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The Presumption on the Causes of Allergies by the Food Elements

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1 The Presumption on the Causes of Allergies by the Food Elements
(食品成分에 依한 알레르기 發生原因의 推論)

2 Food Allergy Study Study Concept
   Study Concept * Clinical Concept → Improve on Molecular Life Chemistry * Release ← Arachidonic Acid in Lipid Mediators by Cycloxygenase PGD2, PGD1(Linenic Acid) PGD3(EPA, DHA) Lipoxygenase Leukotriene C4(Allergnic) Enhanced Food Antigen & Protection * Gastric Acid ← Neutralization * Digestive Enzyme ← Annihilation * Mucus ← Antioxydant * Anti-microbe Peptide ← Anti-microbe Substance * Lysozyme ← Basophil Peptide *Trefoil Peptide ← Maintenance & Repair Injury barrier Function

3 Allergy & Food Elements
   Factors of Allergen * Protein … Acidic Amino Acid Terminals (*Non-Gluten: Flour 5.4a/1b. V-Gluten 9.9a/1b) * Pollen … Acidic Saps * Insect … Formic Acid * Lipid … Carboxylic Acid * Anion Minerals … P, Cl, S Ache Substance in Proteinoid body * Acidic ache (Eosinophil state) Ex) Cancer constitution (compare with Cytoplasm) P … 20∼80 Fe… 50∼2,000 S …100∼1,400 Ca … -

4 Condition of Earth Life
   Plants Animals Productive Living Consumable Living (Synthetic, Polymerization) (Depolymerization, Decompose) Acidic Constitution (pH. 4-5) Basic constitution pH ) Main Minerals P.Cl.S Main Minerals Ca, Fe, Zn, Cu Constitution Carbohydrate Constitution Protein

5 Relationship with Food Elements and Human Body
Constitution Protein …… Body structure, Enzyme Carbohydrate ….. Energy Lipid ….. Cell (Phospholipid) Vitamin ….. Addition Physiological Effect Mineral ….. Basic Physiological Function Imbalanced Factor of Food Elements in Body Protein …. Acid & basic, sulfuric amino acids, Proline, Hydroxyproline Lipid …… Fatty acid Mineral ….. Acid & basic ion Balance Decomposition (Digestion) of Foods in Mouth(pH:6.8), Stomach(pH:1.5∼2.5), Doudenum(pH:6.8), Small & large Intestine (pH: 6.8)

6 Deal with Allergic Food in present
Vegetable Diets Wheat Flour. Corn Flour. Rice. Peanut. Sesame. Tomato. Flesh Diets Milk. Egg. Pork. Beef. Mackerel. Fish Meal. Casein. Gelatin. Fish Scale

7 Peptide bond of Amino acid

8 Molecular Structure of Amino Acid

9 Digesting of Protein by Enzyme

10 Amino Acid Composition of Allergenic Food
Mol.Wt Milk. Whole(3.4%) Egg Whole(12.7%) Egg Whole(12.3%) content real cont. real Term. Asp 133 55.6 0.317 0.0024 9.6 1.142 0.0086 640 1.222 0.0092 Glu 147 104.9 0.598 0.0041 12.7 1.510 0.0102 800 1.527 0.0104 Lys 146 52.4 0.299 0.0020 7.0 0.832 0.0057 580 1.107 0.0076 Arg 174 19.7 0.112 0.0006 6.1 0.725 0.0042 400 0.764 0.0044 Cys/2 120 9.2 0.052 0.0004 5.9 0.702 0.0058 160 0.305 0.0026 Met 149 12.0 0.068 0.0005 3.4 0.404 0.0027 210 0.401 Ser 105 29.0 0.165 0.0016 7.6 0.904 430 0.821 0.0078 Thr 119 28.9 0.0014 5.1 0.606 0.0051 290 0.554 0.0047 Ala 89 21.4 0.122 0.0079 360 0.687 0.0077 Gly 75 8.8 0.050 0.0007 3.3 0.392 0.0052 0.0053 Ile 131 32.0 0.182 6.3 0.749 340 0.649 0.0050 Leu 58.1 0.331 0.0025 1.046 0.0080 550 1.050 Val 117 32.8 0.187 6.9 0.0070 420 0.802 0.0069 Phe 165 27.0 0.154 0.0009 5.7 0.678 320 0.611 0.0037 Trp 204 11.3 0.065 0.0003 1.7 0.202 0.0010 74 0.141 Tyr 181 30.2 0.172 4.2 0.499 0.0028 260 0.496 0.0055 Pro 115 40.8 0.233 0.0043 240 0.458 0.0040 His 155 16.2 0.092 2.4 0.285 0.0018

