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Participants Introductions: Mark Lacelle-Peterson, AACTE Sr. Vice-President for Policy and Programs Moderator: Linda McKee, AACTE Senior Director of.

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Presentation on theme: "Participants Introductions: Mark Lacelle-Peterson, AACTE Sr. Vice-President for Policy and Programs Moderator: Linda McKee, AACTE Senior Director of."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Principal Pipeline: Assessing & Enhancing Commitment Webinar #3 November 12, 2015 (2:00 EST)

2 Participants Introductions: Mark Lacelle-Peterson, AACTE Sr. Vice-President for Policy and Programs Moderator: Linda McKee, AACTE Senior Director of Performance Measurement and Assessment Policy Panelists: Debra Morris, Assistant Professor & Program Director of the M.S.A. Program and co-facilitator of the CMS UNCC Aspiring High School Principals Program at UNC Charlotte. Michelle Young, Executive Director of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) and Professor of Educational Administration University of Virginia. Jevelyn Bonner-Reed, Director of Strategic Initiatives – Human Resources --Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools

3 Purpose of the Webinar Assessing and Enhancing Commitment
A discussion of issues and concerns related to planning, implementation, data collection, pre-assessment protocols, mentoring and assessment as well as the impact of the District and Partner activities on student learning, principal quality and school improvement.

4 Key questions Describe your work with the Principal Pipeline initiative. How have assessment and data analyses helped with program improvement, identification of principal candidates, professional development need for current principals, and principal impact on school climate and teacher performance? How do you use interviews and observations to improve leadership? What challenges have you faced in conducting assessment and in the use of findings for purposes of improvement? Can you give specific examples in which Data collection and resulting actions have enhanced commitment and improved school leadership?

5 Assessing Preparation Methods
How have you employed assessment and data analyses to help align preparation courses and the work of leadership in the schools? How have you engaged university faculty more closely with your work, standards development, and assessment? Please provide some examples of joint (provider- school district) change processes in leadership preparation, that are direct derivatives of the pipeline partnership.

6 The role of external constituents
How have state standards and requirements factored into your work with principal selection, preparation and professional development? What strategies have you found to be successful related to effective communication across all stake-holders? Has understanding of demands and needs across providers, partners and principals been enhanced? What are some tangible evidences of this change?

7 Lessons Learned What have you learned…
relative to partnerships joint assessments the change/improvement process in school leadership educational support and training student achievement that has occurred as a result of the Principal Pipeline initiative? What suggestions would you make to institutions (providers) and schools districts wishing to enter into partnerships? What have you done that you might have approached differently? What strategies have been highly successful? Finally, what have you learned about principal leadership that you would share as a major “take away” to all listening to this webinar and contemplating a new approach to principal preparation?

8 This webinar sponsored by:
For more information on the Principal Pipeline Initiative:


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