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Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET

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1 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET
W.Fundamenski, W.Sailer ITPA, St.Petersburg 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

2 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski
Outer B-coil Inner B-coil LM11 LM12 LM14 LM15 LM18 LM19 LM21, 22 Soft X-ray Vertical D 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

3 Radial extent of the SOL density (/t = 0)
|| G|| +  G = 0 G|| = nv||  D||||n G = nv  Dn || diffusion: tD ~ L||2/D|| || convection: tv ~ L||/Mcs net || transport: t|| = min (tD , tv) ~ tv  diffusion: ln,D ~ (Dt||)1/2  convection: ln,v ~ vt|| 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

4 Radial extent of the SOL energy (/t = 0)
|| q|| + q = 0, a = {i,e} q|| = ½(mv2+ 5T)nv||  nc||||T q = ½(mv2+ 5T)nv  ncT || conduction: tc ~ L||2/c|| , c||e >> c||i || convection: tv ~ L||/Mcs net || transport: t|| = min (tD , 5/2tc)  conduction: lq,c ~ (ct||)1/2  convection: lq,v ~ vt|| 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

5 Experimental observation of exponential decay
16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

6 RCP probe + ELMs: MkIIGB, 45490
Type-I ELMs with 8 MW interact with probe upto limiter radius No ELMs observed beyond 20 mm into the limiter shadow Consistent with ~ 4 cm decay length 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

7 Transient evolution of SOL density (/t  0)
n/t + || G|| +  G = 0 || G|| = nv||  D||||n  n /t|| G = nv  Dn  dn/dt = 0, d/dt = /t + v/r  /r (D/r) + 1/ t||, Greens function is a convected, gaussian wave-packet 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

8 Slow diffusion (A=1, v=1, D=0.1)
no || loss (t|| = 1000) slow diffusion (D= 0.1) strong || loss (t|| = 1) slow diffusion (D= 0.1) 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

9 Moderate diffusion (A=1, v=1, D=1)
no || loss (t|| = 1000) mod. diffusion (D= 1) strong || loss (t|| = 1) mod. diffusion (D= 1) 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

10 Strong diffusion (A=1, v=1, D=10)
no || loss (t|| = 1000) strong diffusion (D= 10) strong || loss (t|| = 1) strong diffusion (D= 10) 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

11 Characteristic times in the SOL
16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

12 Kinetic estimates of || losses
16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

13 Kinetic estimates of || losses
16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

14 Plasmoid (blob) model of ELM propagation: I
(Krasheninnikov,2001) 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

15 Plasmoid (blob) model of ELM propagation: II
16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

16 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski
Core SOLdiv SOLlim D Im(t) tELM tm= ta + Dta-m v In(t) Dta-m t|| tn= ta + Dta-n Dta-n Da(t) ta = tELM + t|| 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

17 Slow (10 kHz) vs. Fast (250 kHz) signals
Daslow Dafast I22fast I22slow 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

18 Fast ELM signals: B-coils, soft X-ray, Da
Dafast Daslow 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

19 Typical discharge: 12 MW, 2.5 MA/2.4 T
16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

20 Typical ELM seen by LM probes
Davertical Inmeasured Inohmic Vsupply 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

21 detail: definition of times & delays
DtaFWHM tarise tapeak tnrise tnpeak DtnFWHM 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

22 I  D0.780.03 r1/2 exp{(8.50.5)r}, r-rlim < 0.3 m
Amplitude analysis: I  D0.780.03 r1/2 exp{(8.50.5)r}, r-rlim < 0.3 m I  D0.920.04 r1/2 exp{(22.81.0)r}, r-rlim < 0.1 m 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

23 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski
16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

24 ELM Temperature estimate
Fitting for peak ELM values, yields Te ~ 25 eV Same for all LM probes The ELM electrons are cold at the plates !!! (at least for high clearance JET discharges with r - rsep > 10 cm) What about the ions ? They are probably hot ! 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

25 Temporal analysis: rise time delays
rise < || rise ~ L|| / cs ~ msec 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

26 Temporal analysis: peak time delays
from the slope, v ~ 950  200 m/s 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

27 Temporal analysis: FWHM widths
 ~ 0.18 ms ~ 0.16 m, D ~ 500  100 m2/s 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

28 SOL density drop vs. lim/sol discontinuity
16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

29 SOL velocity variation vs. lim/sol discontinuity
16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

30 ELM energy flux to the limiters: I
16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

31 ELM radial velocities: summary
16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

32 Plasmoid model vs. measured velocities
16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

33 Predicted plasmoid size
16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

34 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski
Extrapolation to ITER gives v0 ~ 1.0 km/s, 0 ~ 11 cm <v/cs> / (v/cs)ped ~ Hence, need rlim > cm for < few % energy to wall 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

35 Inner limiter probes: MkIIA ~ 38000
Type-I ELMs with up to 15 MW; 3 inner probes Have not yet analysed data, but initial examination indicates that... 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

36 Inner probe amplitudes smaller & broader:
Outer Inner 16/11/2018 Radial propagation of Type-I ELMs on JET, W.Fundamenski

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