11 Amino Acid Composition of Allergenic Food
Mol.Wt Egg White(10.4%) Egg York(15.3%) Wheat Flour(8.9%) content real cont. real Term. Asp 133 670 1.0450 0.0079 590 1.4921 0.0112 4.5 0.4146 Glu 147 850 1.3257 0.0090 730 1.8461 0.0126 36.1 3.3260 Lys 146 430 0.6707 0.0046 470 1.1886 0.0081 2.0 0.1843 Arg 174 370 0.5771 0.0033 440 1.1127 0.0064 4.1 0.3777 Cys/2 120 200 0.3120 0.0026 130 0.3288 0.0028 Met 149 250 0.3999 160 0.4046 0.0027 1.1 0.1013 Ser 105 410 0.6395 0.0061 450 1.1380 0.0108 4.3 0.3962 Thr 119 280 0.4367 0.0037 300 0.7588 2.3 0.2120 Ala 89 390 0.6083 0.0068 320 0.8093 0.0091 2.8 0.2580 Gly 75 230 0.3587 0.0048 190 0.4805 3.3 0.3040 Ile 131 350 0.5459 0.0042 330 0.8345 3.2 0.2948 Leu 560 0.8734 0.0067 540 1.3656 0.0104 6.7 0.6178 Val 117 460 0.7175 380 0.9610 0.0082 3.6 0.3318 Phe 165 0.5927 0.0036 260 0.6575 0.0040 5.3 0.4883 Trp 204 98 0.1528 0.0007 90 0.2276 0.0011 1.2 0.1106 Tyr 181 0.3899 0.0022 4.0 0.3685 Pro 115 240 0.3743 0.6322 0.0055 8.4 0.7739 His 155 0.0025 1.7 0.1566

12 Amino Acid Composition of Allergenic Food
Mol.Wt Corn Flour(8.2%) Rice polished(6.8%) Peanut(23.4%) - yeoju - content real cont. real Term. Asp 133 7.77 0.6436 570 0.644 0.0048 53.64 3.396 0.0255 Glu 147 24.12 1.9978 1100 1.243 0.0085 9.53 0.603 0.0041 Lys 146 1.81 0.1499 220 0.249 0.0017 18.59 1.177 0.0081 Arg 174 4.40 0.3644 480 0.542 0.0031 71.60 4.533 0.0261 Cys/2 120 140 0.158 0.0014 3.16 0.200 Met 149 2.59 0.2145 150 0.170 0.0011 Trace - Ser 105 5.70 0.4721 300 0.339 0.0032 24.51 1.552 0.0148 Thr 119 2.57 0.2129 210 0.237 0.0020 10.40 0.001 0.0000 Ala 89 7.78 0.6444 340 0.384 0.0043 18.31 1.159 0.0130 Gly 75 2.85 0.2361 280 0.316 0.0042 26.41 1.672 0.0223 Ile 131 9.08 0.7521 250 0.283 0.0022 13.12 0.831 0.0063 Leu 4.15 0.3437 500 0.565 30.80 0.950 0.0149 Val 117 2.07 0.1715 380 0.429 0.0037 16.60 1.051 0.0010 Phe 165 330 0.373 0.0023 23.64 1.497 0.0090 Trp 204 87 0.098 0.0005 12.94 0.883 Tyr 181 3.89 0.3222 0.0016 Pro 115 11.93 0.9881 270 0.305 0.0027 24.75 1.567 0.0136 His 155 160 0.181 0.0012 11.58 0.733 0.0047

