building for Sustainable Compilation of Real Sector Statistics in Eastern Europe
Participating countries - Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine To develop capacity in the countries for sustainable national accounts statistics compilation, including the implementation of the 2008 System of National Accounts compiling other real sector statistics, such as CPI, PPI, imports and exports price indices, merchandise trade statistics, and other real sector statistics needed for economic analysis and policy making

6 Project Outcomes Improved accuracy and consistency of annual GDP estimates by production and expenditure approaches; Improved volume measures of GDP; Sound quarterly national accounts compilation systems; Improved quality of CPI, PPI, and industrial production index; Compiling and disseminating imports and exports price indices; Improved accuracy and coverage of merchandise trade statistics

7 Mid-Term Project Achievements
Implementation of 2008 SNA/ESA 2010 FISIM, R&D, weapons, insurance, etc Chain-linked volume measures SUTs Annual national accounts Improved consistency - commodity flow Improved volume measures Dissemination of data and metadata

8 Mid Term Project Achievements
Quarterly national accounts Establishing QGDP compilation systems Improved accuracy CPI more accurate CPI weighting structure owner occupied housing improved treatment of missing prices and quality adjustment methods

9 Mid Term Project Achievements
PPI Improved treatment of missing prices and quality adjustment methods PPI for services Imports/exports price indices Developing indices Merchandize trade statistics Improved accuracy

10 On-the -Job Training Workshops
Common Compilation Issues Sharing Experience Prepared in advance Issues sent in advance Workshops – 2008 SNA, QNA, Volume measures, CPI/PPI

11 Project Inputs For the past 2 years Next fiscal year
3 resident advisors Around 50 two week-missions 6 workshops so far – 2008 SNA, QNA, Volume measures, CPI/PPI Next fiscal year 3 workshops, 30 short-term missions

12 Future work Implementation of 2008 SNA SUTs QNA CPI/PPI
Merchandize trade

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