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English Terms from Mythology

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1 English Terms from Mythology
This Powerpoint will provide information needed for the worksheet questions labeled Group B.

2 Academy, academic A man named Academus lived in Athens, Greece. The great teacher Plato chose Academus’ garden to be the place of his lectures. Because they met there, Plato’s students were called “the academic group,” and Plato’s school was called “the Academy.”

3 Achilles heel, Achilles tendon
Achilles was a great warrior who fought in the Trojan War on the side of the Greeks. When he was born, his mother discovered that his fate was to die in combat. She tried to make him impervious to weapons by dipping him in the sacred river Styx. In order to do that, she had to hold him by one heel, and that part didn’t get wet. During combat on the fields of Troy, Paris, prince of Troy, shot and arrow at Achilles. The god Apollo guided the arrow into the one place where Achilles could be hurt, his heel. He died.

4 sirens The Sirens had the heads of beautiful women and the bodies of birds. They lived on a rocky island in the sea. Their voices were enchanting, and everyone who heard them sing was drawn to them. Sailors would sail their ships onto the rocks and drown, trying to hear more of their lovely singing. Most people who heard them sing died. There are only two stories of survivors. On their famous adventure, Jason and the Argonauts heard the Sirens. They fought the sound but eventually were overcome and began to sail their ship toward the rocky coast. Fortunately, Orpheus was on board. Orpheus was a musician and singer of such skill that he broke the spell of the Sirens, and the sailors brought their ship, the Argo, back on course. Odysseus, hero of the Odyssey, had been warned in advance about the Sirens. He plugged the ears of his crew with beeswax, so they couldn’t hear the captivating sound. But Odysseus himself wanted to hear the singing, so he had his men tie him to the mast. When the ship drew near the island, he was enchanted by the singing. Moving his head, he gestured to his men to untie him and let him swim to the island. Instead, they tied him even tighter. He begged, he pleaded, and as they sailed beyond the island, he wept. As they sailed further away, he returned to his senses.

5 titanic The Titans were a race of gods who lived before Zeus and the other Olympians. They were very big and very strong. Some of the most famous Titans were Cronus, Rhea, Ocean, Hyperion, Atlas, Epimetheus, and Prometheus, who gave fire to humans. Cronus and Rhea were the parents of Zeus and other Olympian gods and goddesses. Cronus knew that one of his children was destined to overthrow him. As each child was born, he swallowed it. When Zeus was born though, Rhea wrapped a stone in a baby blanket and gave that to Cronus instead. She hid Zeus on an island. When he became an adult, he forced Cronus to disgorge the stone and his five brothers and sisters: Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, and Demeter. Then he waged a terrible war against Cronus and the Titans. After he won, he sentenced them to cruel punishments.

6 zeal Zelos was the god of zeal or great enthusiasm. He was the brother of Nike, the winged goddess of victory, and it seems appropriate that they go together. After all, how can you win at something if you don’t give it your enthusiasm?

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