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Multi-Element Transmitter Design and Performance Evaluation for Visible Light Communication Yusuf Said Eroglu, Alphan Sahin, Murat Yuksel , Nezih Pala,

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Presentation on theme: "Multi-Element Transmitter Design and Performance Evaluation for Visible Light Communication Yusuf Said Eroglu, Alphan Sahin, Murat Yuksel , Nezih Pala,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi-Element Transmitter Design and Performance Evaluation for Visible Light Communication
Yusuf Said Eroglu, Alphan Sahin, Murat Yuksel , Nezih Pala, and Ismail Guvenc IEEE GLOBECOM /5/2015 Visible Light Communication (VLC) uses Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) for both illumination and communication purposes. It uses Visible Light spectrum, which is free and less crowded. Easier to apply for downlink Single element transmitter layout A room with 19.5m x 10.4m dimensions is considered for all simulations. Hexagonal layout is preferred to maximize SINR. In total 40 LEDs are used. 3-element transmitter side view and layout in the room. 3*13 = 39 LEDs are used in total. 7-element transmitter top view and layout in the room. 7*6 = 42 LEDs are used in total. 19-element transmitter top view and layout in the room. 19*2 = 38 LEDs are used in total. An advanced simulator based on Lambertian model is built. For simulations up to four multipath reflections are considered. Transmitter parameters are determined heuristically. A single element receiver with 40° FOV at 0.8 m height directed upwards is considered. Receiver is located to different locations, all the SINR results are illustrated as CDF. Scenario-1: Each individual LED is assumed to transmit a different data stream, which causes interference. But more user can be served overall. Scenario-2: In Scenario-2 all LEDs at a given transmitter serve to the same user for a high signal power and low interference. In this study Multi-element transmitters Ease of installation Less circuitry and cable cost More application options Goal: Deploying some number of LEDs with optimal configuration by means of SINR disribution and illumination Four different multi-element transmitter structures are investigated 1/3

2 Multi-Element Transmitter Design and Performance Evaluation for Visible Light Communication
Yusuf Said Eroglu, Alphan Sahin, Murat Yuksel , Nezih Pala, and Ismail Guvenc IEEE GLOBECOM /5/2015 Single element transmitter layout In this study Multi-element transmitters Ease of installation Less circuitry and cable cost More application options Goal: Deploying some number of LEDs with optimal configuration by means of SINR disribution and illumination Four different multi-element transmitter structures are investigated A room with 19.5m x 10.4m dimensions is considered for all simulations. Hexagonal layout is preferred to maximize SINR. In total 40 LEDs are used. 3-element transmitter side view and layout in the room. 3*13 = 39 LEDs are used in total. 7-element transmitter top view and layout in the room. 7*6 = 42 LEDs are used in total. 19-element transmitter top view and layout in the room. 19*2 = 38 LEDs are used in total. Empirical CDF of SINR when all LEDs on a VAP transmit a different data (Scenario-1). Empirical CDF of SINR when all LEDs on a VAP transmit the same data (Scenario-2). Empirical CDF of SINR with low transmit power of 0:01 W (Scenario 2). Empirical CDF of illumination level in the room in dB (Same for both scenarios). 2/3

3 Multi-Element Transmitter Design and Performance Evaluation for Visible Light Communication
Yusuf Said Eroglu, Alphan Sahin, Murat Yuksel , Nezih Pala, and Ismail Guvenc IEEE GLOBECOM /5/2015 Single element transmitter layout In this study Multi-element transmitters Ease of installation Less circuitry and cable cost More application options Goal: Deploying some number of LEDs with optimal configuration by means of SINR disribution and illumination Four different multi-element transmitter structures are investigated A room with 19.5m x 10.4m dimensions is considered for all simulations. Hexagonal layout is preferred to maximize SINR. In total 40 LEDs are used. 3-element transmitter side view and layout in the room. 3*13 = 39 LEDs are used in total. 7-element transmitter top view and layout in the room. 7*6 = 42 LEDs are used in total. 19-element transmitter top view and layout in the room. 19*2 = 38 LEDs are used in total. Simulation Parameters Tilt angle optimization study for 3 LED transmitter Tilt angle optimization study for 7 LED transmitter 3/3

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