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Sound Physics 123 11/16/2018 Lecture IV.

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1 Sound Physics 123 11/16/2018 Lecture IV

2 Sound Wave nature of sound Intensity of sound Standing sound waves
String instruments Pipes Interference and beats. Doppler effect 11/16/2018 Lecture IV

3 Sound = longitudinal wave in air
11/16/2018 Lecture IV

4 Speed of sound Wave characteristics: Wave length – l (m)
Frequency – f(Hz) - pitch Wave velocity - v=l f, m/s Wave speed – property of material  one – to – one correspondence of frequency and wave length in a given medium: 11/16/2018 Lecture IV

5 Intensity of sound Intensity of sound: I=10-12  102 W/m2 – 14 orders of magnitude Measure of loudness b in Decibel: b(in dB)=10 log (I/I0) I0 11/16/2018 Lecture IV

6 Sensitivity of human ear
Audible range (really good speakers) : 20Hz – 20 kHz 11/16/2018 Lecture IV

7 Physics of a guitar Guitar = strings + sounding box (resonator)
Strings force resonance in the sounding box Fundamental frequency Strings Tuning 11/16/2018 Lecture IV

8 Physics of a guitar Standing wave Fundamental frequency: L=l1 /2 l1=2L
String theory: Thicker string  higher m/l  lower v lower frequency f Tuning: Increase tension (FT)  increase v  increase frequency f. Fingered string: Decrease L  decrease l  increase f. Standing wave Fundamental frequency: L=l1 /2 l1=2L f1=v/l f1=v /(2L) 11/16/2018 Lecture IV

9 Wave velocity vs particle velocity
w=2pf – cyclic frequency, k=2p/l –wave vector D=D0sin(kx-wt) Riding the wave kx-wt=const kx-wt=c x=c/k+(w/k)t = x0+vt Thus, wave velocity v=w/k=2pf/ (2p/l)=fl = l/T D=D0sin(kx-wt) medium displacement at point x at time t Particle velocity: vp=dD/dt=-wD0cos(kx-wt)=-vmaxcos(kx-wt) vmax=wD0 11/16/2018 Lecture IV

10 Physics of an organ Open and closed pipes - resonators
Boundary conditions (imagine yourself in a crowded room) : Open end (next to an open door) Displacement (freedom to move): Dx = max Pressure = Atmospheric P: DP=0 Closed end (pushed against a wall) Displacement Dx = 0 Pressure variation – max DP=max 11/16/2018 Lecture IV

11 Organ pipe 11/16/2018 Lecture IV

12 Organ pipe 11/16/2018 Lecture IV

13 Interference C: Constructive interference A+A=2A  I =4I0
Dx=0+nl; dsinq=nl Two waves of the same frequency D: Destructive interference A-A=0  I =0 Dx=l/2+nl dsinq=(n+1/2)l 11/16/2018 Lecture IV

14 Beats Two waves of the similar frequencies: f1 and f2. 11/16/2018
Lecture IV

15 Doppler effect sound source moving with velocity vs
Distance between crests l’=l-vsT=l-vsl/v=l(1-vs/v) Frequency f’=f/(1-vs/v) Moving towards you vs – positive  divide by a number <1  f’>f – higher pitch Moving away from you vs – negative  divide by a number >1  f’<f – lower pitch 11/16/2018 Lecture IV

16 Demo data Open-closed end pipe f=512 Hz v=343m/s (maybe less, cold)
l=v/f=.67m l=4l1 l1=l/4=0.17m l3=3l/4=0.51m 11/16/2018 Lecture IV

17 Intensity of waves Energy of oscillation E is proportional to amplitude squared A2 Intensity – I, W/m2 Intensity I is proportional to amplitude squared A2, inversely proportional to r2: 11/16/2018 Lecture IV

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