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Industry Productivity Growth in China and Prospects for Growth

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1 Industry Productivity Growth in China and Prospects for Growth
Jing Cao§, Mun S. Ho* Xianchun Xu§ and Hang Yu** *Harvard University, §Tsinghua University, and ** Beijing University World KLEMS Conference 2018 Harvard University June 4, 2018

2 Introduction Continued debate on the sources of the growth
Measurement of prices, import prices Measurement of capital and land Difficulties in FISIM, Housing imputation Labor input and Institutional changes affecting future growth: Relax restrictions on labor flows Retirement reform

3 Previous Studies

4 Data issues Time series based on IO benchmarks 1981,87,92,97,2002,07,12 note: has changes in classifications No time series of gross output by industry; interpolate using Value-added in Nat Ac. available 9 sectors. . Little data on land and “mixed income” PPI’s only for agriculture, manufacturing, mining, utilities For services PPIs Wu (2015) used CPI’s, wages, etc

5 Our work here Use Harry Wu et al. (2015) (RIETI China Industrial
Productivity database) for nominal IO Try different proxies for services PPI’s Add estimates of Import prices (to be completed)

6 Comparison of price deflators
Industry CIP's price index NBS deflator PPI in this research Wholesales & retails (27) Urban consumer price index (CPI) By quantity of transactions implicit deflator calculated from NBS nominal and real VA Hotels and restaurants (28) Part of CPI, weighted Transport, storage, post (29) Transport component of CPI, excluding price of equipment (vehicles) By quantity trend estimation Information services (30) Telecommunication component of CPI CPI of tele; wage index of computer and software cpi and wage index (simple average)

7 Comparison of price deflators
CIP Classification CIP's price index NBS PPI PPI in this research Financial services (31) Average of transport, communication, rental and utilities components of CPI Component index implicit deflator calculated from NBS nominal and real VA Real estate services (32) Implicit service charge per meter2 for 1993 onwards and assumed to move along with housing component of CPI Business services (33) As financial services (31) CPI; wage index Wage index, without CPI Government (34) Urban consumer price index (CPI) wage index by sectors Wage index

8 Comparison of price deflators
CIP Classification CIP's price index NBS PPI PPI in this research Education (35) Based on education components of CPI before 2006; adjusted to CPI trend afterwards CPI wage index of education Healthcare, social security (36) Based on average spending of per hospital visit per outpatient (MoH, various issues) Health: people received services; Social security: wage index wage index of three industries

9 Comparing CIP deflators with our proxies for service industries

10 Price deflator comparison, cont.

11 Using the new price proxies, we estimated TFP using the CIP data for nominal output, real capital and labor input. (this version assume import price = domestic price)

12 TFP comparisons

13 TFP comparisons Full( Services I) : Transportation, Telecom, Finance
Sate Monopolized(Services II): Trade, Hotel, Real estate, Tech & Bus svc, Other svc Non-mkt (ServicesIII) : Public admin, Education, Health&Social The Non-market Sectors have smaller TFP growth when we proxy output price with Wage index

14 China’s Growth Prospects – Labor dimension
Projection of labor input accounting for aging, retirement reform, urbanization and educational improvement

15 Historical labor input, Wu et al. (2015)
Growth rate : Employment: 1.6%; Effective Labor 2.8%; Labor quality: 0.76%

16 Projection of population and hours due to retirement reform

17 Projected educational attainment

18 Labor input accounting for education, aging and retirement reform

19 Conclusions Industry level accounts for China still faces many fundamental problems Expansion of PPI coverage to growing Services is key Future work: - include import price estimates - improve FISIM and Housing output measures

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