13 Amino Acid Composition of Allergenic Food
Mol.Wt Sesame(19.8%) -white Sesame(19.8%) -Black Pork, Loin(20.3%) Content real cont. real Term. content Asp 133 5.7 1.146 0.0086 480 1.7131 0.0129 610 1.9851 0.0149 Glu 147 16.5 3.317 0.0226 1100 3.9257 0.0267 970 3.1566 0.0215 Lys 146 2.6 0.523 0.0004 170 0.6067 0.0042 570 1.8549 0.0127 Arg 174 11.4 2.292 0.0132 730 2.6053 0.0150 400 1.3017 0.0075 Cys/2 120 1.4 0.281 0.0024 140 0.4996 72 0.2343 0.0020 Met 149 2.9 0.583 0.0039 190 0.6781 0.0046 180 0.5858 Ser 105 4.9 0.985 0.0094 250 0.8922 0.0085 240 0.7810 0.0074 Thr 119 4.0 0.804 0.0068 210 0.7495 0.0063 290 0.9437 0.0079 Ala 89 4.6 0.925 0.0104 270 0.9636 0.0108 360 1.1715 Gly 75 10.1 2.030 0.0171 1.0350 0.0138 0.8786 0.0117 Ile 131 3.7 0.744 0.0057 220 0.7851 0.0060 310 1.0088 0.0077 Leu 5.8 1.166 0.0089 1.4275 0.0109 510 1.6597 Val 117 5.6 1.126 0.0096 0.0088 330 1.0739 0.0092 Phe 165 0.0058 0.8136 0.0049 Trp 204 1.9 0.382 98 0.3497 0.0017 76 0.2473 0.0012 Tyr 181 0.0044 160 0.5710 0.0032 0.7159 0.0040 Pro 115 6.0 1.206 0.0105 260 0.8461 His 155 2.5 0.503 0.0037 320 1.0414 0.0067

14 Amino Acid Composition of Allergenic Food
Mol.Wt Pork, Tenderloin(18.2%) Beef, Loin(21.2%) Tomato(0.7%) Content real cont. real Term. content Asp 133 530 1.6433 0.0124 610 2.0835 0.0157 650 0.8634 0.0007 Glu 147 860 2.6664 0.0181 980 3.3472 0.0228 2300 0.3055 0.0021 Lys 146 480 1.4882 0.0102 580 1.9810 0.0136 240 0.0319 0.0002 Arg 174 410 1.2712 0.0073 390 1.3320 0.0077 170 0.0226 0.0001 Cys/2 120 83 0.2573 73 0.2493 91 0.0121 Met 149 150 0.4651 0.0031 0.5806 0.0039 53 0.0070 0.0000 Ser 105 210 0.6511 0.0062 260 0.8880 0.0085 200 0.0266 0.0003 Thr 119 0.7441 0.0063 300 1.0246 0.0086 160 0.0213 Ala 89 1.2092 370 1.2637 0.0142 Gly 75 500 1.5503 0.0207 290 0.9905 0.0132 Ile 131 0.8061 0.0076 140 0.0186 Leu 460 1.4262 0.0109 520 1.7761 0.0279 Val 117 0.9302 0.0080 310 1.0589 0.0090 0.0020 Phe 165 220 0.6821 0.0041 0.0054 Trp 204 67 0.1077 0.0010 74 0.2527 0.0012 46 0.0061 Tyr 181 0.5171 0.0029 0.7514 0.0042 100 0.0133 Pro 115 340 0.0542 0.0092 His 155 0.6101 0.0040 250 0.8539 0.0055 0.0160

15 Amino Acid Composition of Allergenic Food
Mol.Wt Mackerel(19.9%) Acidic Amino Acid / Basic Amino Acid rate Content real cont. real Term. Food A-amino B-amino A/B Cys/2 Pro. Asp 133 1471 1.53 0.011 Milk.whole(3.4%) 0.0065 0.0026 2.5/1 0.0004 0.0020 Glu 147 2965 3.09 0.021 Egg.whole(12.7%) 0.0188 0.0099 1.9/1 0.0058 0.0043 Lys 146 1564 1.63 Egg.whole(12.3%) 0.0196 0.0120 1.6/1 0.0040 Arg 174 1164 1.21 0.007 Egg.white(10.4%) 0.0169 0.0079 2.1/1 0,0026 0.0033 120 190 0.20 0.002 Egg.york(15.3%) 0.0238 0.0145 0.0028 0.0055 Met 149 543 0.57 0.004 Wheat.flour(8.9%) 0.0258 0.0034 7.8/1 0.0015 0.0067 Ser 105 713 0.74 Corn.flour(8.2%) 0.0184 0.0031 5.9/1 0.0086 Thr 119 889 0.93 0.008 Rice.polish(6.8%) 0.0133 0.0048 2.8/1 0.0014 0.0027 Ala 89 0.014 Peanut(23.4%) 0.0296 0.0342 0.9/1 0.0017 0.0136 Gly 75 1140 1.19 0.016 Sesame-W(19.8%) 0.0312 2.3/1 0.0024 0.0068 Ile 131 943 0.98 Sesame-B(19.8%) 0.0396 0.0192 0.0042 Leu 1546 1.61 0.012 Pork.loin(20.3%) 0.0364 0.0202 1.8/1 0.0074 Val 117 1109 1.56 0.013 Pork.tender(18.2%) 0.0300 0.0175 1.7/1 0.0021 0.0092 Phe 165 790 0.82 0.005 Beef.loin(21.2%) 0.0385 0.213 0.0077 Trp 204 220 0.23 0.001 Beef.tender( ) 0.0172 0.0019 0.0088 Tyr 181 670 0.70 Tomato(0.7%) 0.0003 9.3/1 0.0001 0.0002 Pro 115 669 0.006 0.032 0.018 His 155 1248 1.30

