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Objective 2…TAKS 10th and 11th grades Home slide

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1 Objective 2…TAKS 10th and 11th grades Home slide
Questions from TAKS regarding cell functions : Questions from TAKS regarding DNA: Questions from TAKS regarding genetics Questions from TAKS regarding classification Questions from TAKS regarding body systems Interactive non-TAKS quizzes on the internet Link to 10th grade study guide Scroll to p.265 for objective 2 Link to 11th grade study guide Scroll to p.310 for objective 2

2 Cell functions Go to: Osmosis Go to: Cell Energy and parts
Home Cell functions Back to Cell functions Go to: Osmosis Go to: Cell Energy and parts Go to: Cell division

3 Home Back to Cell functions

4 When a sea urchin egg is removed from the ocean and placed in freshwater, the egg swells and bursts. Which of these causes water to enter the egg? F Coagulation G Sodium pump H Active transport J Osmosis Back to Cell functions Home Osmosis is the movement of water through a membrane from cleaner “high concentration” to less clean “lower concentration”. Ocean water (because of its salt) is the lower concentration. Freshwater (less salt) is the high concentration. 34

5 4. Histamine is a polar chemical that can lead to an allergic response when it is released by the body’s immune system. An antihistamine is a drug that can help prevent the allergic reactions associated with histamine. An antihistamine is a similar molecule to histamine in size, shape, and polarity. How does an antihistamine most likely prevent the effects of histamine? A It increases the diffusion of histamine across the membranes of target cells. B It binds to histamine receptors on the surfaces of target cells. C It causes target cells to increase production of histamine receptors. D It blocks histamine receptors found in the cytoplasm of target cells. Back to Cell functions Home Real histamine Model histamine antihistamine

6 Home Back to Cell functions

7 likely cause the liquid in Tube A to rise?
Back to Cell functions Home Which would most likely cause the liquid in Tube A to rise? F Starch concentrations being equal on each side of the membrane G Water passing from a region of lower starch concentration to one of higher starch concentration H Water and starch volumes being the same J Solute in the tubes changing from a higher temperature to a lower temperature Starch is a solute. Osmosis is when ‘cleaner water’ (in this case ‘distilled’) wants to go through a membrane to ‘less clean water’ (in this case, ‘starchy’). Tube B water goes through the Dialysis membrane toward the Tube A. Water goes from high concentration to low concentration. Or if you want to look at it from the solute point of view…the water goes from ‘less solute solution’ to ‘more solute solution.’ The solute (starch) doesn’t go through this membrane. 14

8 Back to Cell functions Home The illustration above shows a cell model with starch solutions both inside and outside the cell. In which of the following situations will the solution rise highest in the tube?

9 Back to Cell functions Home Which molecule provides most of the energy used to drive chemical reactions in cells? F DNA G RNA H ATP J ADP 30

10 Back to Cell functions Home

11 Energy conversion within an animal cell would be severely limited by removal of the
cell’s — A mitochondria B chloroplasts C plastids D lysosomes Back to Cell functions Home Mitochondria use oxygen and sugar to recharge ADP’s into ATP’s (cell energy source.) Animal cells don’t have chloroplasts. Plants do. Animal cells don’t have plastids (for photosynthesis.) Lysosomes help with digestion of food & recycling. 27

12 Why are photosynthesis and cellular respiration often considered opposites?
F Photosynthesis produces twice as many ATP molecules as cellular respiration does. G Water is released during photosynthesis and consumed during cellular respiration. H Photosynthesis occurs during the day, and cellular respiration occurs at night. J Oxygen is produced during photosynthesis and used during cellular respiration. Back to Cell functions Home Respiration produces more ATP’s than photosynthesis. FALSE. Respiration occurs at all times. 18

13 Which structure regulates gas exchange
during the processes of photosynthesis and respiration? A Q B R C S D T Back to Cell functions Home Gases go in here! O2 CO2 11

