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Channel Spoofer: Defeating Channel Variability and Unpredictability

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Presentation on theme: "Channel Spoofer: Defeating Channel Variability and Unpredictability"— Presentation transcript:

1 Channel Spoofer: Defeating Channel Variability and Unpredictability
Yue Qiao, Kannan Srinivasan, and Anish Arora Presenter: Jiaqi Xu Computer Science and Engineering December 15th, 2017

2 Why Physical Layer Security?
Security challenges in wireless communication Open nature of wireless medium Challenging security management Resource limit: power, computation Adversaries with growing computation power Cryptographic solutions Physical layer solutions Infrastructure Yes No Computation assumption

3 An Assumption of PHY Layer Security
PHY primitives extracted from wireless channel Believed to be unbreakable given certain physical constraints A cornerstone of physical layer security: unpredictability and uncontrollability of wireless channel

4 Wireless Channel Basics
reflector 1 reflector 2 reflector 3 Bob Alice time transmitted impulse amplitude time received impulses amplitude

5 Security Properties of Wireless Channel
Channel Reciprocity Identical paths in both direction Channel Decorrelation Over space Over time reflector 1 reflector 2 Bob Alice Eve

6 Channel Reciprocity Based Secret Sharing
channel observer: Bob transmitter: Alice channel controller: Carol Can wireless channel between a transmitting and receiving pair be controllable and predictable in a fine-grained manner by a third party? Is knowing all the propagation paths the only way to perform prediction?

7 Channel Spoofing Using Obfucator (Ox)
Reflective walls, etc Bob Hbc Hac Hc Alice Carol: Fullduplex Ox Create dominant known paths and ignore all the other trivial contributors to the wireless channel. Conventional

8 Challenges Preservation of Channel Reciprocity
Does forwarding hurt channel reciprocity? 2. Effectiveness of Channel Spoofing How much power is needed? 3. Detectability of Channel Spoofing How detectable is Channel Spoofer?

9 Problem statement Soundness: Alice’s and Bob’s success rate in continually extracting shared secrets is preserved. Disclosure: Alice’s and Bob’s extracted secrets are predicted by Channel Spoofer with non-trivial probability (≫ 50%). Undetectability: Alice and Bob do not detect the presence of Channel Spoofer by physical layer approaches that can be implemented with their system resources. Alice Bob Carol: Channel Spoofer

10 System Model Alice Bob Carol: Channel Spoofer Channel reciprocity still holds when the forwarder modifies the channel in a symmetric way!

11 System Model RSS Measurements CSI Measurements Even for fine-grained channel information, their estimates are still close to each other !

12 Preservation of Channel Reciprocity
Channel Spoofer Alice Bob RSS approaches CSI approaches Channel reciprocity holds regardless of whether or not the channel gain from Alice to Channel Spoofer is comparable to that from Bob to Channel Spoofer.

13 Effectiveness of Channel Spoofing
Environment: stable vs fast changing Channel Spoofing scheme: random vs natural RSS approaches (random) CSI approaches (random) CSI approaches (natual) When the power of the received signals through the Cs is 6 dB higher than that not through the Cs, channel spoofing is effective ( prediction accuracy > 93%)

14 Effectiveness of Channel Spoofing
Improvement on prediction accuracy: Drop least confident bits : quantization boundary vs SNR CSI-2bit natural coding scheme: quantization boundary based CSI-2bit natural coding scheme: SNR based

15 Effectiveness of Channel Spoofing
Prediction accuracy against a 128-bit key by dropping least confident bits based on quantization boundaries (natural coding) with 12dB power ratio and 20% dropping rate, the chance that Channel Spoofer would predict the remaining 80% bits (∼102 bits) with no error is Number of tries: 2 ∗ 10^8 vs 3 ∗ 10^38

16 Preempt Countermeasures
Countermeasures against Channel Spoofing Analyses of Power and Channel Statistics - Monitor abrupt power changes. - Tell the artificial channel generated by channel spoofer. Using a Protector Transient and non-transient PHY Signatures

17 Countermeasure: Protector
Alice Bob Carol: channel Spoofer Protector .) Does a Channel Spoofer create similar channels across space? If so, can we use a third party Protector to detect this abnormity?

18 Countermeasure: Protector
Alice Bob 3m 20cm 10cm Channel Spoofer Protector Protector does not help to tell the presence of a Channel Spoofer

19 Countermeasure: PARADIS-kNN
PARADIS-kNN does not help to tell the presence of a Channel Spoofer

20 Conclusion This work demonstrates fined-grained channel information can be easily controlled and predicted Channel reciprocity based secret sharing are vulnerable to our proposed attack

21 Q&A Thanks

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