16 Comparison of Isolated Protein
Mol.Wt Gelatin(88.8%) Casein(100%) Fish mill(97%) Content real cont. real Term. content Asp 133 5.80 5.1504 6.42 18.63 18.071 Glu 147 10.51 9.3329 21.55 14.42 13.987 Lys 146 3.85 3.4188 6.80 6.69 6.4893 Arg 174 7.63 6.7754 3.15 1.74 1.6878 Cys/2 120 Met 149 0.84 0.7459 2.77 4.43 4.2971 Ser 105 2.92 2.5929 5.54 5.42 5.2574 Thr 119 1.90 1.6872 4.03 3.30 3.2010 Ala 89 9.56 8.4893 3.02 8.04 7.7988 Gly 75 21.15 1.89 10.17 9.8649 Ile 131 1.38 1.2254 4.53 2.21 2.1437 Leu 3.36 2.9837 9.08 6.60 6.4020 Val 117 2.05 1.8204 5.92 2.98 2.8906 Phe 165 2.01 1.7849 4.78 2.67 2.5899 Trp 204 Tyr 181 0.31 0.2753 5.41 3.03 2.9391 Pro 115 14.92 12.35 4.56 4.4232 His 155 0.61 0.5417 2.12 2.0564

17 Comparison of Isolated Protein
Mol.Wt Fish Scale Protein(100%) Acidic Amino Acid / Basic Amino Acid rate Content real cont. real Term. Food A-amino B-amino A/B Cys/2 Pro. Asp 133 4.71 4.740 0.0356 I.S.P 0.938 0.0401 2.3/1 0.0415 Glu 147 7.47 7.517 0.0512 Milk Casein 0.1949 0.0647 3/1 0.1074 Lys 146 2.33 2.345 0.0161 Gelatin-pork 0.1022 0.0624 1.6/1 0.1152 Arg 174 4.46 4.669 0.0268 Gluten-vital 0.0269 0.0027 9.9/1 0.0123 120 - Fish mill 0.2310 0.0542 4.3/1 0.0385 Met 149 1.35 1.359 0.0091 Fish scale 0.0868 0.0429 2/1 0.1843 Ser 105 4.04 4.067 0.0387 Thr 119 2.59 2.606 0.0219 Ala 89 11.27 11.341 0.1274 Gly 75 31.99 32.193 0.4292 Ile 131 0.97 0.976 0.0075 Leu 2.02 2.033 0.0155 Val 117 2.09 2.103 0.0180 Phe 165 1.48 1.489 0.0090 Trp 204 Tyr 181 0.47 0.473 0.0026 Pro 115 21.06 21.194 His 155 0.89 0.896 0.0058

18 Assertion & Possibility
   Homocysteine *** Aetiologic Substance of the generation of Cardiopathy (원인불질) (심장병) →Possible down the homocysteine figure by L-arginine * Journal of Nutrition –Dr. Seiler West; Pennsylvania Uni.