14 Amino acids are the units of proteins, Lipids are fats.
Back to Cell functions Home Amino acids are the units of proteins, Lipids are fats. Your stomach adds the HCl to the food. Food provides the human body with all of the following except — F calories G amino acid H hydrochloric acid J lipids 8

15 A cytoplasm is in equilibrium
Back to Cell functions Home DNA molecules separate into single strands, which are then used to construct two identical strands of DNA. This process ensures that the — A cytoplasm is in equilibrium B mitochondria are genetically identical to the chloroplasts C parent cells use little ATP D daughter cells are genetically identical to the parent cells 21

16 If a cat has 38 chromosomes in each of its body cells, how many chromosomes will be in each daughter cell after mitosis? F 11 G 19 H 38 J 76 Back to Cell functions Home If it said “after meiosis” then you would half the number. 26

17 DNA Go to: DNA Go to: Protein Synthesis Go to: Mutations Home
Back to DNA Go to: DNA Go to: Protein Synthesis Go to: Mutations

18 In DNA, which of the following determines the traits of an organism?
F Amount of adenine G Number of sugars H Sequence of nitrogen bases J Strength of hydrogen bonds Home Back to DNA 38

19 Which molecule is most responsible for
Home Back to DNA Which molecule is most responsible for determining an organism’s eye color, body structure, and cellular enzyme production? A Complex starch B Fatty acid C Carbohydrate D Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA 45

20 All of the following are found in a DNA molecule except —
Home Back to DNA All of the following are found in a DNA molecule except — A carbon dioxide B deoxyribose C nitrogen D phosphate The sugar of DNA The A’s, T’s, C’s, G’s of DNA Part of the backbone of DNA The nitrogenous bases of DNA The rails of the ladder 33

21 Home Back to DNA

22 Which of the following nucleotide base
Home Back to DNA Which of the following nucleotide base sequences complements the section of DNA modeled above? F 5′UTCGCA3′ G H 5′GCGATT3′ J 5′TTUCGC3′ 5′TTAGCG3′ A’s go to T’s. C’s go to G’s. 36

23 Back to DNA Home

24 Home Back to DNA This chart shows the results of an experiment performed in the 1920s using a bacterial species that causes pneumonia in humans. The experiment involved several procedures using two different bacterial strains, R and S. What is a possible explanation for the results in Group 2? A Living S-strain bacteria can transform into a pathogenic form of R-strain bacteria. B Living R-strain bacteria are controlled by a mouse’s immune system. C Dead S-strain bacteria can cause disease. D Dead R-strain bacteria can confer resistance to S-strain bacteria. 9

25 Home Back to DNA

26 A Can a substance from dead bacteria transform living bacteria?
Which of the following best describes the question this set of procedures was designed to answer? A Can a substance from dead bacteria transform living bacteria? B Can R bacterial cells survive heating? C Can dead bacterial cells confer immunity to a living host? D Can bacterial cells be isolated from a healthy host? Home Back to DNA 25

27 Home Back to DNA  Transcription: messenger RNA (m-RNA) copies the DNA code for the protein that needs to be made. DNA passes information to RNA during the process of — F transcription G active transport H regeneration J osmosis m -RNA DNA 34

28 If the template of a strand of DNA is 5' AGATGCATC 3', the complementary strand
will be — F 3' TCTACGTAG 5' G 5' CTACGTAGA 3' H 3' AGATGCATC 5' J 5' AGACGTCTA 3' Home Back to DNA 5' AGATGCATC 3', Both are DNA. No “U’s”. A’s go to T’s. C’s go to G’s. 24

29 Which of these represents the DNA segment from which this section of mRNA was transcribed?

30 Home Back to DNA

31 Home Back to DNA

32 Home Back to DNA The assembly of a messenger RNA strand that normally begins with UAC has been changed so that the newly assembled messenger RNA strand begins with UAG. Which of the following will most likely occur? A The protein will be missing the first amino acid. B The amino acids that make up the protein will all be different. C The mRNA will become attached to a ribosome. D The production of the protein will be stopped. 27

