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Junipero Serra.

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1 Junipero Serra

2 BIOGRAPHY Junipero grew up in Petra, a small town in Mallorca, where he started to be a missionary around Spain, then became a novice at the Convento de Jesus in September There he study theology and philosophy. Experts estimate it was sometime between 1737 and Serra then devoted much of his time to teaching. In 1742, he earned his doctorate in theology from Lullian University.

3 MISSIONARY IN MEXICO In 1749,he traveled first to Mexico, landing in Vera Cruz and walked 250 miles to Mexico City, where along the way he suffered an injury to his leg, which would cause him pain the rest of his days in the new land. Serra played many different roles at the College of San Fernando. He also continued his preaching on several different missions, including to Puebla and Oaxaca. After Mexico he went to the north of America, exactly in the west coast, in the actually Santa Barbara, San Francisco, LA…

4 CALIFORNIA MISSIONS Serra stablished his first mission in San Fernando de Velicatá in May Moving further north, he founded another mission in San Diego, was the first of nine missions he created in what is present-day California. Serra spent the rest of his life devoted to his evangelical work in the region. In trying to bring his religion to the Native Americans sometimes led to clashes with his own Spanish government.

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