19 Lipid Composition of Allergic Food
* Triglyceride → 3 Fatty Acid + Glycerin * Fatty Acid → Saturated (migrate badly) Unsaturated (migrate smoothly) ω-6 …Linolenic Acid, Arachidonic Acid ω-3 … EPA, DHA ** Arachidic Acid → Leucotriene:LT → Allergy, Asthma, Inflammation, etc. * Fatty Acid → S.F.A … C1∼C4 M.F.A … C6∼C12 L.F.A … C14∼C22

20 Structure of Fatty Acid Molecular

21 Process of Neurotransmitter
Phospholipid (Lecithin) Exchange Trans-Fat with Unsat-Fat on -position of Phospholipide

22 Fatty Acid Composition of Allergenic Food
Milk, whole (3.2%) Egg, whole (11.2%) Egg, white(0.1%) F.A Mol.Wt. content Real cont. -COOH Real cont 14:0 228.36 10.0 0.3309 0.0014 0.5 0.0565 0.6 16:0 256.42 30.4 1.0060 0.0039 25.5 2.8790 29.6 18:0 284.47 14.9 0.4931 0.0013 8.6 0.9710 15.9 14:1 226.36 - 0.1 0.0113 0.9 16:1 254.40 1.4 0.0464 0.0002 3.3 0.3726 2.9 18:1 282.45 28.6 0.9464 0.0034 45.3 5.1145 30.9 18:2ω6 280.44 3.4 0.1125 0.0004 12.6 1.4226 8.8 18:3ω6 278.42 0.3 0.0099 0.0000 0.8 20:4ω6 304.46 0.2 0.0066 20:5ω3 310.50 1.0 0.0001 2.2 0.2484 1.7 20:6ω3 338.56 0.0331 0.0010 0.0903 4:0 0.7 0.0232 0.0003 6:0 0.0265 8:0 0.0020 10:0 0.0563 12:0 2.6 0.0860 Total 96.7 99.2 94.8 S/uS .0078/ (1.6/1) .01489/.0260 (1 /1.8) .00018/ (1/1.8)

23 Fatty Acid Composition of Allergenic Food
Egg, york (32.6%) Flour, whole (2.2%) GMO-Corn & Soy bean F.A Mol.Wt. content Real cont. -COOH Real cont 14:0 228.36 - 0.09 0.0020 16:0 256.42 27.29 8.897 0.0347 19.37 0.4261 18:0 284.47 1.80 0.587 0.0021 0.93 0.0205 14:1 226.36 16:1 254.40 2.40 0.782 0.0031 0.11 0.0024 18:1 282.45 41.30 13.464 0.0477 12.27 0.2699 18:2ω6 280.44 9.90 3.227 0.0115 62.98 1.3856 18:3ω6 278.42 14.40 4.694 0.0169 3.61 0.0794 20:4ω6 304.46 20:5ω3 310.50 2.91 0.949 20:6ω3 338.56 4:0 6:0 8:0 10:0 12:0 Total 100 S/uS 386 / 823 (1 /2.13) / (1 / 3.5)

24 Fatty Acid Composition of Allergenic Food
Rice, polished (1.1%) Peanut (49.5%) Sesame, white (50.9%) F.A Mol.Wt. content Real cont. -COOH Real cont 14:0 228.36 1.4 0.016 - 16:0 256.42 28.2 0.322 11.3 5.599 0.0218 8.9 4.530 18:0 284.47 1.9 0.022 3.4 1.685 0.0059 5.0 2.545 14:1 226.36 16:1 254.40 0.3 0.003 0.1 0.050 0.0002 0.051 18:1 282.45 22.7 0.259 43.5 21.554 0.0763 39.2 19.953 18:2ω6 280.44 40.3 0.460 36.5 18.086 0.0645 45.6 23.210 18:3ω6 278.42 1.3 0.015 0.153 20:4ω6 304.46 1.5 0.743 0.0024 0.6 0.305 20:5ω3 310.50 0.9 0.446 0.0014 0.2 0.102 20:6ω3 338.56 2.6 1.288 0.0038 4:0 89.05 6:0 117.17 8:0 145.22 10:0 173.28 0.001 12:0 201.33 Total 96.3 99.9 100 S/uS / (1 /1.9) .277 /.1488 (1 / 5.4) .2662 / (1 / 5)