33 Home Back to DNA

34 Use this chart for the next question.
Home A G A AGA Back to DNA Use this chart for the next question.

35 F The amino acid sequence would be shorter than expected.
Home Back to DNA Mutated has one substitution. normal The chain above represents three codons. Which of the following changes would be expected in the amino acid chain if the mutation shown above occurred? F The amino acid sequence would be shorter than expected. G The identity of one amino acid would change. H The amino acid sequence would remain unchanged. J The identities of more than one amino acid would change. Only if there had been a deletion of 3 or more letters. AGA codes for arginine, and ACA codes for threonine. AGA codes for arginine, and ACA codes for threonine. This can happen when only one or two letters are added or deleted. 26

36 Mutations in DNA molecules can occur when —
F replication of DNA is exact G a DNA enzyme attaches to an RNA codon H RNA codons are replaced by DNA nucleotides J a change occurs in DNA nucleotide bases Home Back to DNA Replication 22

37 Home Back to DNA

38 Ultraviolet radiation can cause mutations in
Home Ultraviolet radiation can cause mutations in the DNA of skin cells that have been overexposed to the sun. This mutated DNA has no effect on future offspring because — F changes in skin cell DNA are homozygous recessive G mutations must occur within the RNA codons H offspring reject parental skin cells J only changes to gamete DNA can be inherited Back to DNA 26

39 Back to genetics Home Genetics and Heredity

40 Back to genetics Home Dad = GgBb and Mom = ggBB Definitely mom will give all offspring a “B” for green eyes. According to the table, which of the following phenotypes would probably occur in all the offspring from the parents shown above? F Solid gray fur G Striped gray fur H Green eyes J Blue eyes 40

41 If an organism has the genotype RrSsTtUu, what proportion of its gametes will be RSTU?
●½, ●¼, ●1/8, ●1/16. Back to genetics Home RrSsTtUu 24 = 16 Rr 21 = 2 RrSs RrSsTt 22 = = 8

42 What is a probable reason why increased uses of anitbiotics
Back to genetics Home What is a probable reason why increased uses of anitbiotics are causing more bacteria to be resistant to those antibiotics? A The bacteria get used to an antibiotic. B There are always individuals in a population that were created resistant. Those individuals and their clones are outnumbering the non-resistant strains.

43 A pea plant with the genotype TtWW is
Back to genetics Home A pea plant with the genotype TtWW is crossed with a pea plant with the genotype ttWw. How many different genotypes can be expressed in the offspring? F 1 G 2 H 3 J 4 TW tW TtWW ttWW TtWw ttWw tW tw 46

44 Home Back to genetics

45 What trait will most likely be observed in all
offspring of the above set of parents? A Green feathers B Yellow feathers C Long beak D Short beak Back to genetics Home The male will ensure that all the offspring green. Half the offspring will be carriers for yellow. Half the offspring will have long beaks but will be carriers for short. The other half of the offspring will have short beaks. 53

46 Home Back to genetics

47 Home Back to genetics

48 Home Back to genetics

49 G Black with white spots H Grizzly gray J White
Coat color in mice varies greatly, ranging from black to grizzly gray, black-and-white, spotted, or white. The nucleus from a body cell of a grizzly-gray mouse is fused with an egg from a black mouse from which the nucleus has been removed. The egg begins to divide and is then transplanted into a female white mouse. What will be the most likely coat color of the offspring? F Black G Black with white spots H Grizzly gray J White Home Back to genetics Egg and sperm from black mice. Grizzly-gray DNA added Black mouse fertilized egg’s DNA removed. 36

50 The diagram represents the chromosomes of a person with a genetic disorder caused by nondisjunction, in which the chromosomes fail to separate properly. Which chromosome set displays nondisjunction? F 2 G 8 H 21 J 23 Home Back to genetics There should be 2 chromosomes (one from the egg and one from the sperm) in all the 23 spots. There are 3 chromosomes instead of two. 22

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