25 Fatty Acid Composition of Allergenic Food
Sesame, black (50.7%) Pork, loin (4.6%) Pork, tenderloin (13.2%) F.A Mol.Wt. content Real cont. -COOH Real cont 14:0 228.36 - 1.5 0.069 0.0003 1.3 1.741 0.0076 16:0 256.42 9.4 4.771 26.7 1.227 0.0048 25.4 3.349 0.0131 18:0 284.47 5.1 2.588 12.3 0.565 0.0020 14.1 1.859 0.0065 14:1 226.36 16:1 254.40 0.1 0.051 3.3 0.152 0.0006 2.8 0.369 0.0015 18:1 282.45 36.3 18.423 44.7 2.054 0.0073 37.2 4.905 0.0174 18:2ω6 280.44 48.1 24.411 10.1 0.464 0.0017 17.3 2.281 0.0081 18:3ω6 278.42 0.3 0.153 0.4 0.018 0.0001 0.8 0.105 0.0004 20:4ω6 304.46 0.6 0.305 0.2 0.009 0.0000 0.040 20:5ω3 310.50 0.7 0.032 0.092 20:6ω3 338.56 4:0 89.05 6:0 117.17 8:0 145.22 10:0 173.28 0.005 0.013 12:0 201.33 Total 99.9 100.1 S/uS / (1 / 5.6) .0071 / (1 / 1.3) / (1 /2.4)

26 Fatty Acid Composition of Allergenic Food
Beef, loin -Kr- (14.1%) Beef. Tenderloin -K- 8.0%) Tomato (0.1%) F.A Mol.Wt. content Real cont. -COOH Real cont 14:0 228.36 2.8 0.4446 3.3 0.4 0.0004 16:0 256.42 21.1 3.3503 3.4 25.1 0.0256 18:0 284.47 10.3 1.6355 12.1 2.9 0.0030 14:1 226.36 1.1 0.1747 0.8 - 16:1 254.40 4.4 0.6986 18:1 282.45 45.8 7.2723 44.5 2.3 0.0023 18:2ω6 280.44 1.6 0.2541 1.5 20.9 0.0213 18:3ω6 278.42 0.1 0.0159 27.7 0.0282 20:4ω6 304.46 0.0001 20:5ω3 310.50 0.2382 1.4 0.1671 16.8 0.0171 20:6ω3 338.56 0.0016 4:0 89.05 6:0 117.17 8:0 145.22 10:0 173.28 12:0 201.33 Total 88.8 68.0 98.2 S/uS / (1 /1.5) / (1 / 2.5) / (1 / 2.4)

27 Fatty Acid Composition of Allergenic Food
Mackerel (7.5%) uS-Fatty acid / S-Fatty acid rate of Allergy Food F.A Mol.Wt. content Real cont. -COOH Food uS-F.A S-F.A uS/S rate 14:0 228.36 4.1 0.36 1.58 Milk. Whole(3.2%) 0.0049 0.0079 1/1.6 16:0 256.42 16.4 1.47 5.73 Egg.whole(11.2%) 0.0260 0.0149 1.8/1 18:0 284.47 5.9 0.53 1.86 Egg.white(0.1%) 0.0003 0.0002 14:1 226.36 - Egg. York(32.6%) 0.0733 0.0403 16:1 254.40 5.2 0.47 1.85 Flour. Whole(2.2%) 0.0062 0.0018 3.5/1 18:1 282.45 20.7 6.59 Corn flour(4.1%) 0.0125 0.0023 5.4/1 18:2ω6 280.44 1.0 0.09 0.32 Rice. Polished(1.1%) 0.0026 0.0014 1.9/1 18:3ω6 278.42 0.5 0.05 0.18 Peanut(49.5%) 0.1488 0.0277 20:4ω6 304.46 7.5 0.68 2.23 Sesame-W(50.9%) 1.4459 0.0266 5/1 20:5ω3 310.50 6.5 0.59 1.90 Sesmae-B(50.7%) 1.4540 5.6/1 20:6ω3 338.56 15.5 1.4 Pork.loin(4.6%0 0.0098 0.0071 1.3/1 4:0 89.05 Pork. Tender(13.2%) 0.0278 0.0272 1/1 6:0 117.17 Beef.Loin-Kr.(14.1%) 0.0311 0.0208 1.5/1 8:0 145.22 Beef.tender-Kr(8.0%) 0.0206 0.0083 2.5/1 10:0 173.28 Tomato(0.1%) 0.0001 2.4/1 12:0 201.33 Mckerel(7.5%) 17.21 9.17 Total 83.3 S/uS 9.17 /17.21 (1 / 1.88)

28 Effects between Amino acid, Fatty acid, Mineral in Allergy Food
+ / - rate A-A B-A rate Cys.1/2 Pro uS-F S-F Na K Ca Mg P S Cl Milk, whole 0.007 0.003 2.5/1 0.001 0.002 0.0049 0.0079 1/1.6 50 160 120 14 95 29 98 +2.73 Egg, whole 0.019 0.010 1.9/1 0.006 0.004 0.0260 0.0149 1.8/1 135 138 56 12.3 218 173 159 -16.2 Egg, white 0.017 0.008 2.1/1 0.0003 0.0002 192 148 5.0 10.7 38 183 170 -5.41 Egg, york 0.024 0.015 1.6/1 0.0733 0.0403 123 131 14.9 495 165 33 -30.1 Flour, whol 0.026 7.5/1 0.0062 0.0018 3.5/1 3.4 361 36 106 340 - -3.03 Corn flour 5.9/1 52 61 15 7.2 39 1.1 71 +0.58 Rice, polish 0.013 0.005 2.8/1 0.0026 0.0014 6.3 113 3.7 13.1 99 18 27 -3.84 Peqanut 0.030 0.034 0.9/1 0.014 0.1488 0.0277 5.4/1 5.6 680 181 365 377 6.8 -11.7 Sesame-W 0.031 2.3/1 1.4459 0.0266 5 / 1 Sesame,-B 0.040 0.020 1.4540 5.6/1 Pork, loin 0.037 0.0098 0.0071 1.3/1 69 334 5.4 24.5 276 202 70 -18.6 Pork, tend. 0.018 1.7/1 0.009 0.0278 0.0272 1 / 1 Beef, loin 0.039 0.021 0.0311 0.0208 1.5/1 1120 345 15.6 104 174 1770 -7.92 Beef, tend. 0.0206 0.0083 Tomato 9.3/1 0.0001 2.4/1 2.8 288 13 11 21 51 +5.58 Mackerel 0.032 17.21 9.17 153 418 28 34 280 210 114 -12.9 I.S.P 0.094 0.042 Milk Casen 0.195 0.065 3 / 1 0.108 Gelatin-pok 0.102 0.062 0.116 Gluten, vit. 0.027 9.9/1 0.012 Fish mill 0.231 0.054 4.3/1 Fish scale 0.087 0.043 2 / 1 0.184

29 Reserch-1 Conjecture of the generating Food Allergy

30 Reserch-2 Cause the exposure Allergy * Isolated Fish Scale Protein
Excess contained A.A (A-2/B-1) and Proline(5/1-fish mill) * Tomato Allergy May be influence A.A & F.A in spite of Alkali condition * Glucan Effect…… Increase immunologic, Improve intestinal bacteria Improve allergic rhinitis, Pollen allergy, allergic cutitis 1                                                                                                      His-Ser-Gln-Gly-Thr-Phe-Thr-Ser-Asp-Tyr-Ser-Lys-Tyr-Leu-Asp-Ser-Arg-Arg-Ala- 20                                                             29 Gln-Asp-Phe-Val-Gln-Tyr-Leu-Met-Asn-Tyr *** Eosinophil terminal … 3mol Basophil terminal … 3mol Neutrophil terminal … 3mol *** Practically insol. in water; sol. in acidic, basic media, i,e. below pH 3 and above pH 9.5.

31 Treatment Allergy    Absorptive Bivalent Cation Minerals * Bivalent Cation Mineral … Ca, Zn, Fe, Mg * Structure ……Chelated Mineral with Oligopeptide in immunology. Effect more toterogenic the soluble protein (mol.wt.800∼1,000) than particular granular antigens. . * Reaction …… Scavenger of Allergenic Terminal Eosinophil terminal: -COOH ← Basophil micro amino aqcid Virus activator:-PO3H ← Bivalent alkali mineral(Ca.Zn) → Neutralize to Salt * Antimicropeptide …… Eosiniphil Antigen → Basophil amino acid Basophil Antigen → Neutrophil amino acid MCs → Antioxidant

32 Food additives & Allergy
   Related Allergy Na-Glutaminate Lysozyme I.S.P Casein Gelatin Gluten Fish scale Related Cancer Na-Benzoate Color Perfume Synthetic Sweet

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